Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 9, 1978, p. 21

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RELOCATION The Canada wide real estate service- with 350selected real estate offices m nties across Canada TORONTO LINE 4532700 New on Marilyn Drive by ana me landscaping ana me quiet location Interior Is excellent with well cared lor floors good decor and the big plus Is on pool heater cool patio the main Moor den Is private and peaceful Then call Ellen Hogg for complete Inspection this At properly lot reclaimed brick exterior Quality craftsmanship unique Interior cabinetry and I n touches Don t be disappointed by a sold on new listing Call Bar for appointment Asking only Brampton HO lovely lol deep Detached Garage Small Family Room convenience to Shops Transportation add to the value Call June Come Walk Willi Ma To Inspect this acre treed building lot located on the fringes of Georgetown wllh t frontage on the sparkling waters of anyone Planning lis n the country but be close to am with In gorgeous a bedroom ranch Brick and stone bungalow full stone fireplace billiards room large new pool There is everything with really worth living Call for Ross Irwin Where Can You Buy A Cedar Siding Cottage On the edge a Lake for Yes thafs the Price Just reduced Call before lis gone val Taylor Located In Broadtoom I Room Call area town Family itone fireplace Upgraded ground floor Laundry Inspect to val Taylor Don m ss this A bedroom home with fireplace and out lo beautiful ravine lol Two qui broad loom and tastefully decorated with walkout Asking Luxury at III Almost new bedrooms fireplace living room allichcd garage Properly back ng onto woods Call Tona bedroom bungalow fully Bill Ellis Manager Herb Spitzer Associate 8779955 Don Mortgaging Alice 8770345 Millie Adams 8774045 JOHNSON CARNEY fe REALTOR 8775261 FOR YOUR CHOICE OF HOMES BEACHCOB0URG BEACHB0LT0NGUELPHFERGUS0WEN ELGIN Till Wednesday IS7B Pake MORTGAGING Glen Williams High on a hill new j bedroom bungalow In be built Come In and look over the plans a formal room and attached car Full price only IN 500 mm year round sun room tractive lot In established For more details call With a view from In the a bedroom ranch bungalow Icatures such as oak pegged floors Spanish tile octagonal payment Ft Living Space s In this brick excellent I lust Glass Sliders to patio onto parklike setting Low down For full dota Is phone Don steps schoolers play safely Eat In kitchen bright spacious living and dining A must to see at only Ml Call Parker With private deck of Baker Seandanavlan Style Chalet celling glass gable fireplace r family room Hills Call Murray Looking lor Something How a Chalet on Acre only from Georgetown Go Train Truly a home lor all seasons convenient to Terra Colta Con Area Hiking Swimming Riding Crosscountry Skiing A Gardner So much lor so Utile only MB 900 Call Vacant Hume Just Reduced to A real opportunity lor you to own a ho nice neighborhood close to shopping For Appo view c Century Farm Acres Storey rooms Home bedrooms large kitchen stalrcises no Flooring and trim full basement lirgo bank barn suitable for horses or pond Good financing Asking 00 OH Murray sliding walk a large country Id Murray Baker Alex Glenn Ross Irwin June Carson Sue Hamilton 8772895 8775926 7298 Location Location Charm i storey dome bathrooms huge 19 x 1 Is r gftt huue x lot Price MA Call Herb landscaped home detached double garage Tremendous opportunity live n prestige Land Lovely Land Plus a house 3 barns and a silo close to town for The lind is alt workable presently under corn house Is IB information area L shape IIS lor appo n lining lour bedroom jom The building painted and and a for tenants Close to all amenities brick 3 storey duplex treed area Georgetown on a r cm you be restored a lovely one priced only Call Herb Building Lot excellent site approval nil permits I slid 9O0 Give Don Jirvlc call tor full largi ma Moor kitchen and Sep vale din roorn k ng p I today lor Ihc One A Kind II would difficult lo in it in bar Two Eaty com to Toroilo Call me lor more detail on Parker SERVICE WE BELIEVE IN IT Space To Live And Grow Give Up Renting and have a look at a comfortable townhouse good design with bright sunny living room The Vendor has moved and will look at an offer with immediate possession Lei now by calling Ellen Hogg Ench parcel Is us Acres Mature trees excellent pond Gentle Land fantastic view Minutes from Ski areas and convenient small community Priced In the 70s Call Barb Setting landscaped lot sets bungalow Priced a call Clara Brandt en Gentle Rolling Acres forks Ihe Credit sq fl living at lis best a spacious huge kitchen format dining room otters waikoul and fireplace rec wllh fireplace and walkoul ial showing id See The Sparkling Interior bedroom bungalow at on Saturday August to 1 m The Kitchen Is lust el cook and bottle washer Custom Built Brick and ranch bungalow on mature lot with over 700 feet Irontago Stone fireplace In living room huocscparale dining room Excellent value listed In low Full details please phone Don lining garage ill ly lor bedrooms and finished brick Double aled on largo lot wllh nice Asking Come selection of materials For r brick storey double extra large kitchen with piece Family room wllh glass door Clara Brandt 8531918 Fleurette Barb Dunleavy Parker Irene Paterson smalltown Small Home Small Price Willow Park Three square feet mobile home out with Alex Glen Looking For Something Sue You v surprised when you Is bungalow that has had special loving care Main floor room Franklin washrooms broad loom dishwasher and private yard with mature trees Asking call Fred Harrison ONLY WO Willow Ideal for or one Brick W Central location for this outstanding buy bedrooms dining room and 13 rec room Con move as Utile as down Call Fred Harrison custom double garage huge fireplace and walkout to treed yard Cedar deck from extra large living room and dining room Dream kitchen Asking call Fred Harrison Century Beauty Alt original wood work cut French double doors between formal dining and living rooms Upstairs and rs washrooms For the woman house a huge kitchen and for the man a lull basement and 160 tot wen landscaped and private All listed Vendor has purchased and Is anxious to sell Call Not Another Pool bcautllul landscaping and polio arc parkctte largo master n suite gracious living and d overlooks pool area with patio doors Superb Workmanship t in every part this 3100 Home Located breathtaking view In designed kitchen open room with llrcctloni Custom Carson id Unit Townhouse tors of living space Largo Large living and d area I rec room wllh walkout to fenced yard Call Barbara for more Information No Matter How You Spell This lovely home Is spacious Completely llnlshed Room and another room wllh walkout Just right tor In laws See today Call Taylor Looking For A Largo Homer Look no Lome and see home with family rooms huge living room and kitchen car oarage and lull basemen quality broad 1 Located on Trafalgar of the Asking Call Millie Adams J Acre Lot With Stream And some bush located A mlls of west Georgetown Full asking price call Alex Glenn for details Rockwood Retreat On private acres Brand new bedroom bungalow of superior quality plus year old log cabin and out buildings all add to the uniqueness of this properly To see call Sue Hamilton BRICK ANO ALUMINUM storey semi asking lust M Quality broad loom glass slides to pallo Excellent location mortgage arranged to suit you For complete informal Ion call Clara Brandt Val Taylor Murray Smith Acton8530315 Fred Harrison Ellen Hogg Tena Kroezen 8772722

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