Minor soccer Pee Wees one and two so far The McArlhur Catering Minor Pee Wee soccer team three gomes in the new Peel Soccer League The first game away in the score ended tied al with Howie Oram scoring for McArthur The following was a home match against Brampton which the visiting team v cm 40 On June the team visited the Titans a team that they had previously defeated in an exhibition game by the score 1 started badly with a traffic pileup on the but finally eight players arrived and the game started minutes late Fortunately the remaining players arrived after 10 at that time score was The Ren dale team had exerted con pressure during opening id minutes and finally scored on a play that started on the left wing and ended v an excellent by right winger that The then applied the pressure and were fortunate not to score on a shot by Howie Oram which had the goalie beaten hut hil the crossbar and on another play started Kevin Gillespie who look the ball daw the lift wing inil crossed to Clark who just goal resulted from Tourney July 26 North Coif ind Country Clubs second annual tournament for will tie on June tournament chairman Bill Smith said organizers are hoping to donate to the Cancer Society this Last year the tournament raised Tee off time for the tour will be to People interested in arranging foursomes should contact Debbie or Andy or individuals will to holes this ear or the cost of sour or name will slaked it a design i ted hole lhat money goes to the inter also inUudes a dinner of that goes to the Cancer Sot let kick awarded to jusl inside the penalty area Hie kick was Liken and lull but llu referee kudu lo e the kick reUken and im medulely stored The firs half ended with store for lUxdale The second half was by Georgetown with the llexdalp team relmg upon 1 packed defence and a fast breaking attack On number of occasions the forwards were able to break through and it was only Ihe aggressive goaltending of iiul travelle that kept them off the numerous scoring chances during the half but were unable beat the combined Torts of mil lender inally on a break ami the gjme ended in a win or Itcxdale lthkc Harrison regular centre was lo in the two losses and his influence and fini Wednesday June 14 1KB Page 1 UP AND OVER the bar cleanly during he high it Centennial missed the league results dale the learn well is regarding of the season in a Kingsmen League results Tennis memberships that very Memberships are still avail able the Gordon Tennis Club Lessons are being given the Club lo beginners and Intermediates by qualified in and tournaments and consolation rounds are sche duled summer lo go June ami Mixed double will be July and 16 mens and ladies singles gust 12 and and the Junior boys and girls and The courts at club have been completely resurfaced aside from Ihe tennis there are also social activities duled for Ihe club members interested in joining Ihe should phone Howie Oram Frit lark Kevin Gillespie and irv Humeri ill serve mention for fine in gameb to date following are the members of leam lark Kevin Gillespie Paul ravelle Owen raj Harrison And Jones Strut lorn Howie Oram Jeff Sargent Dave Bob and Mike This year it has been decided the league that there will not be a competition for Iht ilium run for the Junior and Seniors We are to uiuouiici there ire still available positions for 101 J years age to play baseball Sir MORS hair Donald poured on offensively and defensively Debbie Osborne and Sylvana each belied out two home runs Joan Gilmer and Sylvia had home runs off their Pitchers were and Connie Hay Game stars were Rhonda Ritchie llsu liter Jure Roberts 15 I A Dickson ami siars for Neilsons were Bonnie Penney and en for couple of good plays at shortstop star was Heather Donaldson for a good home run Some- great catches were made in Harrison wins track meet Harrison Sthool won the Junior track and field meet held at the Georgetown Fairgrounds on June Harrison won one division the ten year old but they had enough points to win overall championship Plneview won in the nine year old division with Glen Williams the runnerup The 11 year old division was taken the runnemp was also the in the year old division Fred Kotam students from the high school Following are the individual results Legend Park Joseph Gibbons JG J Pi Harrison Hi Howard Glen Williams GIRLS STANDING L LONG JUI Sandra Debbie Noil Murray n ma I LONG ally Stanley JO The track and field leam Harrison School won bottom Hie sot ihe nine J teams North IJaltoo Track and Field meet tor Junior school week front row Irft eight an Daren Kennedy In the lop photograph are the of the leam Cathie Burton Keith Pebble Annette that