Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 9, 1978, p. 4

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Mustering forces in the Senate Home Newspaper of Halton Hills AUGUSTS 1B7B A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main SI South Georgetown L7G Ontario WILLIAM Publisher BOB BUTTER Editor Second I Good work Georgetown s downtown business improvement area executive should be complimented on the manner in which it has worked diligently to pass its five year plan through the red tap associated with approvals at various stages Traffic islands part of the overall scheme to improve Main Street will llIUlHitlitf be tested sometime within the nexr year And when the testing is com the plan hopefully will be instituted in its entirety Signs pointing to the downtown and located on access locations for traffic travelling through Georgetown will be installed as soon as an adequate agreement is reached with town officials for their installation Action must be taken soon to ensure that the progressive feeling of unity that can be derived from the association is readily felt and that steps are being made toward its ultimate aim For that reason alone council should act expediently to ensure that the signs are erected soonest and that the traffic islands are installed As a further indication of the progressive nature of the executive and membership of the Georgetown association the Burlington Gazette last week ran a full page feature on the effort taken by the local chants for the annual Pioneer Days promotion The article is reprinted on our second front page It i noteworthy Liidl Burlington merchants are now in the midst of determining whether to establish a BIA Ombudsman again seeks increased funds Park Bureau Ombudsman Arthur Maloncy just cm I o resist empires latest report fourth the most moderate and temperate of the But This time Maloncy wants to branch out into setting up a regional in Stc Mine with satellite offices in North Boy Sudbury Thunder Bay and Kenora At present the ombudsman operates olely out of Toronto Staff required for the new expansion and iht costs involved are conveniently left as something that cm easily be determined after study of the present case load He does suggest the new facilities would reduce budget presenile needed for Bible thought I im the good shepherd the good shepherd his life for he sheep Therefore doth my father love me because I lay down my life that I might lake it again John 10 11 17 Our sins took the life of Jesus our forgiveness depends on what we believe about it Christ died for our sins hearings and transportation Toronto AtTUU It Naturally it would not eliminate these just that new northern offices would assume responsibility The justification for this sudden growth Is that the ombudsman office received per cent more complaints from the North than one would expect on the of population In real terms thai complaints or SO per proposed office spread across one year Moloney whose regal have helped him acquire the nickname King Arthur around Queen Park has tried Ihc imperial The last time was when he sought to broaden the scope of his investigations OIL Today he can only took into complaints against the government and lis agencies wanted that extended include against Iota government boards of education children aid municipalities and even lied dn I get his wish parlly because his irritiied and partly because he was way over budget Whit makes one really wonder about the latest surge by ombudsman office is the comments Miloncy made in same report existing and relatively new ministry of Northern Affairs II was set up to dial exclusively Northern needs and problems The ombudsman office is increasingly impressed by excellence of the service provided by the representatives of Northern Affairs SYV In fact they perform an incredibly useful function and they extend fullest coopt rat Ion to this office Why then do we need ombudsman a offices Affairs officers Irained to handle problems and complaints of citizens Before ixpandinf to North however Miloney will write William Davis so he premier can launch such study Into the subject as he feels circumstances Ottawa Bureau If The Herald As the British learned during the darkest days of Ihe Second World War Ihe fight for out a remarkable fighting fortitude In people It truly how we can mister those Inner resources in face of death Now ike the With the government swinging the sword In their direction honorable senators were expected tofacc their fate with scarcely a whimper But their reaction brings back memories of those stole stands during war The senators ore not only prepared to fight they arc equally prepared lo give up a slice or their summer holidays do so And that by anyone s standards is senatorial us lines Many senators had already signed up for by offering their services on a joint Senate Commons study the government proposals This committee will get work next month gravelling the country solicit viewpoints on the proposals which among things would replace existing Senate with a new creation called the House of the Federation Protect yourself family before disease strikes It was often difficult to understand what young Tim was saying His words slurred into each other and consonants were achieved Why did PM Answers not Prime Minister Trudeaii sudden not lonol flight on airwaves Tuesday night lefl more questions than answers The big lion of course is Why The very real problems Mr Tntdeiu swamped with his bag of promises hive I en and jetting worse ihrough most i his reign And his answers Keren specific enough for Canadians hopes on People arc letl pullc over why should come bouncing back from his Moroccan suddenly lay elaim lo national radio and television aid burst forth with a display of politic il colored iighls Perhaps it to show public hat a