P THE HERALD Wednesday September 13 Life insurance is key to a farms- continuity By Donald MobI farmers overlook bun operating farm ihe fart lhal He now has a working valuable assets on their estate an a partner not adequately insured They fail lo weigh the effect of thei the BANTAM WINNERS C l lhc Jim Kemper John Reg Harrison MisslnghentheplctureuastnkenwPaulScarrowBcnlley M John De mm Rick Haas Peter Rode Bottom re canal Historic scenic for hikers cyclists prises abound and boaters BCohnS It is widely accepted that arc wasteful but a by product of the War of has left with one of the most spectacular boating playgrounds imaginable The Rdeau Canal stretches 123 miles through unparalleled pastoral beauty from Ottawa to Kingston For boaters bicyclists hikers and those who enjoy automobile rips lhc Waterway holds innumerable scenic and historic surprises Built from to 1832 by Lieutenant Colonel John By of the Royal Engineers lhc Rideau was Upper Canada no Ontario a safe backdoor its ink nor Following War of fnclio lingered on th ritish and the American flnlitli muinreh honored By for his fforli sloblishmeulofa It ice would not route for defence or of Canadians lei By took on what monumental task in noes in turn rs v and slum I of the lock w walls thai most locks the winch tluy w il bo viability In so many cases a fanner early death the survivors have little option but to sell out since the typical farm has little cash and a lot of short term debt and the fanners wife and young children hove no financial ility There arc an increasing number of group life in surance becoming available including ones tliut can be purchased through such agencies as the Ontario Milk Marketing Board Any young farmer interested in ensuring his farms continuity should examine these closely A typical situation where insurance is almost a necessity is where two brothers own and operate a farm The farm is worth say minus 000 debt Each brother thus has a stoke of J If one dies the survivor not only loses his brother and partner but loses half of thai has I chance of putting Jogcther to buy out the other half of the partnership Ah well his brothers widow is not able to do the work her husband did and has no money to hire someone to do that work In cases a group insurance policy that each partner holds on the other provides a reasonably inexpensive way of allow surviving partner HOW DOES 1143 INTEREST ON YOUR INVESTMENT STRIKE YOU If you deposit a minimum of In a FldMor Mortgage Investors Cor 5 year debenture on the 1 st day of any month and leave It there for years you will have earned approximately 11 simple Interest annually on your original Investment This rate is thi- an orderly transfer of the farms ownership A farmers age has much to do with amount of insurance he will need If a farmers art in RTG AG CORPORATION he die based on Interest com pounded semi annually and to maturity Applications may be made at the FldMor head office or by the coupon below and mailing it with your cheque payable to Mortgage Investors Corporation Head Offlte Fidelity Equllable Trust Tower 10th Floor One James Street Soulh Hamilton Raits wnnout not probably need lo upend a year for lhc next 10 years on experienced labor lo keep ihe form operating about the income you from a 100 000 policy Al the end of those 10 years the wife and children at least still have the option of deciding whether want lo continue farming property Wirhout that protection ihey have no option at all Additional Debenture Plans from 1 to 5 years available Water May hiking bicycling and tar along its length rewarding Roads run close by most of the and although some Starts Next Monday placid through budding us fortifications and or I century military For fun her on Ontarios Ontario Travel Park Toronto or 116 all 10AM and 11AM The Canal is a paradise for cyclists Starling in the 123 milt canal through Minn of Ontario most to Kingston on Ontario Whitewater rafting on the Ottawas explosive rapids addicts the brave with its power fun and excitement Butcher Knife Witches Cauldron The Cyclone The very mention of those names can push no glands into overdrive for people whove experienced rafting on ihe Ottawa River Shooting the rapids known by those names is a thrilling challenge offered by Wilderness Tours of Pembroke be wary You must have a modes swimming love of the your about you at all times good health and an adventure some spirit This is a do it yourself adventure Youll be given a lifcjocket paddle tips paddling instructions and directions on how to rescue someone who takes on unscheduled swim At least one qualified guide fool inflatable raft paddling r routing expertise The charged with from the Ci first net or rapids you survey tin route and I your stomach of excitement ft or raft I for wlultw Wher yoi each 10 person raft shoots rapids on its own to avoid dangerous on the river all of those an forgotten us you tackle what might be one most taxing self imposed tests of your lifetime The warm wide waters of tin Ottawa churn and boil and suddenly you arc there in the middle of o raging watt rj thumb r clap buffeting through thi powerful Ottawa and your course and Ami th You vi made it through first set of rapids with whoops and war cries and perhaps a little rch Over your should r you si i what you and you re ready for more White rafting on the Ottawa is a full day affair You paddle I rapids the i through some of the most beautiful country Ontario can provide But dont let tin scenery you or you could be on tile receiving end of mid river water fight wilh another raft It an experience unlike my youll e have again is you a turn lo thi Ottawa River many vote do And you an either day or we trips lumping on overnight stays furlhir information on whilewalr rafting on the Ottawa Tours Box IVmlmki Ontario or call 3351 tor additional information on this and other vacations contact Ontario I Querns Pork Toronto 2E5 or call collect 416 Weekdays o CFTO Television Channel Hundreds 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