TIIFIIFHAID Wednesday June 1878 Apprenticeship training subsidy ZEUERS To alleviate critical short ages or skilled workers in Ontario manufacturing In dustrles the Ministry of Co leges and Universities will Initiate raining schemes worth up to tt million during 1978 The minister the Honour able Harry C Parrot DDS told the Legislature that the funds provided by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission will subsidize employers who participate in a new employer sponsored skill training program Under the new program local training needs will be determined by community in training representing employers la government local offices of the Canada mint and Immigration Com mission Ion educiturs and will receive sub sidies help meet their trim mycosis employers help develop a pool of skilled workers without running the risk of losing their investment if a trainee lines work else where slid Disturb ire no under with seven communities employer of project del ills will in in the fill Ir 1 ih it several thousand people will within the next thit lie hopes lor fold in tin number ipjirci tool m makers and general ma chin As a result of an agree ment by management and la bour regarding training dards apprentices in these three trades may now earn a of Qualification dcr The Apprenticeship and Tradesmen Qualification Act To increase apprenticeship training in manufacturing in dustnes the Ministry will visit up manufacturing companies not now ting in the Province training program Parrolt also told the Legislature that his Ministry has agreed with the Ministry of Education lo reduce the a mount of time that some ap prentices spend in the class room In the trades of baker cook hairdresser and motor vehicle mechanic credit will be given for technical training in high school thus reducing in school training time during apprenticeship The minister also informed members of the Legislature of cooperative arrangements be tween the Windsor School board and SI Clair College of Applied Technology will allow some students direct entry to the second year of the College and plostie mould making technician programs I his scheme should be come a model for oilier i tuns trades said the It will enable become qualified journeymen at a younger igc will reduce employers MONEY SAVERS ON SALE MONDAY and TUESDAY ONLY JUNE 19 20 NUTRITE TURF HERBICIDE FERTILIZER bag School picnic Study launched of chemicals Minister He illh Welfare Minister lkfiin have mirked fur investigation number of chemicals which arc cither known to be harmful to human health or the environment or are or being potent lully list I priority chert lis published in the Can Tin is divided into three ries lists sulist whlcn regulations ire level in ime ret irdanli ret for poly i phenyls trans firmer kill phosphates thigh temper lubricants and The list w is compiled by the tee of in f and Nation il Health 1 Mil be in is the with which we Delaware Del ire is the first Stile to ratif 111 US tort That look its on Dec If youre talking mortgages the people you should be talking to are IACNiagara That because am our business Just about any of mortga loon is ava from your IACN expert RESIDENTIAL Oh PORrrOL OS PURCHASE Of EXISTING MORTGAGES For sound flexible mortgage financing with attractive options call the office nearest you We spec al in promp mortgage commitments NUTRITE COMPOST 111 ST CROIX IACNiagara IAC LIMITED NIAGARA REALTY LIMITED To become Conlmenlal Bank of Canada SLEEPING BAG 50Po1yester Cotton Reg WHEEL BARROWS Economy size Reg SPECIAL fc I Light weigh Reg SPECIAL human health in In invest if Hed in dipth dclermric the extent of the tie appropriate er It consists of I i of upper old ben i solvent used in id ind mercury III lists which will lie studied to determine whether they pose a whether controls are 11 includes id used in electroplating and six of organic tint A second list died indi dilcchtiiiie lis is also drawn up by the depart ments As inform ill i is 1th chemicals in this second group sunt m ind may tie included on the prior list The chemicals list will include is eh thanes hers ditll and limine mates org I polycyclic ire byproducts of fuel combustion The oiler subst inces have many uses us solvents ITS A CHILUS WORLD Watty ARE TO ANNOUNCE OUR GRAND OPENING SUMMER The Largest Supermarket in the World WANT ADS SALE AND ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND SAVE ITS 0NIY FOR ONE WEEK JUNE 24th If you want something come to the shop that has everything from play outfits to dressup wear n things FROM INFANTS TO AGES INCLUDED REMEMBER ONE 0HLY JUNE Dont Miss II ITS A CHILDS WORLD fe- 83 KENNEDY S BRAMPTON AMPLE FREE PARKING PHONE 4563600