THE HERALD July WIS Pag 1 Zellers SUMMER FURNITURE JULY 6 7 8 SATURDAY SPECIALS DURING OUR INDOOR SIDEWALK SALE ALUMINUM ALUMINUM WEBBED WEBBED CHAISE CHAIR LOUNGE Assorted Colours Regular 4 KIDDIES ALUMINUM CANVAS CHAIR Prints Regular SPECIAL 5 47 PATIO TABLES Gloied top orange white green Regular 4 SPECIAL 3 66 LAWN SWING With canopy seat cushions included ready to assemble Regular SPECIAL 00 Assorted Colours Regular 14 WOODEN SWING SET Seats Ready to assemble Regular SPECIAL 66 00 PC PATIO ENSEMBLE Includes 1 33 table table cover umbrella lawn chairs Regular 99 SPECIAL 77 REDWOOD ROUND COFFEE TABLES Ready to assemble Regular SPECIAL 19 88 id IN THE GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE thru Fn 10 Sat 9306 LIMITED QUANTITIES WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Doug Thoirttwon ol the Apple wood Glint tin up Glen Warrior forward during hotkey action Thursday Dave Peyton had plenty of help from hit deft nit men at hi team recorded victory There ball hockey tournament in coming weekend First place WayJay have the chance to go If they decline the second place Glints will go Kinsmen League results The executive the league and all players extend their deepest sympathy to Theresa and the Callaghan fan ily on tho loss of a dear brother and SENIORS AXE REALTORS Umpire Alex Dickson The firal inning was scon less with taking the lead with seven runs in the second they never looked back gave them a real scare In the sixth Inning when 12 runs crossed the plate Before the third Big hitlers for were Heather Tyler with three homo runs and Chris with one Bastcdo and Fuller for Saxe Game stars were tne team for and Marcie Timleck and for Saxe BLUE GIANTS IS TOWN WELDERS 10 Umpire BUI Anderson Geo Welders stored seven runs in the second inning lo account for most their runs but they were unable lo put anything else together In the rest of the game Becky had two home runs for Blue Giants Donna Sedorc pitched a strong game for Blue Giants with Karen Wilson pit clung for Welders Game stars were lht team for Blue G ants and Kim McLcod for the Weld STANDARD PRODS 12 Umpire Cor Ooslorhof Standard Prods proved much to strong in this game for Magnusuns who tried hard all to play catch up ball Home runs werehil by Terry Major Marlenc Vandcrkooy Barb Major Donna Reed and Kathy All for and Kara Pitching for Dairy Queen was Gail and Debbie for Elks were Sue Shear also named gamester Star for Dairy Queen for her good defensive play was Carol AD CONST I- RED HARRISONS 10 Umpire Lee Fred Harrisons were held scoreless for three innings but Irled very hard behind the pitching and hitting of Rose mary Gale who was three for four at bat Milne was named dame star for the los ers Lynn Cook and June Hatc her shared the pitching for with Wendy Mlddlclon getting the game star for five hits at six limes bat Hon our bit mention goes to Barby Morrison for home runs and good fielding Jane Mitchell for her defensive play al sec and a and Lynn Cook for her home run and good pitching All the team pictures have now been taken and the proofs will be back in a couple of weeks for all see Anyone wishing to purchase any of the pictures the cost will be in a cardboard frame each Please order them early and have the money In lo pay for them as soon as possible The draw will lake place on July In front of the pmcnl boxes following the games night Anyone who has not ticket may do so night Tickets are five cents each or five For a dollar We are still trouble finding umpires Thursday games Merc all late starting till some fathers volunteered we hope that we will not have to fold up the league Tor the sake of no umpires I Standard with Leannc Mackie having two home runs for Mognusons Nellsons won by default over Youngs who were only able to come up with six players All teams were missing players on Tuesday due to the gradua lion ceremonies at Centennial School Congratulations to all the students who graduated JUNIORS KINNLTTF KRUISERS IS KfcNTNFRS 17 Umpire Gilmer This was a real thriller with Pat hilling a home run in the bottom of the seven to drive in the winning run for the Kruisers Home runs were hit by Lisa Marsh Sheryl Draper and Sandy Marshall for Pitching Tor the Kenlners Sandy Marshall for the Kruis crs Rhonda Hall Game stars were Pottl for Kin Kruisers and Lisa Marsh for the SMOKE SHOP UNITED RENTALS Umpire Bob United Rentals the weak team in the league played their best game or the season so far Elaine Worton was on base each lime up for Rentals as was Barb Gun by for Smoke Shop Three pitchers were us ed by Smoke Shop lo control the Rentals They were Hope Wendy Graham and Barbie Rental Is Pitch were Dlanne Taylor who also picked up the game star and Chris Kecs Star for Del rex Smoke Shop was Lynn Cox ELKS IS DAIRY QUEEN Umpire Doug Tucker Dairy Queen did all their scoring in the first Inning and then were held scoreless for the rest of the game by the Elks who had five home runs throughout the game with three coming off the bat or Sue Shearer and one each for Lynn Baseball results LEGION Sieve McCarthy starred for Dairy Queen In this one pilch the win aid belling out a home rui Guy Hillock and Blair Smith helped the win cause hilling Ihrec and two triples respectively Ken a triple for IIMtLLYbSIItLLl Sieve Yeo led the way lor the winners as he and Guy Hillock hit triples Sieve McCarthy picked up win TIRE KNITTINGS Mike McNivcn picked up the in for Tire and was aided by a home run by Mike McCarthy and triples by Dean Marks Mark Webster and Phil Wick Paul put out a good effort in a losing cause OPTIMISTS HI- KNITTING Optimists won by default DANK NORTH SPORTS CAMP George Osborne hit a grand slam lead winners Jodie Peebles was sharp on the field Cameron Lovers and Andrew Braun handled the winners pitching chores NORTH SPORTS CAMPS Glen Puckering hit two sing in a losing cause Mike McNivcn picked up his second Win of the week here as he struck out to of the baiters he faced Dan Marks double helped Tire cause BANK Cameron Lav picked up iht win and hit a homer and triple Osborne and MORTGAGE FUNDS Get the extra money you need by arranging a second mortgage Reasonable rates No brokerage fees No bonuses charged and TELEPHONE 8776971 A C REALTY LIMITED MAIN ST GEORGETOWN Paul Gulsllnl also had home PEE WEES HOUSE LEAGUE STANDINGS T TD Bank 13 l a North Sports Camp Stationery 13 Beaumont Knit Brookville downs Hamilton 52 In a game in Hamilton on Wednesday Juno the Brookville Selects downed the home learn by a score of handled Hamilton easily the fourth inning and not allowing Hamilton totally until well Into the game pitchers walked only three batters throughout the nine inning Cathy McLecd swung a big for the Selects belling out a long home run In the seventh Inning Coming home tally for Brookville were Sue Thorn son Cathy McLecd Donna Dennis Gloria Hamilton and Sue In a rival match against the Georgetown Roy alettes on June the Selects were out by a score of EH It was a close game throughout with Selects jumping ahead the first Inning I hen the lead lo Georgetown inthesecond A f by Donna Dennis In the third Inning narrowed the Roy a let- lead to By the sixth inning scare was lied at but Georgetown two base runners home In ihe lop the eighth to pull ahead and take the game despite a strong Brookville opposition Touching wood for the Sel were Donna Dennis Sue Thomson Laurie Kennedy and Itobyn Snow Georgetown runs were scored by N J Carter and J Wilkes Tho Brookville Selects will play their next home game on Thursday When they will try lo beat Brantford Starting lima Is a on the diamond behind Public School