Till- 111- RAID Wednesday June Win McDonalds Gift Certificates and Watches Get your crayons and felt markers going to win Gift Certificates for delicious food at McDonalds En tries will be udged on and each month there II be a draw for a unique Ronald McDonald Watch Enter as often as you like Send The Herald Main SI South Georgetown Ontario NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE AGE RED CROSS Water Safety Week We do it oil for you June 4 LAST WEEKS WINNERS I VIRGO Hum Willi an import iti j oil will III n I IHRA iw inttnst pnssibls a Sep trip I Inn in i unlr starts pi in fillip Hi li in hidden sn in well SCORPIO r i VmV Mill ft Dint should kan Nov in si Id il mfr with AIKKOKN ir 1 i ii In ji rt t I ml our Mil ARILS In at 1 is si sou it In IB in mi utile pin i pi inn pin in lilt imrusiriinls rt il tslil dul l9Mjr mis in be si tuni lor few davs II I hi i torn V ANN LANDERS Marriage advice Dear Arm I in my ince is Mi folks phnnini big church J I pregninl I II be three months ilnng ilk ihwr Mom would I ktri il slit be wild Do you think It mill I i girdle Hid ii Ink i lot hold mi Il rush jour mswer in paper I i in i 1 mi gelling tiller from you is lear Sorry I can In Ip mm I n I know If are slim or whether pounds like they re to a Ihtv fur hospital to deliver pulling anythlngoirr even llihl r mom he Iruth and ask It It Ann lmdirs I is very m ich i I y remarks token from Iht lortlind On Although win written wilh liunii r conn under the lit if sllgglslirnth Itixprtssesprt list Is swr if nil m my ly li mijh mi ft I I numbers of mply pt ws In addition to iht rots identify hypocrites I- islt r lilies mil is ii be a good In station it Mir r irlcndirs ind f v mi i atleastoiifritndls smilt wind nil first or second or llnrrli limr Sign mt Hit Dear Husband I ni printing It i the hope Hut II produce frli smile- in the the for In turleiidrrs Dear I found llns r isli in lliblepisstdi lomi by in r r Iff- lir r whin sin mirnid in III linpi you will it print Dear I look fori ird to sour in on tills ml find It jusla you ilioii In I i of It hi bend little lhan lt llcllnelhr Hie ri ii of up or down lo opinion of true frlrmlslilp Is tlir ailing relationship The person to and klndmssti lie jour please hand this IK r and children children Pit change Ihe more the are the saint rum IHMf llraiillful tin Is Many lhanks for sharing In deal Willi lid ding nngtr Marmot in I prepare you for belter or or worse nqiti Mo Ann lainiiers TO llii in coin a long si If add resscdinvilopt We all suffer a burden I I its human Itndcncy soon is Iroubk befalls us we Automatically it i art Iht only ones tarrying Iht It wasjiirtiilnly Irui In my case us lliavt spint the last four Sundays in Memorial Hospital I have to thi that dirt bikes and members of my household art true of should have broken bones leg npptd knit ind torn inkle liftdmints of Irlps lo hi hospital and tin miount of spent thin I igam became aari of how misfortune there is us Hire bit of what 1 mean There is intMl yiar old gentleman brought in with four fingers he id Ixen working on in electric lawn mower Motorcycle are lomtmni plate inn body for Ihi llu summer at young nurse was tilling mi of Ihe recenl time lhat hit her household Her husband broke both tegs in a motorcycle I fi hayloft and broke her shoulder her son had his kg broken when hit with a bill the kg didn I set right and will require furlhir surgery During the period the Imijs in developed a twist in lhat reiuirts another eontamlnattd mil Most libit the down the ivt of broken lit skiing In gin from ill Hi it Hit hum in body is really Hung if dropped on losstil or be jit I In Inn Hints it ml body is lo wholi healthy Irhini so m ins people in d from Mirt is ri illy worth in phi I Out only all rigul of the sport I somt rs foolish have Ihriiwn in in i sir ii or two Someone has du pit mil em rid il tr iss and Iv mil filled the s urn with pues of tin On the subject of youi up with an infeclion requir lighting