woo the top for that dlvlilon In the front row left lo Debbie Watts Brian Peacock Jamie and right are Patrick Hipp Stephen Roy Williams Martina Gardner In Ihe back row are Janice Karen Pepper and Kim In the Campbell Gary Hack Wood Blake Leonard row are MacKemle Todd Cull John Alison Vesna Jell and Steve Mike Ball Joanne Bingham and Carolyn Griffiths In lie Pryer Behind them coach Kay IX Inltedltentalsll Umpire Hill Anderson United look a two run lead in the first but lost lo strong lighting team Dairy Queen pulled in Hit maximum of sever runs Ihrec times Hurling for the learns were Carol Carle r ami took lead early Pitching for Dairy was Gail Duucette game star was Joanne Richardson The only other homer was hit by ail 16 red Harrison Umpire Heather Wallace was the big star of the game Each time she hit a home run llarb had home run of the game- Ill hers lilucGlans 19oungtiS tmplrrJoan Dickson he Giants managed to keep Youngs store down to mini mum while lliey piled up Iheir own Kim Thompson and Cheryl Jackson had Hie only home runs in mulch Taking their place on the mound were Julie Dtmna and Carol Pear don Game stars were Cheryl Jacksnn and Kim Thompson Geo Ins Umpire Genr took a lead in Hie first inning of play and kepi it until the- when he We came with a eetgi Home runs went like this Curried Jackie- Chapman 1 Karen Wilson I I Williams I Stars were Val Williams for her hitting and super fielding and Jackie- for tit home run A tlosc game was fought by these teams Pitchers were Marshall and June Hat who both played well imeslarswereSheryl er and June 1 Ionic- runs came off bats of Dickenson Patricia and Draper mtniion goes io ml baseman Cynthia IK Kin 15 Umpire Jackie Fuller Ijelrtx started the and kept it all through the mileh man ageil In gel on the bases each lime she got up bat Pitchers were Hope mini ami Allison Kn III star was Allison for her me round Cercor Mosquitos win over Oakville I of llimny Vmleri to tenter back Vanleri garni clearing ihe ball and doing some fine lack Georgetown took a i I le id in hair on by Phil Wickers and Sean Hit key opened in ihe second half and scored early to the lead to one Goalkeeper Tim Puna baker then made some excellent then stored Ins set goal to increase town lead Joe Lire playing another fine game set up the KM gain when a shol then finis bed his bat trick as he In iitumifdJ is ItKv t tt her way Jos is In unity if mil tin Ill- limn if tin BOARDING Small Dogs ftco Pomeranian lor sale Georgetown Dogs love their Master Master Premium Dinner kg Bag 25 PROTEIN Also Available in kg Bags Aware of your needs Master Feeds R STEWAflTTOWN 877 Acton Outers Club return from trip By Sue The Acton Outers have- recently returned from a canoeing trip to Algonquin Park They arc a group of students and staff members from Acton High school who are interested in nature and the environment The Outers were started in i llowlcy and Paul Tamblyn These two teachers got the idea to start the club while attending summer leaching sessions Queens University in Kingston It was there that they met Bob from Minnesota Outward Hound who inspired them to set up an Outers Club as an extra activity high first year there were approximately members and club only one major trip that being five day canoe Provincial Park The number of Outers offers have increased and expanded since ihe first year This year there have been canoe trips Killamey and Algonquin Provincial Parks well as many one day only activities Students have been taken rock climbing at Point cross country skiing and hiking a long ihe Line and the Bruce Trail Many members have also been Introduced to orienteering One activity which Outers Cliff llnlton to have by the end of the sthool year is an overnight bicycle trip Membership in the club has increased along with Ihe variety of activities offered sees more Junior students than senior students taking part in Outers in last or years but feels this Is a good thing because it means we will always con as a club Only a minority of those taking port in activities are actually club mem tiers lhat is who have collected points given to people who par up for the Outers Mi are awarded one point for i very half hour they work when major overnight are organized onlj students points are to go those with the points getting first If they help the club and rnsi money to do then those people should have first go on overnight trips explained time a members goes on an overnight he loses fivepoinlH in order keep same people from going on all Activities which place during the day are open to any student who wishes logo regardlcssor the number of points have When asked about the of suth