tehe HERALD Wage price controls alternative Home of Hills Tilt Wednesday October J 197K A Division of Canadian Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario Publisher HOI I Editor Second Clan Mill Number Regional decision pure Keystone Kops Presumably region and its counterparts across the province were formed to provide a centralized low cost common service to ratepayers And while the parochialism of the forced unity is slowly ebbing residents are still being treated to scenes that should remain with the Keystone Kops Two weeks ago in what can only be described as mass confusion regional council approved equalized water rates then approved a con tradictory move disallowing the previous action Regional solicitors are now assessing the situation to determine what if anything stands legally and what the position of the regional corporation is regarding uniform water rates But the entire affair is shrouded by threats from two Oakville politicians that they are prepared to take the matter before the courts and the provincial cabinet for redress Balderdash The people of Halton deserve to have definitive decisions made by the majority of politicians elected to act on their behalf They do not deserve to see continued back biting and self interest when the common good is paramount And should uniform rates be approved the possibility of court action by two members of the council opposed to uniform water rates may be nothing more than a futile attempt to register contempt for the action of approving the proposal We hope so A recent court decision involving the Gorge dispute In Wellington County took place under similar circumstances and may very well be a precedent in law for any action that might come out of Halton regitn council on water rates That decision appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada and to the Ontario cabinet subsequently ruled that members of the body approving the action can bring suit against themselves It was an expensive decision for two members of the River Conservation Authority who brought the action when they opposed the sale of a parcel of GRCA land to Wellington County for the bridge construction and realignment Should that precedent stand under circumstances that might evolve from a region decision on uniform water rates it will once and for all that politicians must accept the concept that majority decision must stand It might also spell the end of the nonsense of parochialism and self interest among that must learn to live together Rhodes death a shock Big John Is Gone ByDHlMCMLSON Of The Herd Id Provincial Industry and Tourism John Rhodes was almost with no history of heart trouble when he of massive heart failure during an official visit to Iran The terse one line announcement on television is more than just a shock The mind immediately leapt to debate in the legislature a few ye irs whorcanoppositiooMPPwas castigating the government over rial ind sins If only we were the government you the opposition the New member lamented Thai might prove interesting or to that affect a smiling John Rhodes interjecled And this observer at least the of John Rhodes of Saull Mane ex cop ex Liberal ex media ex mayor as leader of he opposition sound least bit preposterous If the Tories bid he next election which didn I seem impossible at that lime it was hard tocnvision many of hen cabinet sitting on the opposition benches Bill leading the opposition Now that preposterous And for all his and talent is treasurer it was equally difficult to sec handling the daily mixed with endless frustration is Job of opposition leader In fact the only man who suited the I ill at that time was John Rhodes lough and flexible as well as talented Not premier either following in the footsteps of ihil oilier favorite son of the Willnm Hearst who became premier in that road would have been harder to ilk whit with the competition crowded and the years rolling by with Davis no indie ho was going to leave Rhodes slock was rising Davis in fact seemed use him as a reserve fire brigade pulling oul burning ministries He first elected in 1971 in his heavily unionized steel town by a Mini m of which grew in 1977 and months is doing his apprentice ship for as i assistant In In bet a nit and minister boss of a ilio hiving to recover from the mill car lurn of the In be wen housing where he made in the 11 rough stain mil successful defence of Ills shrf Rains iht of the then highflying in office POST Fin ill this year shifted him la industry and tourism which In ire ubled economic limes Is seen more and more a key ministry diodes had job of revitalizing the industrial and inuf ictunng sector is job is one cm It was it in iIiIl it while rnide his to in vi i a highly political stop in Rhodes was slogging through the trying to sell he would have at r fir the lertmony marking thi new he helped to With the Canadian economy fast the lime when government finally take firm and clearlydefined steps to halt a spin Inlo economic chaos the matter of policy choices and the timing of their Impitmcninllon grown Increasingly urgent Three possible corrective courses have emerged of which seem have chance of being implemented before next ye ir Conservative leader Joe Clark sugar coaled economic pill thai would mike home mnrigigcs and properly taxes deductible from income jnd free millions of dollars stlmulitc the economy is one answer to problem Another is cut severely on spending something Prime Mm Trudtau his alreidy committed bis government to and one may sharply mere ise utiimploymtnl as cutbacks bite The alternative emerged this week possibly as a trial balloon when Robert Douglas ex ecu live direct or of the Centre for the Study of Inflation and Productivity an arm of Economic Council of Canada monitoring wages and prices return