ng antibiotics rht mil blow for nurst wlim she develoHd over her arms In blood vessels in broking inn ixacllj whit il is or se msmg it ill look pi withm tht 1 jear i illness ilxiut il is ihiiifh flit mgs fairness or of things and this rage without reason appears In burning schools and destroyed property a motto that seems lo say if you made It watch us rip it iport lasy answers I don know any Perhaps this wasted lime of youth will more I or the children of these angry ones today I know of no lime period In history the older generation did not find the younger generation and per haps on a wide scale things arc not as had as they appear on the surface At my rate the kind of minds that dig a it to witch someone get injund arc irrtiiinly missing something only wish it is possible for us to bout put a stop to their anger bee I ilislits on vindalism and violence lien an interesting item Tom Hansen of Colo is suing his for Tills angry young man maintains his troubles started whin and his two bisters from prep school for His father became so upset that he took a neck off work ind set Ihe kids to weeding lawns and i session lectures with two meals of a dij with no milk m it If mscn it he lias not been able to a job it reminds htm his rather So now he s suing his parents says my suit will say lo parents they tunc to respect their kids they are Individuals thai need prnacy space and rights US in there is Now isk you whit kind of a kettle of fish is lhal How a suit got off Ihe In turn soungstt ground is beyond me Picture next few If is more one ye with children such as the suing ost utilities lodiy p If you have any solutions or afford suggestions 1 II be only too glad to publish in bin second in next week column Canada gave Onassis his start Mi ell ind mil I til AimiIIU I Ihil I mid Ihil iiiiIiiiiii ON THE HOME FRONT A maple leaf for the Turks and Caicos Its SI SVMlrl- t were rehtively w in condition irgainmt got fin illy for half mil less in scrap ilut Ik promptly ri sold of the I ht Jipi rn i hi igaiiLst ana 11 I his first midian wen not On in liMfi from liekidil 10 frig lies ludicmus terms help in irsividlht pis ill hour Hi whin t hi lequinti for a Renamed this flu pal ice became irresislitik magnet to which in in of II i world s rich See the big difference a small computer can make tod is s sin ill 1UM perform of import jobs foi distribution id of Returns from UN duty I in ins stay at home iht in iiIIim ft II by such is it bid million tin firsi Now ill this despitt i nil is I urn ltd Joe li I ml it the lib in siiimIhuiiI link Hall Mr rge and Knlb Arthurton lies the eh was held on kind of Mr Mrs ind li win guuts nl Mrs Hall on the Iin friends for hi i- Sun 1 will llin in Junt in July mil J rnk in ind its 1 will quit nlreat lb it irk iii On r ilon with I r tourists llul whin tonus to Hit winter months if id is I he idmg lor a brief sunny spite all politician my opinion wlitn so down lo Hit if our the Turks mils Two local contracts OH WW Hun Dm t town his won i 4MB lo Ihe gov lit si in 1 trnmint Willi pipir tin modify ofsutply mill Mid i I Ik with if the sinetl with Iht f rets for the lire numbers of the I inn hue in id tin i to serve in l inn inv I Iht inidiui Arctic iuil on mini of Nov I to it ton Dine at HAKKOI OF MILTON I i dnw on a down picnic List weekend Mr ind Hall Mr met Mrs Arlhur tin mil their imilics along wiihjuest Murray veiled the 1 ion at klon camp with Hikers group the of Ihe Hold from ut Iph in lo itttnd ret ir by simply Ihe IHM em r trH who mded lie tht ird of a provide tin ft in RYDERS TV SERVICE TOSHIBA QUASAR HITACHI MOORE PARK TV BtAT INHATIONtI FISH im 9 chips PARK PLAZA WITH THIS COUPON YOU GET CHIPS FREE WIIH ECE OF FISH Georgetown Block Parents Assoc GENERAL MEETING Tuesday June ELKS LODGE Branch MOUNTAINVIEW RD NORTH 800 PM FILM SPEAKER DISCUSSION ALL WELCOME Red Barrel Room IN THE HOTEL BRAMPTON Nightly June STURTZ NEXT WEEK BULLY The Pow Wow DINING ROOM JOE FIRTH HOTEL BRAMPTON