experiences replied People have gone on these trips with no experience all They learn new skills and endup doing things they never they could have done Member begin to appreciate nature and deal wilh the en more they hid ll is a totally different ex per from the idea of school Participants learn more themselves and grow through Ihur ex in wililerness One thing have just recently started doing on most lengthy trips is having whi re individuals arc dropped off themselves for a period usually hours Ailh no one else nearby I Ihink the is the key spending time by yourself in the wilderness wilh all sounds It gives time to think said teacher Kick The Outers lub raises money mainly through class and paper drives in Acton In 1977 Ihoy received a grant of to help offset costs of travel and equipment They recently had a canoe trailer built can hold eleven 17 fool canoes or IVJo rooters At present they have only one twenty six foot canoe but they hope to pur chase a second The Outers are pleased with the support they have been given by the Board of I Weve had none of the problems that some school have encountered with education boards Teachers within the school are also supportive students going on trips need heir permission We havent had one student whose teacher refused to let him go said Boychuk As an ac tivity the Outers Club clearly has a place at Acton High School Opinion Sports Around Acton High Athletic trophies are awarded In most schools In this area The athletic department at Acton high school view these trophies mainly as an incentive and feel that par ticipation in s ores has increased since the trophies were first awarded four years ago I fee this practice should be abandoned as it uses outside stimulation to achieve results and breeds more competition in an area where competition is already Instead of helping an athlete lo believe In his or her ability to perform trophies act more an praise that they ore used as reward for living up to certain standards They are used as external motivators and once this motivation is taken away the person may lose the desire for physical activity A better way to motivate athletes would be through encouragement given for effort En couragemenl would act as an internal stimulant rather than an athlete having to meet certain extern standards which act as I also feel that singling out Individual athletes as being most valuable or outstanding lends lo take away from team spirit and create rivalry on a team Instead ot playing together as a lo win a game players sometimes become so obsessed with scoring the most points or being the most prominent player lhat they become less Many athletes crave recognition and some see the ultimate recognition to being named most valuable or outstanding I fed that rivalry on learns for the best player could be greatly decreased if the practice of awarding trophies were to be discontinued It also tends to be discouraging sad create bad feelings when trophies are awarded lo athlete sear after year as in the case of one being named Outstanding Female Athlete three years in row at Acton high Equally discouraging Is the practice of awarding one person more than one trophy a year arc lo be used as incentive giving one athlete the same trophy year after year or more lhan one a year is not accomplishing this purpose In addition these prac tices often lead to questions of favor tism People begin to wonder if an athlete was realty that deserving of the trophies or if he or she was just well liked Athletic letters and labs given to all participants in the athletic program should be kept as these acknowledge and tend lo create more positive Incentive than do Only exceptional learns can win games when there is individual rivalry within the team The area of sports is already far too competitive and the awarding of trophies helps o increase this competitiveness All athletes on team help and contribute lo lhat leam and to single out individual players is to mea great Injustice ATTENTION SENIOR CITIZENS FREE TRANSPORTATION Haiton Manors Annual Lawn Party AT MILTON SATURDAY JUNE 1978 Slops Moore Park Plain Canadian Leolon Mill in Court Court Glen Williams and Nor vol ic School Special stop will be mode Sponsored by A summer of enjoyable Tennis Is yours with membership THE GORDON ALCOTT TENNIS CLUB JUNIOR SENIOR FAMILY now 8775338 Scheduled fun throughout the Summer TOURNAMENTS with consolation rounds Mens and Ladles Doubles Juno Mixed Doubles July 516 Mens and Ladles Singles Aug Junior Boys and Girls Aug and other SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Court BEGINNERS and INTERMEDIATES LESSONS Instrudlort For further Information call