I wage and price controls Douglas made It clear thai as far as he and his group arc concerned ihe third alternative is a must whatever else may be done to restore economy Pumping massive amounts of money economy as Clark proposal would do can only increase true live pressures thai in the end lead to even more rding to the executivedirector irk massive pumppriming attentat ive likely to voters cannot whether has any valucornol eel until election And only then if Const rv ilivcs form the government and arc not dissuaded in the from such a Once embarked along palh Clark would find It extremely difficult to draw back because taking a way is always more difficult from a political standpoint hen giving spending restrictions can much more easily be reversed from the same standpoint Bui unless the Liberals are prepared to accept the centre alternative as a must 11 seems likely will at least pretend carry their restrictive policy forward The trouble with the Douglas proposal is thai it may appear less attractive as an election issue he tax goodies being promised by Clark Hut would be less attractive vast majority of Canadians supported the anil in f la Ion controls Implemented in 1975 and did not want them removed despite criticisms levelled Ihem by labor management and some economists They saw In them some protection against Inflation some help for ITS not in a position lo keep incomes in line inflation 11 worth noting thai pump pruning In f United States has put country Inflation rale ahead of Canada and thai President Jimmy Carter is said to be ready to set voluntary guidelines for Wage and price increases next year Inflation remains the worst enemy dians face And further price spiral as Douglas pointed threatens all Ihe gains thai have been made small as they may be in restoring international and It can be added a return of confidence in Canadian economy There is no easy way back into the sunshine of economic even if Joe Clark thinks there is and a return to wage and price controls may be sanest course between the extremes of heavy restraint and heavy spending Kitchener Waterloo Record Looking Through Our Files The Parade of Homes drew visitors to look at houses on Cower Court which were furnished and opened for public Inspect Ion The venlure was a joint effort of North Builders Association and Is aimed at attracting new area of town which will contain about home when it is completed Council received complaints of discolor ed water and the fire department was to flush hydrants help overcome it Mayor Armstrong suggested that the chlorine be removed since town water wasn I fit lo drink and now wasn I even fit for washing Chlorine was added to overcome a rust fungus in the pipes and the discolored water resulted from I dying and coming loose in system Harrison public school had an enrollment of pupils and 16 teachers in 19S8 Harold Henry was the principal The school served the and Sunbeam Heights areas of Georgetown and had the highest enrollment of all the towns schools PI ins were innounced for Bruce McLaughlin head of to address the eTh of Commerce it the North Golf and Country Club in October Council offered little enthusiasm to lib rary board for an extension the existing Church Street building Mayor Joo Gibbons felt the town needs a new library in the east end and councillor Bill Smith suggested that it could be included In plans to extend Council decided in o use public schools as voting places of establish ing polling stations in private homes as had been the longestablished Planning board rejected applications for buildings on John Street and Mountainview Ho id because they conform with the existing bylaw of the day with newly recommended official plan Writer warns beware of art ripoff artists vNlSHOIUUll a word for time we around someone is it lo you taking more lhan hi or fair share passing off faulty or defective merthindisc offering something that the consume never receives from every eorner of world live in we somehow end up with less lhan we bargained for Some rlpoffs we hive to tepl The push for more production more products more goods his forced Ihe eon dollar due In suffer of the ind eontinuing demind the consumer quickly that of today not have the steel of rday home furnishings art pressed hoard houses are not built Ihe simt not the wood and not the same phsltr Ml of Ihese In ind value become something thai we In Til lo live ilh price of progress There arc however rlpoffs of inolher thai amount nothing short of theft where tht consumer believes tint he Is gelling something thai he is not CM A rceenl ease in point to our it by David Vance of ihe I- our Winds Cillery in David is local Canadian who earns his living from his end Hi Is not only a talented artist he Is a concerned one who his been actively flghling an art ripoff since The ripoff comes in Ihe form of original Canadian oil pointings A I The pointings are produced in Taiwan in factories in mrchanlcal reproductions off the lint highlights ire tout heel up v lift oil give effect of an oil Then a wholesaler slips on i Anglo name That all well if the consumer knows what he is problems arise when these lions ire pissed off as Canadian art MIT Iwowieks a woman from Hilton Hills Inlo Gallery for friint for in oil she had just purchased Her bus hid bought for from an illy selling his door door Ihe woman wanted to the painting Its value was afar try from her husband had paid for it In this particular else two people were working both sides of the street selling Ihese a on one side points across the sire el lo i ijrl on the bitch Maims Ih it In or sin is silling Ihe paintings for each other my sister or brother original list Tin wnininwhoiskeilfor ippraisal is visit shaken livid feels and rightly so there to bo i law against such practises A group of