THE 13 Kit school 20th anniversary Senior 1001 is celebrating years educational facility The school which serves Grade and in the west end Georgetown and a large portion of rural Hal ton 111 I la was opened by the Township Area School Board in 1958 as a regular public school There were five class rooms in the original school It is supposed to replace original ii school take the from Hill school north of Glen Williams which had closed in and its pupils sent to the Glen and also students from all the one room schools which wire overcrow ded and students were brought in from School mil Blue Mountain school on tht I me on tht line Line Ashore school closed at Christinas tint students also attended Pearson renumbers the open of the school Mrs Pear son teacher at Taro school had all ii ml pupils and some of the Grade that year he rtit of Grade and were taught by Donna bet an teaching In school joined the staff at All three girls out of Inch school with nothing more than a summer course to prepare them for thilr car Pollock Grade I and 3 teacher was well experienced and helped them greatly as they struggled with their new experiences Mrs Pearson says Mrs Pollock had taught the primary room In the two room school prior to the opening of tht new school was the school dp and taught Grade He left in When entered her classroom the Monday be fore classes began there Mrs Pearson says The furniture was in thcschool hut it hud to be put Into the rooms The furnishings had been trucked in from the dosed schools at Hill and but she and the rtst of the staff spent the Labor Day Monday tugging desks sorting supplies This building is now used as a workshop In IS and renovated In IK9G The bell which used Senior school Special feature By Maggie Hannah Books had also been brought from the closed schools as well as from the higher grades that were re moved from other schools You had no Idea what books were In a box when you opened It Mrs Pearson They just out all the ones we were to get so there might be books lor a number of subjects and a number of grade levels too We had to sort them out and lake them to the rooms we When tht doors opened the next morning Mrs Pearson 33 students and she estimates that enrollment would have been about the same In each of the four Ashgrovc school closed all fivt rooms were in use Students arrived at the school on a bus run from Glen Williams Mm says A second run picked up from west of pupils arrived by taxi far a time until the bus routes got out she soys lea nor McKcown who now caches at C School for the Deaf in Milton taught at from l0to967 She became part of the staff when the school which used to stand on the south corner of the Highway inter section Park Toyota w is closed The school was already crowded at that point she says and chuckles as recalls having Gridt pupils on the first day of school one year Mrs McKtown isn sure exactly what year It was that she had such a large class All she remembers is that It coincided with building of a whole group of new homes along the and Ninth Lines and no one had any Idea what of classes to that fall During those she never had less than pupils and often she had grades in class Sttwarltown received a room addition in 1J65 Hilda tBoyes remembers her first year it tht 197J slat were front row from the I annua vice- principal principal Janet and Margaret row Khoury Clare secretary Gabet Margaret Gurr secretary Joanne MncMe Ogden and Hay Denny Back row Robert Jim Brian Mike twite Have Inference Peter Gardiner and told the addition would be rejdj but we get Into rooms until the first of May she I was the only one in the school with a split that year I had about all radt 3 and of Or into the classrooms started quarters away from the school Mrs and Courtney en In the old Hornby school which is now converted Into the workshop Margin hid 5 in tin council in tht munlcipil building on Tr f gar school got a total transformation in 1907 when 10 rooms were sdded and it js converted into arm first senior school for Gride a nil It was a model for Its time says Centennial school principal Ron Chatten Only students from township schools intended it it that and it t until en tht Hilton board of wis formed that students from the west end of Georgetown going who became principal of the school 19v6 was the first principal of the senior school and left in 1970 He was followed by Jack and the present prnitlpil Logan MacDonald at the school in The building at the inter section of Sidtroad Trafaljir Hold is actually tht third school In Stewart the of the school says that the village was served by a one room log cabin until 1873 A twostorey red brick school containing two classrooms was erected on east half lot 15 ston in that year and can still be seen there today as Upholster shop In 1B96 the top storey removed and the entire building was renovnt cd so that the lower floor was turned into two class The bell from that school placed in a cairn in front of he new school a project of the The tint official picture of s staff was taken in 183 the year of Its first addition Staff members were front run from I Grade Margaret McKelvey Grade Hilda Grades and Margaret law ion secretary Back row Courtney Saunders Grade Thelma I Gibbons Grade and principal Ba Grade Mary Kldnty music specialist and Wain Grade When became a senior school the staff expanded Teachers In were front row from Margaret Iltdley music Judy Hilda librarian Joanne Mackle home economics Margaret I and Mary special education Middle row Elliot special education Marie James Margaret John Eton principal Jack Iteed vice principal Thelma Beams physical education and Jackie Back row Dave McFarlane Hon Burrows an exchange leachrr from Australia Peter Gardiner Gord Basset Dave Lawrence Barry Brown physical education Bob Pink art Garbage crisis Continued from I unrealistic to believe that a major regional landfill site will be ready for use by 19B3 An opponent of plans to develop the regional site in rural Milton he that alternative sites have simply not been studied to the extent needed Mayor Harry Bar rttt also speculated that public opposition may deloy the ex panslon of the existing Oak dump since the adjacent in question is zoned for agricultural use Th Is where you get the public Input he said Let get on with the cation sec what Ihc react Several council members and Burlington Major Mary never tit less commended project man Wells and M Dillon for an excellent re port has helped Ilnlton an emergency SOMETIMES FLOWERS ARE THE ONLY WAY YOUR HEART CAN SPEAK Whatever your message Cofl us Today and its on its Way J Kohan DT J Novate DT Georgetown STREET on Highway Post Office Denture therapy Clinic Phone 8778974 7912314 Guelph Air Services is having a Lets Talk Flying night Thursday Sept 21st at pm Come out and learn with no obligation whatsoever how to obtain your private pilots license cost medicals etc Question and answer period wit free coffee and after For further 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