government must face Is sill breathing and aware of our national troubles But with its record inline around lis neck the government will nttd more Mr au speech to convince people thai Perhaps and we may hope it is so the government took of Ihe responsible pact setting action of workers In coming a realistic settlement on new contract government as Prime Minister Indicated slnrt insisting on reason able terms Tor lis restless legions f civil servants still demanding the sky with difficulty Tim ran problems In school and was prone to unreasonable bouts of temper with the neighbourhood children tic is deaf andn speak specific Hi 1 country is not ill good shape lint tan are troubled more thin unity problems which he ment has made Its main concern until now Mr Tmdt may hue been eel acre that his government shares concerns of people who worry about jobs the dollars buying power and prices more than do about the constitution But people arc no better informed iboul oi plans than were before speech Where for example does Prime Minister propose delete billion from public spending Dots a civil service promised and forgotten in the past really mi in anything Or does It mean more on consultants Which of he many regulations that suffocate private will lie cosed will become of post office and why ignoring public appeals for all ye irs is the decided mike Crown corporation Is because a pre diction postal strike almost certainly would provoke anti government public react If really eared mnl service why did will until its own whs on block Mr I Id very little hoy bavin he before going to take m ire thin old pri mlses rotreaded for in election run to persuade people that this can govern effectively Hamilton Spectator Looking Through Our Files large important slice of the world is denied was not born deaf he lost his he at the age of three due measles The sad fact remains hat this he will now carry for bah nee of his life could have been prevented He was born one of the fortunate generation to whom a vaccine eliminating this illness is available and polio hive not been led merely remain dormant until the relaxes its vigilance by failing to safeguard their families and then it all begins again As a polio victim myself contracted in before immunization I know from first hand experience the ravages this disease can cause While the degree of recovery can vary from one Individual to another some times leading an almost perfect recovery the effect of weakened and dead muscles or dimaged end ins return haunt you years later necessitating corrective or least chiropractic assistance Polio is no respecter of age and it is certainly not limited to a childhood disease Mr A left a widow and two young children when he finally died of pneumonia at the age of He died however only after living death Incnrcero led in an lung a machine designed mechanically compress and release the chest wall enabling totally paralyzed polio victim breathe With Increased travel o and from all parts of the world today and a relaxing of the once enforced Immunization plan when tiling overseas we arc more vulnerable now to the transmission of disease ever before We live in a glass bubble and exposure people in crowded stores and buses Is a necessary part of living You protect yourself and your family however by spending five minutes in a clinic or doctors office Love after all should mean never hiving look at a disabled child and say If only I had do it riUHTY A new laundry opened for business Aug offering wet wish flat finish and fully finished service with weekly collection anil delivery Situated in part of the George own Bar Georgetown Laundry was opened by Gordon Knight and Sid men bid served the Royal Air Force during World War It and hod been stationed in Canada for a lime Upper school results were published second week of August listing examination resulls for 10 Georgetown high school stud en Is tier w is so scarce council decided to residents that unnecessary ling of lawns and gardens was forbidden Mayor Joseph Gibbons laid council that when he visited the reservoir Aug there was less than felt of water remaining In It and the auxiliary pumps had had be activated for a number of hours The mayor told council he was an advertisement Idling residents arrange for Iheir children attend Millc and Acton high siliool The mayor felt that ml sh I In advertising what the Georgetown high sell offer as well as Ihe other Iwo TWENTY AltS AGO The Water Resources Cemmiss ion okayed a house subdivision In the vicinity of tool plant Building Ins pec I or Joseph Gibbons issuid permits to Hex and Cons Inaction permit of the to begin Charges against firm for to build six homes permits wen not withdrawn Mr Gibbons said Don I a ay lost half a field of Aug whin sparks from an excursion to Stratford showered the field A owned by George Leslie which was working in the Field at the lime was saved Acton were called In help Georgetown department Council decided to accept number or roads in which wire roads should be surfaced by prime and chip or another much cheaper method Council issued instruction for preparing bylaw to cover a six inch walcr main to service a new subdivision on Ann The Lome Scots Regiment helped provide guard for Princess el is look I from Ihe Royal Train plane In MIS Ire razed Ihc covered In be Georgetown park around Aug The blaze was visible from as fir away as as yearold structure burn firefighters wire also barn fire Aul when ben barn on west nil I int sows and a escaped he flames but Mr lost ill pigs and four sows Lewis Jackson of was killed July whin his tar collided a truck driven by Bill of The accident the curve of Highway council delayed making a decision on a request by School fir lent approval of i Mil public school The included six regular classrooms a prim ir opportunity a kindergar library and