120 grade eight students visit US Hi lUUTll On Mi 9 120 students i in members on Ihn Maple ftjj liusis rem Put lie On tin w slopped i lurk the 11 is inlr building saw Hit i glass from I ft years lolht wonderful pities of Hi were in lln mi hour point in tni Id our llm in Johnson I rooms prepare or hi I us in on ilmkinj in our I prwinied Gettysburg in I irt On iht imln thai vi Civil The I i jnolhcr displ i that mil oi Gettysburg n lights This in irkul llu turning point of tin ml A tour of hi I lysburg folio- The defences mil lis In ifn rnoui went lo tht Must urn interesting tharjttirs Mir 1 intril II trip only took from In first Blimps of thi Insuiuti This ion ists hull near in fascinating the A Her till Air I saw In history of 1 I the n jouft1 is nthi fell Washington day After guides for lull div Thursdn is ill ihful of jshinLtun John I- lh incoln fcrson Washington fhi State imihlmg mil Ihi House Includtd in our lour v is i very imprtssui visit In th I buildup Ml of us sjw many intuislinu if defending Im lot itmi criminals thai known Infore 1 il After it Hiding lour in wilful strut where all of nib ire localfd w took our guides iek Alii r dinner many of us unit mi i On May 1Jth Washington heading sir slops dtpir Finally we school to pm linn but very hippy after our hoi Test If you have doubts is how well a or Will test it Freeze Ihrtt or our ages and sample tht food if ter Almost my type cooked meat ragout or lamb pork or frozen Most used in thest foods carrots or onions also freeze well Cooked dry beans freeze especially Till- III- It 111 Wednesday June IB7S Pane II with supermarket prices Did you know that is not usl a butcher shop with its hundreds of fresh cuts of beef pork lamb veal and poultry AP IS MANY SHOPS IN ONE is a Poultry Shop Fresh 15 Pieces BOX0CHICKEN 3 Leg Quarters 3 Breast Quarters il 3 Necks 3 Wings 3 Giblet Packages 78 Schneiders Week at SCHNEIDERS ALL BEEF REGULAR OR DUTCH Breast Quarters 188 Chicken Halves SCHNEIDERS Bucket of Chicken 378 Boneless Hams CHICKEN PARTS CHICKEN CUTS QQt Whole or 1 Split Breasts 159 Frozen Meats Seafood GOLDEN SKILLET FROZEN LB Chicken in a Bucket 359 FROZEN GOLDEN SKILLET 98 Chicken Legs or Breasts BOSTON BLUE 228 Frozen Fish Sticks 149 WienerS Whole Legs SCHNEIDERS SLICED COUNTRY MAPLE OR REGULAR Side Bacon SCHNEIDERS VARIETIES INCLUDING BOLOGNA SLICED Cooked Meats- SCHNEIDERS SLICED Bologna SCHNEIDERS Patties PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK SIDE Spare Ribs FROZEN NEW ZEALAND SHOULDER Lamb Chops 2QQ SHOPSYS POTATO SALAD Cole Slaw SWIFT DINNER STYLE SUGAR PLUM GARDEN SPOT OF VALUES Real Value PASTAS No Grade South African Granny Smith APPLES lb 68 Valencia Family Pack Bag SUNKIST Aft ORANGES 14 LARGE CARROTS Friih Duly Ljtijc Bundles No Grade Florida Tender Golden ONTARIO RADISHES SWEET CORN 589 KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE BOUTIQUE TOWELS Tomatoes NO I GRADE IMPORTED SWEET Onions Type KENT LEMO J I Potato Chips IHUir PUNCH CHAPE I III Wylers Crystals 169 GOLD PEKOE Nabob Tea 99 We pith the best foods BJuefish in Batter 99 CHOCOLATE VANILLA Sara Lee Cakes 99 Pineapple 89 Limes 669 LIQUI io no plus fiuc dottle deposit Cotts Beverages 99 Heinz Ditlckles797 ECONOMY CORNER NAME BRANDS at NO FRILL PRICES Garbage Bags 59 htCOfiSTIIUIED Apple Juice 59 IAVIIA Tomato Paste 25 Avocado Pears Sweet Mangos Granny BUTTER hA TARTS JC IM JANE Assorted Cookies 199 KELLOGCS ACTION PRICED g BOX Cracklin Bran 129 Nabob Coffee 359 II Pil I Bathroom Tissue 99 We pick the best Baked goods OR ACTION Twin Rolls ACTION PRICED JANE OR Cinnamon Donuts 69 Our Reg riee 579 Action Priced JAVEX BLEACH Our Reg Price 129 Action Priced