over 100 he belongs hired a lawyer ind petitioned In government to hive country or origin stamped on paintings Unfortunately nothing of Iteheves Hint the people in Hills should be alcrled this type of door In door ripof li work too hard for art is Another type of rt production art is brought over here originates in Brussels Ills a of assembly line work The proceed slowly down on assembly line where one worker paints the sky someone else does not so forth Again not the accepted sense cm I buy a piece of by he size slid David same small works have high value while some larger works could sell for less just can I put one single price on it These kind of prints ore truly not art Some advice to the buyer from Is as follows ask for Ihe s name A great many Canadian artists stamp the of frame of paintings So look for the artists mark on the back Never behove that the artist does I want be with you he does for it is through you lhat he becomes known and sells his If you a reproduction by ill means bin one but know what you gelling The wholesalers m Toronto sell Made In Taiwan Imports They are not oils and they are not Canadian An artist puts a little piece of his soul into his work what a person buying art pays for that special something out touches your soul I m sorry to say It can be reproduced on an assembly line If the pirticular duo that tried rook the of the area and comes to your door cilia cop is fraud and Ihil is one they ought not to get away with Its been good PQ proposals cloud issues Ottawa I Of The Herald by litlle we are being fed tidbits about Premier Rene proposals for his issociation but in stead of confused are making things worse The latest revelation from the Parti leader Is that Ills form of Quebec independence would a iry and customs union Willi the rest of Con ida And since such a union has exited ill provinces since Confederation could be argued thai represent radical departure I susptel renewed federalism being espoused by I leader Claude Ryan is also high on mom lining monetary and customs union With he other provinces Since long awaited Quebec refcren on Independence won I be he Id for another yeir I suppose there Is still of Unit- stroighlen out various I iking much pro ress It bad enough it wants to si lipped tin wording of his pi tuned but its even win he tint first seim to maintain sin I us I II rins Obviously difficullns with internal alliens some which u ml outright unit if wliith prefer i less mule and still tiers if waul no dlsruplive changes flu premier must Ih ippe il n for patience no id the Various factions in mind when hi he gin I if a form of Qui bee Independence which a iry customs union with llie rest Ik is Irynii to sell is form sep ir itiru without inherent risks of tola inde pi And when in inlo full strieli he will he silling a form federalism hit I hive ill the inherent peihhcal opinion mils lnvi demons riled llnl Ihe inline people tin i ijposid lo sepinll mid in mil sly id Ibis in mm I whin he about his propc il m mi lary nun the r i of He into convince the sot died modern low irel bill In is lo tonvlnie Hit so tailed Ih it tin ultlniule das not Hi fends sovereignly ass el is i trend a trend of tile future ilso and Ihe one id it represtnls continuity of Juelae devilopment from colony to stale lo responsible rniiK to se mi ruvincl st Wi it e normally like people Hill Ihe Pari is mil m iking the provlnte s lo under slaiid Us di i f self dele rmination It mil lhromh I by niccssllv go far beyond imnniim And with ilnndl ixltl in polities wt in I It fir remove from old fashioned iiisiesit no dniibl through critical lhiv system I ive order lo rebuild parts of In a way they function properly In time In I ibcral parly will wild i resounding no In every I thai will put Qui bet on the rend loiwIiUmlsipirnlion of Ins electorate Ihopethit in is able cause If tin tit mis of confusion continue way it wlitlitr ihe the nisi Ivisw lit able their own iiiisliiiis in I In the most endearing remark I received my more Hum two years as editor Tlie llenld came recently when a long resident of area slated that the improved within past IB months it I the fact that remark was made unsolicited in an mailer but iherciliwtion that the efforts by my stiff writers and myself hail made an unpad on Hie Chinees in newspapers excluding outward graphic design elements is general ly very II likes a long lime before reiders begin lo realize thnt changes are Inking place Now lliti I am for new responsibilities with the Duly Mercury lean line hit The has guncd in reputation and is i very part of Hilton Hills community These changes however could have occurred without support of many cor respondents acquaintances and I my staff developed with- community over Ihe past years It these people I only say you Tht next decade win critical or the unholy trinity of Acton Georgetown and known as Hall on Hills The feeling of unity are still sometime off but the iniigonisms thai might have during Hit five years since the formation of Hilton region appear to be ebbing With this molding together the new is coming new concern the development North as an extension eif Ihe Metropolitan Toronto Centred Region As the outward push from ana continues to grow In momentum consciousness will develop in Hills among residents a consciousness that will be more refined lhan that which we are ex per today in such Issues as the library in Georgetown and the Focal I know id The Herald will play an important part in the future development of any concern negligible After I leave here know thai I will The Herald HI lb and the enthusiasm I sec the people who live here It feeling when someone leaves some thing that has become such on integral pari Good luck to all May you all be successful in future Che HERALD General MICHAEL nag no Editor no Manager