Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 5, 1978, p. 12

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Page THE HERALD WfdoMcUy July 1178 Win McDonalds Gift Certificates and Watches Gel your crayons and felt markers going to win Gift Certificates for delicious food at McDonalds En tries will be judged on and each month there IE be a draw for a unique Ronald Watch Enter as often as you like Send your entry to The Herald Main St South Georgetown Ontario Monday noon Mill your in tarty NAME ADDRESS- TELEPHONE SUPPORT HIREAKID iah dotal for Ml The oftsr pm IT WEEKS WINNERS ROBERT TICKLING R cor uptown LISA RICHARDS Maple Ave PAULA can pick up certificate a Herald A little of this and that YOUR WEEK AHEAD By ire mphanziil ll i n J JulyHAuRU what is CAPRICORN full in Dec 1 pursuit l K AQUARIUS to mailers that Jan II sink It I tin CROSSWORD PUZZLE Cod and Fear 1 Stopper topper New Orleans campus 11 Cowboy Portuguese champ do 1 llCanUinlnc Countess of Strath more June meeting a 111 tie of this and hat Ibis week as try recover from the holiday festivities A brief reply to Dave Arms President he Off Riders Association Dave dropped Idler into paper a week or so ago desert nil to riding in answer to a column 1 commenting on the bin arc series of that had engulfed my household over the nasi few weeks Everything lie wrote in the letter is quite true particular the pari of a good rider being combination of body bike and mind I agree with everything even lhe pari that I should as a parent lake a responsibility or actions of my young riders Every word is true Dave parents are responsible for how their youngsters leorn to and parents owe their youngsters more than here Is your bike go ride it Unfortunately my youngst ere don give me he prob lems the 14 year old has been riding or nearly our years without any mishap hardly a spill the ISy carold has been riding for five or six yearn again without mishap and both arc seldom if ever without helmets and both seem to handle their bikes with a fair amount of expertise Our problem is with he older folk he ones 20 and the devil coming IB All were riding the Kawnskl and each has an excuse for how much in control he was before the accident Getting those particular youngsters off the training school Is an insult to pride and skill or so they tell me At rate the Club sounds like a good group and hope make some of the met lings in he near future and we thank Dave for the How did you feel about Can big birthday bash Well I had mixed feelings Wc find It rather sad that government has to respect to south of he border ballyhoo in order up a little patriotism for our counl parties are always a of fun and we certainly enjoyed all the festivities but at he same time we resent being bribed with cakes and merriment to spark a little love and pride in one home land Something is wrong with a nation that teaches its child rcn all about little George and the cherry tree while Louis Kiel or Sir Leonard Tilley become Louis or Leonard who I like birthday parlies as much as the next guy but million would have been belter applied o our unemployment situation then maybe Canada would have something to cele brate Good or just plain taste seem to have perm ancnlly disappeared watch known to his intimates as Creepy Karpls appear as a celebrity guest on Headline Hunters TV program over weekend claim to fame Is that he was once Number one on the FBI wanted list He has spent a total of years In prison or murder and bank robbery Now that he has become a little old man he Is now a celebrity guest people clap and shout hurrah hurrah This guy was killer yet a bunch of fools want to shake his hand What a the world coming too Chapter IODE was held at lhe home of the Regent Mrs Joan Meers The members enjoyed a towards petate a Mrs Jean Barber hanked Mrs Thompson for time given o this important work and Regent then uc called order for lrom ihcChaplcr Put light of short business session A Committee for the round robin Bridge was namely Ruth Ruth Evans Doris Barber June Dean and Irene Farnell For the Christmas card sole the following agreed to act Helen June Dean and Edna Turn bull The Regent welcomed a visitor from Wales Mrs Linda and Mrs Erica Thompson and Mrs Street from he Red Cross Blood Clinic Service Mrs Thompson gave a very Informative and Interesting talk on the background and organization of the Blood Donor Service explaining honor couple Over 150 friends neighbours and relatives filled borne of Mr and Mrs Elmer Norton Crescent In Georgetown on Sunday June lBlh on the of their wedding anniversary They were the recipients many gifts flowers and cards including a five piece silver tea service com family Mr and Mrs McEachern the former Ethel Fletcher were married In Acton by the Rev M Morrow on Saturday June IS 1938 They armed on Lol townline Erin and until years ago when they sold the farm and moved to Georgetown They have three sons William of Belfountaln Bruce of Georgetown and Robert al home also three grand children Julie and David of Bel fountain and Lisa of Georgetown Their attendant of years ago Mrs Jessie Hamilton of Milton and Mr William Darby of Hamilton were with Ihem for the occasion Following open house In the a family dinner was held at the Neptune Steok House Georgetown Dine at HARROP OF MILTON Avenue ijfcaetKr4Kttr the expenses of the Clinic MARRIAGE Donna Peters daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Peters of Weber Drive married Michael Thompson son of Mr Mm Douglas Thompson of Moose Jnw at St George a Anglican Church GO SI May Our next Item on lhe total If bylaws can keep pet Hems are thrown into the Inck nf was In his owners in line let sec the garbage instead or taking on Sunday Sun In Gary Dun banning of the green plasllc hour or wo and repairing fords column He was ranting eyesores and return lo ash and raving over cans of old Times are gelling tough and Mojors trip to Europe and This might be a good time to things come will be much how LI tile Miss Modest look mention how wasteful wo Con worst the time for such extra along a staff of 15 have become The rule waste Is long post and According to Mr thumb seems to be If It the family thai throws out and his included a cook a maid a breaks throw out So hen charges he new Item Is hairdresser and arc thrown the garbage helping send his country a pedicuns and a French of taking an hour or right down tube teacher Here comes he total lack of taste he continues on refer Miss Majors with a rather vulgar slang word 1 sure there must be thou sands