PARADE OF HOMES Whats In A House Foundation Basement tknov of a house They thin is a rool and a walls don or thtv slruclun bracts the riuiitLitti wills pressure of must be it image the damp roofinK Iht ills or nns ill The oil Tor tin t should be completed it buill mitt be tin i This first mo is intended to gin Sou an insight into llu f you are having a your specif a are buy in one mil irtt you should know sumilhinfi about the con si rue on mi hods Tin first iimsinulun llu ixt work is soon liter the irt Iht tooting ohm foundation will in signed to the weight The tin is by thi of finished and Ihe preuiling soil londilions a built on could footings thin one built on soft ground Unci the footings art in pi Iht foundation ills in reeled usually using lontrelt forms Next to keep water from into Ihe the foundation walls imp A tar like liauid is spread on outsidt Iht from footings lo ground To ground from Ihe foundation drain tiles art I neat to the footings at bottom of the exiaialion holt Thest svetping tiles txtess ground to Ihi sewer system is also important hat of he n that water will dram away from the When all steps art completed material iht ex is replaced walls in a process called back filling back filling should not be until the floor joists are installed our the This much when it thaws Most like the ienitnl pro r re ison rnosi houses art on floor is the last part of i nun in is I once root is in pi mi iht It i from the v r Urn Ihi the mains sirviung prior laying of hist menlflmr Not all houses though burnt hi built on aconcrete slab or is sewer and water pipes lUitnial built into Ihe si lit fore Iht Iht is poured several imhes ot grin I is spri nil re to be covered cumrtlt t plumbing and ducts art thin set in phi his work is inspected and if work is torn nil is poured Thi mils of pipes mil slicking out or the contrite tor mil si run mi lo house Slab foundilions in from tough plasln ml on ground just is poured A over a his a foundation similar way to a house with Ihiri basic diffcrencts ihrough floor craw is wtl did I tit provided a ground When ihe foundations an mil ban enough strength to support m ijor I ids ll houst Next in this urns will slruttion of the upper Mints BUYS Right Now SHOP COMPARE Canada Trust 8779500 PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK Excellent Investment properly storey street within wa downtown and go services rented lor Asking W LOW DOWN PAYMENT bungalow on quiet street walking distance to downtown detached garage mature trees drive Listed at possession Beautifully landscaped hall acre I Asking M WATSON R MANAGER MAIN ST GEORGETOWN ONTARIO built large ABOUT OUR BRIDGE LOAN PLAN TORONTO LINE THERE IS A LOT HAPPENING AT MARYWOOD MEADOWS NEW INTERIOR DESIGNS NEW MATERIALS NEW PLANS ELEGANT HOMES IN AN ELEGANT NEIGHBORHOOD DROP IN AND HAVE A LOOK YOU Will IMPRESSED ASK ABOUT THE GUARANTEED MAN ON TOUR PRESENT HOME OR CM JOHIMSOIM CARNEY fe 8775261 HOME OF THE WEEK WET modi available but fine custom built HOMES OF DISTINCTION are now under construction 1 mile north of Georgetown off Rd N Visit our field office on and Sunday from A till to check about available lots other plans and layouts and Inspect for yourself these outstanding features Paved Cul de Sac Top quality materials workmanship CONTACT Jon Zorge Real Estate Inc Town water Country 4572624 MEMBER BROKER poult ill and POLZLER 4538454 REAL ESTATE LTD BEST BUY ASKING PRICE BOO Before you decision mi you compare ice for yourielf all Do It now Ask agent or or BEDROOM family kitchen built I Quality I DOWN TO ONE MORTGAGE CAMBRIDGE foa ASKING ic well decorated bedroom on dead end street Gordon rooms walk out from room i mare built features Has be appreciated Call Nick Zeis SAVE I SAVE I SAVE I Calling all first time buyers Even with a low down there Is a you can own this maintenance free bedroom detached homo close to School Don worry about appliances thoy all Included Coll Rudy or READ THIS IT COULD WHAT YOUVE Fully detached brand now bedroom Den fireplace and attached oarage on a loroe lot under Why take a chance Have your showing now Call Rudy Ellen or Freddie 453 Jon Zorge Real Estate Inc MEMBER BROKER Were the Neighborhood Professionals 8770155 4572624 BEAT THE HIGH COST OF HOME OWNERSHIP Invest in a LOW COST LOW Initial price LOW down payment LOW maintenance Some homes now listed 3 Bedroom End Unit for extra Bedroom extra bath finished rec privacy room IN BRAMPTON FAMOUS VICTORIA WOOD HOMES Lovely 3 bedroom models located close to school and shopping plaza Brand New assistance Carries for per month Similar model old with AHOP only down carries tor per month BRICK BUNGALOW PLUS This 3 bedroom home Is In tip top shape totally redecorated Inside and out plus beautiful In law suite downstairs with bath and facilities completely broadloomed for top appearance COUNTRY CLASSIC house complemented by rolling acres spring fed ponds and cedar bush Excellent bank barn great potential for horse farm UNBELIEVABLE VIEW Acre hillside country lot ust miles north of Georgetown overlooking beautiful Credit River and valley below located on paved road drilled well TAKE THE PLUNGE This Immaculate L shape brick bungalow Is loaded with extra Deep lot kidney shaped Inground pool for those hot summer days air conditioning finished room all appliances Ready to move In Asking YOUR VERY OWN Detached home You can now Buy this white beauty for only W5 You tike the big kitchen and spotless large living room bedrooms laundry room and room all add up to a fantastic bargain Lets discuss easy terms ROLLING ACRES Crowned by this beautiful hillside home custom built and featuring four bedrooms Master bedroom suite formal living room spiral staircase 2 fireplaces pool Everything in GEM condition 139900 TREED HILLSIDE Immaculate bedroom home on acre pie shaped lot quiet crescent location Big eat In kitchen adjacent to cozy panelled tarn room with fireplace Detached 2 car garage New listing 74900 Jon Zorge Real Estate Inc independently owned and operated 8770155 AUDREY HIT ANNE 877 VMS CORING J Mi ARLENE 877 JON SIMS