Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 5, 1978, p. 4

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Itshe HERALD McKeough reveals key to future Home Newspaper of Halton Hills WEDNESDAY JULYS 1978 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 103 Main St South Georgetown L7G Ontario Publisher BOB Editoi Class A good show Canada Day For the many hundreds of Halton Hills residents who took part in the Canada Day celebrations at Glen Williams Limehouse Ballinafad and the Back to Acton Days celebration memories will live on for a long time to come For the organizers of all the events it can only be described as a nightmare that lost its madness as the events took place For the time energy and work that went into each celebration the organizers have every right to be proud And for that matter all residents of Halton Hills have a right to be proud of the way in which They supported Canada on its birthday Canadians have a quiet quality that makes them appear modest in their patriotic zeal That quality would appear to changing if the events the past weekend are any indication There is however one point that we feel we should touch upon the national television coverage of the Canadian Day celebrations coast to- cast Glen Williams was jammed with people Last year it was jammed with people The display that took place during the entire day long event certainly merited coverage on the national birthday party Not to take anything away from the laudable effort in covering the national birthday party maybe next year the mandarins at CBC will think twice when organizers approach them about the possibility of covering the event from Halton Hills For all the work done by the Glen organizing committee they deserve that simple recognition HISTORICAL TOUR Members of the Historical if Hit museum displays exhibits Society gainer around 1920 Sawyer Masscj slitters Miry llobtrtson and Cindy kerosene tractor during their visit last The pr I funded museum Wednesday lo he Ontario Agricultural Mus into Us third year of in ongoing ten year in Milton Once Albert Fife of building project will ultimately represent a museum staff explained a few things about i history farming in Ontario since operation of the vintage seven ton It is located on Hood Just one of only a handful now in existence the south of Society members were guided through a lour Child abuse is despicable By NELSON Queen Park Bureau Of The Herald Of all the crimes against humanity perhaps the most despicable because it is the least necessary Is child abuse The battering of children by their parents or guardians Is a horror In its awn right For alone Ihe just released report of the task force investigating child abuse is worth reading It is as might be expected considering membership of the task force a some what bureaucratic document The members included academics gov employees In ihe social work field and three representatives of Children Aid Societies 12 in all Twenty one recommendations were made which Community and Social Services Minister Keith Norton said his people will study and act promptly on The task force from a couple of cases of child abuse thai received publicity and In which the Children Aid Society may or may not have been at fault Its response is to acknowledge the problem exists In an even more frightening degree than expected It is Impossible to avoid the conclusion that the present arrangement of services arc not effective In protecting children from child abuse or violent The public and professionals have every fight to be concerned about failure of our children services lo protect children known lo be In perilous situations the report said Dean Ralph Garbcr task force chairman from the University of Toronto faculty of social work said his group used hard words focus in the IILAMt They attribute for what I hey consider Inadequate response to prob lem to the as well Children Aid situ- mini ministry would provide guide lines and procedures to followed In child and then monitor how Children Aid handles the problems If there his lo be government involve at alt that seems the best go The minister himself noted Ihe request for guidelines came from various Children Aid Societies which Is not something Ihcy vc been pron lo do in the past NUMBERS made the point thai he think child abuse was Increasing or gelling worse but that It Is receiving more publicity and people are more conscious of It Another task force member suggested the actual number of cases might bo drop- pint And there s Interesting statistic that IS per cent of child abuse cases are reported by parents themselves Last year there were I reported cases 13 of which resulted in death Maybt task force recommendations can help to cut thai figure it should be The following from by Provincial Da re J McKrough lo Fifth Canadian Financial of the Conference Board in at the Prince Hold Toronto June I do not believe good politicians and good manager have to Index their budgets to inflation rale provide essential public services As Is the case now I believe we can cope next year and budget well below an tlclpaied roles Indeed I lleve we can Innovate and be creative as well That is the essence of whal was driving at lust week when I discussed tome of the salary ranges of public administrators In Ontario I was not being In light of the constraints without our govern men I and the slie of our financial to local governments hospitals universities and schoolboards believe we have earned the right to discuss salaries In these Institutions and to expect excellent and responsive management across our entire public sector When pan make 10 to per cent more than tht Minister or Deputy Minister of Education when university presidents can earn up to onethird more than Ihe Premier of this Irnlnislnnr make more money than the Deputy Treasurer this province I expect the the presidents and the will be able to manage with restraint and with changing realities as well as the rest of I have hud acme lnce last week speech but 1 m not about to let up The Ministry of Colleges and Universities In this province spends almost 4 billion a year It has seven employees earning over Our Ministry of Educallon with a total budget or billion has only five employees earning more thin amount Yet the University of Toroi to according to reports last Wednesday apparently has 120 persons paid over I remind you that universities and colleges and hospitals are independent and autonomous Their op salaries are set by Independent boards not by government Some in this room remind us and frequently about the annual salary or a paper worker or a bank teller In