Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1978, p. 27

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Tilt Wednesday June Norval district news Dorothy McLean llrraldiorrthpondcnt There were nine tables of players present at last euchre evening of the I- it School Community entre on evening June Winners Vi tor high ladies and Bruce Cunningham second High men score was won by George Hurt with Doug second The most lone hinds prize wis won by Vi the draw prue donated Hash was won by A time with lunch ended enjovahle evening Thi e club i Undid one Brampton omens Institute bus trip to Kik irket Imir on I idic tin horn Mrs hint i half v pint irket which the ior it Stone rock rest lunch shopping is enjoyed s Okie Town ill ige mil ir stores in I- Imira followed with sinks tlmiri ind thin tour of the which i visit to bridge for s Mrs nit Iwuof the injoyibli pot link of I dm or Institute in in for thru were ihosen Mrs Davidson Hugh McFarlnne and Mrs Dorothy McLean had a hard time jude mg the entries in the crazy bed contest as they were all excellent however there was only one trophy which was finally awarded to the Flyers boll learn entry Their bed wis complete with hi id lights windshield steering wheel springs shock gas tank more features It won by point uver well decorated Optimists bed and the St Pauls Anglienn Church Couples Club with the contest included It dressed in long red nightgowns The Undid Church Couples Club contestants wen suit ibly dressed in night and the Wedding w is wilh the ind groom tridismnd minister lhe contestants of the Wedding Parly were 12 yearold girls of the Then thin was the Seoul bed whiehnn on J wheels it bilk and al the fruit and but no me least Ihere wer entries rum the Ihureh one by the group one by the Ones and Twos Club both well put together beds Rules for the Bed race included that there wen to be to i bed and three to push The r took pi iei on ill di fields it one wilding down to end then turning ind to thi Stirling lint The United Chureh Club Hit Hollers won nee unlearned off the trophy bill the have already been for next get i wheel buckled and slowed them down The race was over niuih too soon for the ehce Plans for lhe Hid nee with ribbons or 2nd and 3rd pi itt All contestants in the preschool race received elude i ints pi yoiitigt have to compete wilh ups fin pin with paradt from the Irisbvtin in down St lo the Community by Inn Mat his flute Scouts ball decora loiis i pon the mines for the Bed up the lime RUNNING RACE Grade Michelle Medley Grades Mark impbell Grades in SACK ridisl3 Grad Ion Smith Gndis7 KICK Kindt r Mirier Muff Kill allerno I hi i milium park to demon sir Hi me of the Scouting skills mil boys md girls enjoy id w on the swaying The I set up a i unit eonlest game lor tin of the youngs Brownies Cubs and Senilis hid displayed of their work ind Mrs Angela ili i e w iih two from her Yoga il iss put on a ill orchestra of Mrs Ivi liiwdsui Arilue Hob Armstrong provided muMi between activities and for a sing sung for the children busiest people the whole day were and In in mil Ihcir it the booth Ihiv wire kepi hopping keep up for ihi item for more liunburMrs hot dogs pie and drinks Squirts won the lull mine with a score of J 4 imr limchouse Mrs Sandra Kranendonk BAH THROW Grades 4G Sltplien rades 7J Hon ild Mel- irl me Mm IS Subject liAltmm 1AF Grades I ml and Stephen Grides J Colin Bill The tut of lr the ladies ll mill wis won by the men Tin draw was won by Mr I irge crowd had by dusk to see the fireworks displ ly which were bigger louder lhan this ir wilh Randy Bob in charge Art president of the Community Assoc us lhe Jamie Cun ion is pi busy seeing it smoothly His eommitlec of Bob and lveln Join irler Ias and Mary Bond Murray Joe Com ixx1 illd an job of fun day The weathtr is ideal all who altenfledffad good day Plans an id prui Ballinafad district news up inddirtonslnt ho- id of srmon Mr Stiles i riport on hi hi mint innfinnei lhe if SI I lorclown will Ii 1 m f ind Mrs mil pin ills ir in lo tin joungstirs on Burnett is thi ill d the field vlFli hihlifht of the ifternoon is hunt returned s mdpinnts or looking mother s lor kids nil It sLnrts it vtnmgs and at I luring I plir found in tin woods mil they hid a demonstration on hind controlled flung Ihev enjoyed swimming fun Tin and monlhlv iper drives endid for the summer but tin boys that you will ion linm sue papers for whin hey r in Scptimber Bis for im I thi their first tune wen enough There oach and no kept score of them bill they i I though trouble next day They hive umpire soon to Ik in to ihillenge mother i joining I idles 1 sday or Mrs Mary liobinson driving through Norvil it nlRht the new Gold ringer low pressure sodium lights installed this p ist week make quite difference with soft yellow glow They are on every post along the and on i very other post on he side streets They give a soft light not a brilliant and glaring light The mams ire being installed along the sidi of the highway at the west end of he Now that good weather is here lie work is progressing fill The Queen a birthday celeb rations In by Community Assoc lation as fun day for he community on Monday May Is history now will be remembered as a hi llghl day In the community The contest and race almost the from the fireworks display thai ended an afternoon and evening of fun the Coram unity Park Fire at Old Bank Customers and shopkeepers The Old Bank on Main Street in Georgetown were forced to flee the building Friday afternoon when a fire broke out In an office arc Everyone in the building at lime of the fire escaped ly investigation llhi dun apjicured The fire was discovered smoke dam four in rest line eh irrid files no back of nl estinuK of tin fire building heard some crackling ige has been act The and saw smoke seeping into of the fire Is still under room

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