Cupboards are coming out Rooms open up to new styles YOUR HOME 13 187B Page CT Tin cupboird Is loinlng out of the Its moviiiu Into tilt- llvliii room dlnhir room bedroom thildrui rooms family room dm Tht move Is on the cupboard is no lonrar a cupboard llsucibliitt About per tent tin time Its a built In not i free unit mil Its fumitun the of style finish as fur for any room of the home No looter jour thoict confined to colon con in or jour be it And muiuf oiler all kinds options to orMUfzi neks roll tlcil later flits food lies wine neks tin ricks tout What makes other ood for the the fact ttut hat as Is now flexible mitts htm useful in rooms too And the same who plan cabinetry for kitcli ens design Its installation In these other rooms Many of space specialist ire members of the American Institute of Kitchen who operate is pendent retailers or art affiliated with a lumber yard or an ippllanct or home center These profession lis are equipped to plan and in stall or to plan tht and lit you Install it From memoirs come these beyond the kitchen storage roll out rr ln buildup izi fo id TV hi Units book IicIvl Instill i ill itor for snacks in ic ibic it tl tin i desk r mi to ion t tin book of ill im to p it pi let I house stereo LqulnniLi tapts in lipe to for bin to hold to art sup orderly a pull out into With tablnets ttiin shed v irdtn II ivl drop down iron mi bond that hind Its door a cor tier for cups in just it few of that profts slonals spaut use it our tin house Months with R place focus on the cozy family fireplace in around the blazing hearth has a human Instinct man discovered And as the months spell with an arrivt fireplaces- conic focuses once mart In places where leaves don fall and the landscipt white Many an unlit piece has the same mag attraction as Rooms take on a dlftr look when focus on the fireplace and chairs are pulled together within easy con distance of each other Casi able- ought within handy reach so that they in offer a convenient for lamps books zincs drinks nacki And helping to the cozy circle the he irth rug traditional lor lately re discovered all the house as tin area rug Tht cool ban floors of summer get a splash of warm color from the right rug It can help heat up the room you even Unlit tin logs Area rug came from Denmark a few years ago to chance American Ideas about floor decoration With their thick shaggy textures and richly irns nips li tornt a with modern n and eontinulnj tin old Viklnr tradition the in patterns d on ethnic de or adapted from motifs us sun tlilni for r room and body isti that warn and tin of art Unit happen to on tin So gatlitr round norm I when the hearth Is Small kitchens have big possibilities for original decorative organization Proving that a small kitchen t be either dull or J Jose prison and Rubber maid Joined to con vert a boxy nil- white i room Into something special with exterior plication of bright wall coverings and interior In of organizers widely available and in expensive walltovtrliis pastul It your sell vinyls called Calico Jam and Slim Jim in rtd orange green and white at about per roll In upper ind lower cabinets nil avocado in color Include modular sin Ivi slide out ninnies ie bins and to put and everything In its place Thus the box canned goods and small appllnnccs that an essential to today lifintyli fresh foods and utcnsUa irt available without groping And tin things you want to show off you do show In style I lilili Old world charm in safe double doors y is Mi ill door ml ibo it Hit siftt kit tin lull mil Ihit With tin styles of the had lint city diwllirs w nil no worrj about i lliiir iiitrmciw ij to ilso dim would In is ittritlUt pos thi stjh lit Did In mind i wilroiiiliu lor of Hit ill in York cit ipirtnunt ruiiitlj i ill mid Inti ten nit mi minions I Ininln it I I win hi reiiKd ltd insul it Ion ton of poly i I i tin rmal sj tun door The old doors of wood I tint with pants Hit new and tin new rt ni door unit with hided t i il No nud ills that brims in old for attritions world eh inn to in tin i i I trance Bed linens important part of any home basics for buyers If you Just taken your own apartment are wedding plans or going off to school you need certain bed basics i include pillows a tomlorttr and a mattrtss pad as well as linens The rule of thumb for buying pillow Hit bed one