Tilt HERALD Wednesday Julys Page J Region rejects gravel control By PAUL DORS Hills site recently for on a Herald stuff writer highway reconstruct Ion pro- Hills Hoy east Booth last week to con The ministry asked no rcg vlncc regional planning or town officials for should permission to do so he noted be able to control extract but simply notified Halton Ion of sand and gravel by the Hills engineer Bob Austin of ila ministry of transportation and plans trio mo A proposal extract trial ii intended for use out threequarter million Ions side Ihe region here would probably be reject Booth expressed by Niagara Escarpment and resentment last Commission Coun Booth add Tuesday that the ministry ex I ed but commission has no r acted a half million tons or authority over the ministry sand and gravel from a plans The result of s failure to take control of the situation he predicted will be a short ageofsandandgravUatsome point In the future within the region Itself forcing to Import lis aggregates from outside the region A suggestion mat regional council could adopt a policy aimed at controlling the minis try s extractive practices in was challenged by com mittce chairman Pat Mc of Burlington All Ontario taxpayers bene fit from the ministry decision to mine its sand and gravel as Coun Booth pointed out that close to the site where it is the Ontario tax base Is much needed as possible he said broader than Booth interjected that ing the province a taxpayers to the chairman was being bear the burden of subs narrow minded but tilling longer haulage distnnc McLaughlin continued at the present time belter to defend ministry right than future ratepay to mine in admitting that he was possibly being Coun Booth suggestion selfish by wanting to save was nevertheless rejected by himself a few tat dollars now the committee when future residents of Hal ton may cud up footing re Costs mous bills for materials that Fire in the United States have to be imported from an estimated loss of outside the region billion in 1377 LIONS CLUB EXECUTIVE Georgetown Club elected their executive for row Carl Hansen director Glenn tall twister the coming year They are front row from the left Howard Murphy past president Ken Neely director and 1st vicepresident Ed president Merrill director Dan Boyle secretary Martin 2nd vice president Back district news By Mrs BENTON Herald correspondent Congratulations to Mr and Mrs William on the arrival of David Matthew a little brother for Hobble and Jeffrey on June A large attended a retirement parly for Mrs Ben ton at Limehouse public school on June Recent principal Mr Ran Beckett as master of ceremo nies addressed her past accomplishments and expressed he hope that she would return to the She was given a beautiful crystal vase and a pendant watch and stick from the school and community She also received a lovely decorated cake in the shape of an open book Twenty four of her students each presented her with red rose for her vase Mrs Benton in her address of thanks expressed her plea sure and continued Interest in school Mr Beckett was then taken quite by surprise when on behalf of community and school he was given crystal sherry set Coffee and sweets were the close The teachers at entertained their mother volunteer helpers at hot dish luncheon on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Rob Rough of Edmonton and Miss or Vancouver have been visiting Mrs and Miss We welcome Mr and Mrs to the village They purchased the former Norton home from Mr and Mrs Ron aid Latimer who have from Mrs Mr and Mrs Charles Sine lair of visited his sister Mrs A C Patterson and her husband recently Women s Instil ute committee first Canada Day celebration was a decided success and all responsible deserve a big thank you A parade from the school mid afternoon was led by members of Georgetown Girls Pipe Band to Memorial Hall Committee convenor Mrs introduced Phil brook MP Reed MPP of Hills Tom Hill and Councillors Russell Milter Patterson and George Mallby each of whom gave a short speech Led by Mr Julian Recti crowd sang Canada Mr Tom Hill presented each committee member a scarf on behalf of Glen Will village TheWI cave each child a small flag Much interest was shown in the display of pictures old and new school children art poetry crafts antiques and art arranged at the Hall All proceeded back to the school where a tasty pot luck picnic supper of numerous salads and deserts coffee and cold drinks was enjoyed Some tnjoyed a game of To the day celebrations a group of young folks provided music To dancing Chrichton called on lor squares Board of Health disbanded regional council now has complete control over regional dUti services as a result of provincial government decision last week to accept a rccom submitted by the region Bill 151 review committee The committee mended earlier this year thai the board of health should be dissolved in order to give elected more control over the health budget In addition George Gray and Stewart Cramp who were appointed to the board by the province will no longer serve on the committee Mr Gray a Georgetown resident was unavailable for comment prior to press time The finest and freshest for less Delicious quality fruit vegetables and brand names CHECK THE YELLOW TAGS FOR MORE SPECIALS FRANK JOE From Reg 1 THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES 99 PEPSICOLA Ml Bottles BANANAS Reg 35 lb 4i ORANGES 3 lb Washington BING CHERRIES ICE CREAM Clover Cream litre Carton Reg 19 Georgetown Fruit Market GUELPH ST We ore Open Sundays 100 Yards East of the Former Store 8778882 SUMMER MOTORING A WELL TUNED CAR COULD KEEP YOU HAPPY ON THE HOT DA YS TO COME Taxis help New York City clean up its air Operators 10 percent savings on costs in cooperating to solve citys problem New products available to ease job of keeping your car clean If the grease and grime created by the do it your at jour house has you working overtime in the room information may help Go to your local auto motive supply store or the parts Jobber frequented by automobile mechanics and buy some mechanics hand cleaner Not old fashioned stun of years gone by the kind that took the skin away with the dirt but the new kind of creamy product that won hurt sensitive skin and really docs an excellent cleaning Job Most can be used with or without water They are treated with lanolin or similar prod and even have an antiseptic agent built Into the formula to help heal the minor nicks and scratches that are part and parcel of most Saturday afternoon projects Most manufacturers sup ply dispensers to hold the hand cleaner container so that you can dispense the cleaner efficiently and ceo nominally Their low cost permits Installation of one In the garage and one in the basement workshop for real convenience You will also find the auto store a revelation In terms of household helps that you don sec tiscd on TV There arc bags of easy to use floor cleaner that cat up garage floor grease fast and save you the Job of cleaning up tho grime that used to be tracked into your house There are adhesive super lubrl cants squeak stoppers rust and stain removers scalers de greasers that you spray or brush on and hose off with water to mention Just a few Some of these products you may find in your hard ware store but many are strictly auto supply store fare because they are the professional materials used by professional but many have From German expert Recipe for gasoline economy for I furl ml the litlilutlcM of William llorty li- lo f loll lit If I lie recipe I Low pi 1st It ic prescribed lire lire broke that 110I bin or flHnd well I moving heel licnringi lnrrert Ijiutmcill f ignl on lean air filler nil of irmly engine low temper- THE 1 Gentle driving when from and early hilling in la higher If Iransmlnalon malir make it nt low and llic kickdown pa ring Brake gently Itrmcm need lot of high iking your if cording to llic troll If Ishti red do nt ruth up nnd let tin car roll gently light you without changing gear 3 Every car ho a out economical speed range Keep it wherever application in and around the house Check In your telephone book under Automobile Parts and Supplies for the auto supply stores near Self service gas growing everywhere After a slowdown due to the oil embargo self ice pumps arc now in creasing Today about of all gas Is self service and estimates are for by The iure for the consumer is lower prices as much as cents a gallon on some brands Self service also points to fewer minor repairs and other service work per formed at gas stations Station attendants with mechanical know how arc moving into the pendent repair market Meanwhile the number of service stations has shown a dramatic increase in the last two years principally gas only stations rr ti in of oi fieri operator ami 11 thr of any In the reunite I In intuit Improvement I ne il rrullrd in a prr gnlluii or Sunn notion of nun Trot Ihr ill pi made in For all well publicized caused by cabs problems New York City hat made impressive prog Is safe and tally efficient And accord ing to statistic complied by the City New York Department of Air Re sources and Bureau of Motor Vehicle Pollution Control there has been a marked reduction in harm emissions from the vehicles and a wide of dangerous median leil dtfects has been cor Prior to the start of the annual check up hydro carbons emitted from taxis in totalled tons This was reduced to GOO tons in after the program began Carbon monoxide Ions went from tons in down to tons the following year Since 40 per cent of New York City vehicle air pollution comes from cabs then was a very obvious need for such a program to control carbon and other harmful emissions said L President of Olson The taxis undergo a range safety and ex emission They arc also inspected for com fort related Items The results have indl that cabs which pass the test not only emit less hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide pollutants Gib stated also up to per cent increase in fuel savings When you consider tint most taxis are driven miles or more per tills can a significant cost savings for the operator and makes substantial amount of available for motorists air ttltiil hu nted ill the iriamttinyhiR article in the mile the of it 1 prruting In may he h ill In New I illy LEASING A CAR OR TRUCK GIVE US A TRY 1 the high re fuel Automotive Parts Industrial Supplies Equipment Sales Service SALES LTD 8770143 8770144 BUSINESS OFFICE NOW AT 311 ARMSTRONG AVE S JUST OFF ST I Complete Body Service Complete Service to ell Modelt FREE ESTIMATESCOURTESY CARS FOR TOWING SERVICE CALL 3951 Cfioosa ft Charge it ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS Mountain RMd J