the United States visa vis Canada Fine but we should also take a look at some of the salaries In the two countries in the public sector as well Our Canadian public sector Is hand paid A schoolboard administrator here to earn up to more than his or her counterpart in the State Michigan But most important the test of whether their salaries are fair or excessive depends on performance Our public In stilulions ore second none However since these lop administrators are compensated according to private sector standards we have every right to expect productivity gains BOOST RCpoftT SAYS Potice poor Looking through our files Council discussed closing of restaurants In order to eliminate late hour noise on Main Street Two or three members favored the idea but it did not meet with general approval The clerk was instructed to write to one restaurant requesting that noise be cut down To review the weather for the month of June it was very close to normal except for the rainfall The normal maximum tern for June Is and this year registered 10 With an average minimum of was only Id degrees below the normal of for the month The rainfall though could come In Tor some criticism as the total for the month was 5 42 Inches which was almost doublt for the for June which Is inches Traffic was extremely heavy on Highway 7 through town last weekend with Industries In many municipalities closed down for a long weekend and In Influx of American tourists for the July weekend A group of children kept a record of cars with foreign licence plates and in a few hours on Sunday counted fitly Michigan cars as well as ones from New Jersey Pennsylvania Florida California Ohio Vermont Kansas Illinois New York Mln Indiana and Connecticut A Dodge driven by Henry of Copetown near Dundos ran wild on Mala Street during the Friday night shopping rush when the car brakes failed at the base of the Main Street North Hill The brakes gave way at the Intersection of Main and James StreetsasMr on approaching the heavy traffic in the business section The runaway car left the road opposite Ma veal Motors coasted the length block on the sidewalk coming to a halt against a light standard at the Intersection of Main and Wesley an Streets Georgetown and district were heavy contributors to the Canadian Cancer Society according Issued last week by K Williams president and M Clements treasurer Money received from Georgetown and district to the end of June was St 144 from Milton and district from Acton and district STW An offer to purchase property at the rear of Georgetown Dairy by Grace Baptist Church was turned down by council Monday Previously others had made offers for the property with council finally deciding that no town land would be sold until a llstlngof all town property is made and everything to be sold Is publicly advertised The church which presently meets In the Odd Fellows Hall offered S3 000 tor he land A new municipal government structure that would be run county level seemed possible following a meeting of county officials tail week A special committee of council was set up bring forward a new plan for regional government after it appear ed Plunked Report recommendations would not be carried out in full Georgetown and district beer drinkers are fast running out of places to get their favorite thirst quencher At press time the twowcekold beer strike had closed the iwo Georgetown beverage rooms and the Holly wood Hotel in had about enough to satisfy the Thursday noon trade Ontario Housing Corporation will build a unit apartment for town and township senior cltiicns if the two municipalities requisition this Two officials in tcrviewed Georgetown and Esqueslng councils heir Tuesday meetings revealing the results of a survey which shows 1G senior citizens who would be Immediate tenants built cither In the town or township passed a resolution asking that the plan proceed Georgetown tabled Ihe matter for committee study Waiting to see where senators go op in PXOB8UT ago nis came r VOYAGE IN 493 flf WAS THAN pork adult cxme we know the arrte ftuBE wept Ottawa Bureau Of The Herald The government legislation for cons til reform may be vague in some spots radical In other spots and downright pre he risible in still other spots but its clear in one area And that concerns l hi future of the Senate Under Prime Minister Trudeau plan for a revitalized Canada the Senate as we know it would go kaput Just like that kaput Now if there is one thing that horrifies Honorable Senators apart from the thought of working on weekends Its the proposilion that hallowed Upper House go kaput As Senator Jacques the Tory leader In the Stnalc put It so succinctly If I wire a senator I would be Inclined agree Asjobs go it one of the belter ones paying some a year with such perks as free travel on exceedingly generous plan secretarial help the pass lb ily of dandy directorships and oven occasio nal opportunities to practice public speaking Some even take the odd trip to Ottawa All this could be wiped out under the proposals What this government has in mind the of the Senate Is a new House of the Federation with a mixture federal provincial appointees to look after Ihe regional and linguistic Interests of the country NOT EFFECTIVE Most observers agree that while Ihe Senate may hove played a useful rote In Parliament legislative activity it has not constituted an effective forum for the discus of regionally based concerns says the by way of breaking bad Ihe Honorable Senators After studying alternative means of achieving these goals the government now proposes that In place of the Senate there be created a House of the Federation in which 1 provincial and federal legislatures can each choose members and 21 the distribution of scats would be weighed to ensure that all provinces and regions could be adequately heard Frankly I had always thought this ia what the Senate was all about It Just shows how easy It Is misunderstand our inslltii tlons Anyway when Trudeau dropped this bombshell I waited Tor the explosion from Ihe mental armouries of the Liberals 17 Conservatives one Social Credit and the three others who form this somewhat commune But 1 I want to get too close to the action you don know what like approach an enraged Senator so waited for other more courageous command to storm Ihe barricades The Globe and Mall fulfilling Its lion as Canada s national newspaper was one of the first on the scene and to put it mildly It found Senatorial morale at a disturbing level This was indicated when Senator mentioned probably in passing we re doomed DIRE WARNINGS Here is what the newspaper found Objections Include claims that the