a purpose room hi Supreme Court has ordered town issue i permit lo George Thomas fur in tit suite building which he pi ms build on Road Tht yeir senators hove under more than a passing Interest in I is rn i nno va on The joml Aill one presumes no unturned In its seirch for justification of such a dastardly develop- BACKUP I- Bui juM in case I see the senators now have decided they should have another committee composed entirely of to examine same question And at senators had volunteered make the me sacrifice by serving on Ihls committee I can I recall ever seeing so many volunteers exclaimed i Senate employee It will mike to a quorum The chairman of this body will be Senator Richard St an Ontario I iber His dipuly will be Senator Jacques Fly a Quebec Tory And while I dldn I want to bother either of of such a massive undertaking you don phone n before be battle I see that or S anbury disci all suggestions ha corps of volunteers might be by personal in on u on committee might be guided by 1 own in survival reported one spa per It would be a pretly small mln ded senator who permitted his own personal position govern his judgmeat was his conclusion I dare to disagree with that assessment Bui I must admit lo being just a trifle curious about this sudden totally objective senatorial Interest lutlonal reform The way things are shaping up we could have half of senators doing front line duly during scorch of August And here I been a senatorial assault like thil since another special com trying how redecorate the Scnalc chamber Yousee World War so his committee was struck lo recommend replacement But endless arguments Involving the relative merits of new paintings tapestries stained glass win ind new visitors who knows someone might drop in nothing ever happened Anyway that was just a minor scrim ige Wha senators now face is a large- minded fight for very survival of an institution not to be confused wilh a petty minded fight for personal survival and within days the thundering oratory of this epic struggle will reverberate across land Ifhonorablescnators likethebclcagurcd can muster those mysterious Inner resources that win historic battles they will go on lo fight another day for such spoils as glass windows If lose this one the problem won arise HI GOSSIP For what its worth all the political gossip around Ottawa these days points decidedly toward a fall general ileclion It may not be worth loo much since all the gossip four ago painted to a spring election And three months ago pointed to an early summer election And of course wo have that helpful hint from Prime Minister Trudeau that we should all keep our thoughts on an election for spring 1873 However there is no point in ignoring the current ind there is no doubt thai all political parllesarc thinking in terms of a fall vole Conservative Party President Robert goes as far as to say would be obscene for not call such on election I reasons why there should be in election this year says a cabinet minister but I Can think of a single reason why the prime minister should wait unlit spring He assumes same thoughts occur to Trudeau The prime minister must an election before next July and by wilting until the last moment he would close out alibis opinions leivmg his party at the mercy of the unpredictable public opinion polls He could also leave himself open to charges that he is afraid to go lo he people And prime ministers have always Indica led distinct distaste far these suggestions BV PENDING Should decide for his own reisons until it will mean hat eight by elections will be held as scheduled on Oct it is argued if the government is going put Its popularity on ihc in such a minielcclion IPs just as well o pull the plug for a national vote The eight ridings involved t part icularly two elections within say months Despite hearty denials from Liberal officials Ihe final decision likely rests with public opinion surveys now underway The next Poll will be out in a few weeks and so will a Specially commissioned Liberal Parly survey thai will never be made public in detill The feeling at our party head quarters says a highly placed Liberal Is lhal we ill have an election providing we are at least neck and neck Ihe Tories tor he last couple of months the Liberals have been heartened by the poll resulls Following a remarkable upsurge by Ihc Tories early in Ihe year the two parties in April wire tied with per cent of the committed voters The following month the edged up two percentage points while Tories dropped back to per cent And then last month the Tories fell back two points to while the Liberals hung on at 43 per cent ONTARIO VOTE The private Liberal poll reported to the costing will give the prime minister and his advisors a detailed indication of how voters feel about parties specific issues and personalities Ana It results from southwestern Ontario particularly Interest the Liberals since that is where Ihe election is expecled be won or lost surveys have indicated there will be no changes in West Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces Bui all parlies agree even a minor shift in voting patterns could have a massive effect on seals In the 1974 election there were S3 Ontario seats and the Liberals won of Ihem This time say they require GO to ensure a majority govern menl When Ihe prime minister returns to his Ottawa desk following Bonn economic conference where he received a great deal of publicity over the anil hijacking agree ment and his lour the Queen western Canada he is expected lo be confronted by a flock of election hawks Even the scheduled federal provlnciol conference is not seen as a stumbling block Trudeau a proposals Tram being on pari of an election campaign Add the conference goes ahead so much the better Anyway around Ottawa

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