upon thousands of adjec tives one could use to describe without resorting to such vulgarity guess they Just don make editors like they use lo at one time an editor was there edit I guess at he Sun they Jusl don I do hat any more Last week we wrote about our canine friends and his week wold like mention a rather painful aspect of hat friendship Green plastic bar bagc bags sure leave he Irysidelnonehellof a mess A drive down he road on gar day is almost beyond comprehension Bags are rip ped open and garbage Is every where As I said before dogs and cats are he owners responsib ility Yes you ore expected pick up from your neighbours lawn wha your pet has ripped apart ANN LANDERS Bullous in of a pumpkin pic thtn idd he filling You II hive nice tupping is tin will tame In tht op Dear Ann I am a compulsive spender My husband demands hat save money but I cannot Why Maybe my answer will be a tipoff o other husbands out there who think their wives are charge account happy I a working mother with three children After an eight hour day In business I come home and work another six to eight hours No one in he family helps me and no one cooperates even though have begged demanded and threatened I refuse save money I buy expensive things and make no excuses Why should 1 save So my husband next wile will have lovely things alter I drop dead from exhaustion Do have least pleasant weekends Of course not There is so much to be done I fall Into bed exhausted Sunday night 1 wonder where the weekend went Docs anyone care Not in our house Save Why should I going to enjoy what can can Sign me Walked On Iear WO It sound to me as if you re en Joying a darned thing Haw can you when you re angry and and working to a traxile arm I a compulsive spender lady you re a punitive spender II a your way of gelling wen with your husband for his lack attention or cooperation and whatever Hie you I getting enough of need to sit down and talk with a professional so can dissipate your anger and get some Inslghl you are doing and why A clergyman trained In counseling and many are lb tie days or a competent therapist change your life Dear Ann I tinders I read your column daily usually agree with vou often laugh with and sometimes wonder how you hold up under the strain of he job I have seldom felt he urge write your answer Panicked in really got lo me This young girls writes I am 14 years old and in lhe 10th grade I wanted to look especially nice at a parly so I asked my mother If 1 could shave my legs Shcsald No Then the kid goes an say she shaved her legs and now she is worried sick about the hair growing back so fast to shave every day Your answer lo Panicked consisted of advice on how often to shave and the advisability of experimenting with other methods or removal Why did you Ignore he opening sentence of hat kid letter She wrote asked my mother and she said No What happened a good old fashioned discipline Is it too much of a 14 yearold her mother when she is told No How about it Ann Don you think the kid mother should have had an assist from you Instead you took the side of a carold smart mouth do as please kid What with you anyway Hairy Legs Ain Fatal Dear you blow why don you go back and reread the letter Bub The kid wrote Tt- It she shaved her legs II was too lale to tell her not do Hairy legs may nol be fatal but they sure can make the life of a t4 yearold girls awfully No girl should have to look like a gorilla when there are so many simple alternatives It a not easy to recognize love especially the first time around Acquaint yourself with the guidelines Read Ann Landers booklet Love or Sex and How to Tell the Difference tor a copy mall cents In coin and a long self addressed envelope with your request to Ann Landers PO Box Chicago Illinois ON THE HOME FRONT Oh me Oh my By SUSAN I have just been labelled Canadian by my children no less and am still rcellngfrom lhe shock Is II because 1 lacked on intelligent comment pro or con on Trudeau a proposed new constitution No Is it because I insist with my English tongue that can never learn lo get around all those on calling our fine feathered friends Instead of that I am so labelled No The reason believe it or not is because my children havesuddenly discovered that I have never ever visited a MacDonald eatery Not ever This is not just a recent but I cannot admit to having haunted this fine Canadian even in the shadowy days of my youlh La Mama yes Winston Is on my list of dcsircaulcs The Hayloft Good fun but MacDonald However In eyes of my children anyone who can survive a week never mind years without suffering a lilg Mack attack Is somehow strange and therefore can only be class If lid as Canadian Is as though I dislike hamburgers in fact we barbecue them quite frequently throughout the summer It is Just hat I prefer them homemade where I know what is in hem and the bought of seed buns whatever they may be is quite frankly a turn off as far as I am concerned I mean what does it take to satisfy one children and become a in heir become something less than a source of embarrassment to them a hindrance to them taking their rightful place in society Is not enough thai I call an elevator an elevator instead of a lift Was it not a giant leap forward when I slopped calling sod turf Should It be more than enough that as a rainy day people I endlessly play Gordon records on those appropriately quiet evenings Is it not more than the human spirit should be forced to endure when I became the sole life support system of Cinadion mosquitoes during the past years of cottage and still be considered as having given my all Canada for the benefit of my children What do I have o prove my I doubl If even Shakespeare knew the full extent of his wisdom when He hid King Lear speak the words How than a serpent tooth it is to have a thankless child Of course now my son Richard Is working for this Big Mac hamburger heaven throws a whole different complexion upon things In fact I think I feel a sudden overwhelming urge or two all beef palllcs and for a change I am quite prepared to lei him do all or me HOTEL BRAMPTON Presents SQUARE DANCING NIGHT featuring Bramptons Mr Squaredanca ED HAZEL POW WOW LOUNGE Home of Country Musk Now Appearing Muskoka Coming Week Fools Gold Queen Sf E NEWFIE NIGHT every Thurs You mean if I wanted to speak persontoperson to Italy I could dial that call myself YES Its new fast and easy Just look in the front pages of your phone book Available only in Toronto anil Bell Canada

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