new house would obstruct the work of the Commons or that would be impotent that It would be filled with party hacks that It would lack continuity lack independence and lack expertise And Iho newspaper went on to soy lhn most Senators interviewed agreed the shift of members after each provincial or federal election impair the House effective ness Boy if Ihls doesn Impress I dont know what will When you get all Senators agreeing that the demise of their livelihood would Impair the effectiveness of anything its time to lake note And I bet that will have second thoughts now lhat some Senators have reminded him that the new House could conceivably be occupied by party hacks If there Is one thing Senators can tolerate It a party hacks particularly when there are still so many party bagmen looking for rewards But if prime minister Ignores the Senatorial warnings and goes ahead with his scheme to dismantle the present Senate at least Ihe present members will go out with some dignity What I would Intend he says Is to set up some kind of blue ribbon committee which would recommend to the government as regards Ihese people I can hardly wait for the heatings of the Royal Commission on the Disposal of Sena or at least similar costcutting performance when times are tough Indeed I am counting on Just that kind of performance to achieve the spending proposals I have outlined to you today Unless government ask a great deal of itself and continues to try to do better and finds the courage to change its ways the most vulnerable in our society will end up paying for our failure Also we have the right to expect an example at the top Ontario unit labour costs and productivity are not Just a product of the hourly rate of the welder or the bank teller or the postal clerk If as a country as believe we can let our wage costs get out of line with our competition then the same must apply to salaries in both the private and public sectors An extreme reliance on restraint is not our Intention we are trying to make an already good society better and Intelligent res taint is only a means to that end Of course we cannot reproduce the growth of the Sixties by returning to the world of the Fifties But we cannot simply leave It to the 1990s and future generators to pay for the debts of the 1970s I continue to believe along with the Conference Board that our economic recovery is underway and will be sustained In 1070 The task before us now is to ensure that shared and sturdy prosperity Is secured for the leaos That entails immediate and diverse problems which I would like to In terms of average real growth Canada economy has outpaced the United States and the C total economies since 1973 Indeed between and the end of last year employment growth In Canada was better than 3 percentage points than In the United States and percentage points greater than was the case for Japan The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has just confirmed what too few of us have been trying to say for several months When ex changerate factors are taken Into account unit labor costs In Canada actually fell In 1977 Not one of the other major industrial nations came close to this However while last year adjustment in the Canadian dollar was overdue and does provide immediate opportunities devaluation does not ensure ongoing economic Improvement and does not offer free ride Into 1960s We face immense demands for better growth and homegrown reform to the structure of our economy Let me restate the key Imperatives Labour force growth rates in Ontario and Canada have outstripped other Industrial nations for two decades and this will con tlnue Indeed the need for new and good Jobs is more than twice that of the United States Furthermore the shape of labour force growth has changed fundamentally and therefore the structure of employment growth will have to change as wel Twenty years ago only per cent of new entrants were women all ages and men years and under today they comprise 53 per cent They will not win good and well paying Jobs without important changes In the economy The service sector cannot carry the responsibility atone which has been pretty well the case for the last decade Manufacturing is key and while produc tivity increases here have been better than in the United States It must be Improved significantly If we are to compete and grow in our Increasingly global economy Now as much as I would dearly like to I do not believe we can return quickly to full potential growth without structural changes In the economy and in the practices of our governments Otherwise the untenable wage-price- profit spiral that plagued us in the three years before controls will return That does not offer the prospect of shared or When I returned to the Treasury in provincial government spending was in creasing at over per cent per year Every year since then we have reduced our rate of spending Indeed for two years in a row we have come in below our spending estimates and for this year we will hold total spending growth to 9 per cent We will meet the commitment made at First Ministers Conference of holding spending growth below the growth of total national income Indeed we will do better Spending will be held below rate of In flatlon aswcmovetoabalancedbudget We are forecasting revenue growth of per cent for each of the next years If we are to come close to our balanced budget target without major tax increases the overall spending celling for fiscal year 197980 must be brought down further to about 3 per Now this a 3 per cent celling which I believe Is imperative means that after we meet our fixed obligations of publicdebt Interest and payments Into pensions funds which will rise 11 per cent we will have only per cent new money to finance all other government programs and costs That Is a very tough proposal and I would beklddingnoone if I pretended that it wtU be happily embraced or easily Implemented Restraint has been pursued with dedication and loyalty within Ontario but lis appeal of course starts to wear thin It la no longer seen as a happy little war but a long cam which requires very basic chonges in the practices of government Now as a fellow tax raiser I may envy the standing ovation he received from Investment Dealers but I do like Jean Chretien However his Idea or holding line Is fine But wholly Inadequate economics The Federal Government s willingness to ride along with the economy rather than cut into Inflation in its spending Is going leave a terrible Job to others and could sabotage sound economic expansion In the early 80s AH AWARD HO

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