In Ihc dry In closet Hits w ly you ways ill an linens In case you don have a to do a laundry or If yuu unexpected com pa ii Company in always tamp on the sofa the for might ul isl If you do you want to have an extra set of sheets pillows and an extra comforter When oure starting out It pays to buy good Items The bitter pillow comforter will i he ou more sleep and tinlly cost you less they will list longi r than the t Also spend oni third or more of our sleep and If you don get a nights won a good day An In your sleep a illy In I time hours tips to in mind wlitn you settct a pillow Thtrcs no perfect bed for and Hit res noway to tell about i pillow b Ju looking at it You to pick It up and handle it to If It Is comfortable to our if It has the feel elevation and you llkt In plllov elf if able Pillow conn In a wide r ingt of prices types and sizes so eon how you want to sleep what size bed yon have Most rs of pillows which meet Hid nteds Tin top of tin lint is down pillow Is luxurl ously soft and eight art the blinds feathers and down in combinations which diltrmint the ft itliirs in Ihe blind will ike the pillow There are also goose or duck pillows These ire the firmest and will ilso you many irs of hey are less than an all down or blend feather and down Windotvshades plus the It adds privacy filters light helps energy control by ketping temperature on an In or summer and usually is washablt Who could did win are now too In a wonderful range of mix and match colors and patterns that make you fori el how lull lluy are Don If tin is out of wh ick thi liirn you cl around to pl inning jour window treatment tven penny plneht rs can in step by colorful ready made window shades to add w and charming to dtcoratlnt sthenic Dogs love their Master Their masters will love this offer MASTER PREMIUM DINNER Delicious Based on years of research 25 PROTEIN I Reg KG BAG 10FF WITH PRESENTATION OF THIS COUPON Aware of your needs Master Feeds SSJJ RK Georgetown STEWARTTOWN 8773512 at Sheets are oft and in necessity to one of the hottest and mosl fashion able Items In the retail m Sheets an There ire now designer wash able sheets with mil- turn print repro ductions round sheets sheets even heart shaped sheets With such a sheet boom In process its only nat ural that decorators and dtsij everywhere art up with hundreds of idtas for taking Hit off the bed and It into the total decor the home One use of sheets is for wall- hangings heels tan be athtred silfhtly and hum from ihc of one or more walls of a room for a richly draped coordinated effect can be purchased in mix and match styles or pillow illy ir the lare floor pillows scattertd around i room only limit your own Pillows arc also made of polyester Ills or foam rub A good pillow should resilient and from lumps regardless of tin filling Comforters are the most popular today because give finish id look to your without the nuisance of using both a and also save Unit in making up the bed When you select a com forter In mind that then art down comforters down and feather com and some filled with The comforter filled with natur materials will drape to your body and insulate you so that you an warm In the winter comfortable In the wirmtr months A polyi fill comforter win best In the warmer months A comforter will you years of service and still look fluffy while it keeps you com fort able With all the wonderful sheet patterns on tht mar kit today It sense to buy a solid color com that will coordinate Guelph SI the ha r olo in member In selecting your bed linen basics It Is smart buy good quality Items it will give you irs of comfort and lee That why Its tant to pick carefully LIMESTONE ALL SIZES AB GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL W HAINES 3 DURHAM ST 8774593 YOUR POSTFORMED COUNTERTOP FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF KITCHEN CABINETS FROM THE CABINET ANSWER LTD BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30th 1978 YOUR KITCHEN AT NO CHARGE Boautilul laminated cabinets including free post formed top or typical kitchen shown above can be yours for under PLUS TAX BEFORE SEPT 30th 1978 CALL US NOW For A NoCharge Consultation In Your Own Home GEORGETOWN 8770244 WW BRAMPTON 4560580 Squln Mtwi Ptota Street Em lb Crock Block flMtaunntl It saves to do your own installing Well show you how