Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 11, 1978, p. 35

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THE HERALD October SMOKE DETECTORS Information Smoke detectors Worth the price Fire II word which connotes error loss tragedy Each year in Ontario several hundred people die and others lose their possessions Many of the could have been prevented warning had come early enough Moil the lives could have been saved In 1974 nearly 300 Ontanans cm lues and thousands more were injured Most these ires occurred in homes and most started at night Protecting lives Protection your home and family from lire loss depends on a three point urogram reducing fire hazards in your home establishing a fire route providing an early warning Reducing fire hazards in the home Fire departments will on request inspect your home for possible fire hazards a id make recommendations where necessary You should educate about fire danger and post the tire department number prominently beside each telephone Establishing a fire escape route The most carefully planned escape route is useless unless practised by family member Decide the method of escape and an alternative il possible then try it out Providing an early warning system Fireextinguishers should bo readily available near sleeping quarters and in the kitchen but they be used only tor small controllable fires attempt to put out a large fire Because many fires begin at night when occupant are asleep an early warning system can save live For that reason the Ontario Building Code requires installation ol smoke detectors in all where Types of fire detectors There are two types detector heat detectors and smoke detectors it detectors arc commonly used in commercial anil buildings but the more quickly activated lectors are recommended lor residentm ic He it or thermal detectors are activated only when Ihe temperature reaches degrees Celsius or degrees Celsius depending on the sotting but point deadly smoke may already have killed sleeping occupants Heal detectors then properly than lives Be sure that any lor Smoke detectors There are two types smoke detectors ionization tor products combustion and photoelectric Both are effective n warning occupants bul the degree vanes Ionization type smoke detectors ionization type smoke detectors use amount material to allow he air inside the unit to electricity current pisses through When enters Chamber il the low current and predetermined Photoelectric type smoke detectors Tins type uses a sensitive photoelectric cell and either a bulb or a emitting diode Win enters the unit it scatters he tight it to the photoelectric cell and setting of Effectiveness of smoke detectors ionization detectors are relatively effective detecting smoke from before smoke is Phdtotiecir units according to some tests may more quickly to smouldering Both types wi sound the nee quickly than heal Stages of a fire visible lomziiio The smouldering stag where smoke is visible have not yet Photoelectric den will be al this stage PROVINCIAL PAPER LTD St GEORGETOWN DELTACRAFTS MANUFACTURING LTD 99 River Drive GEORGETOWN 8776948 RDS MANUFACTURING COMPANY Todd GEORGETOWN 8772256 DRG STATIONERY COMPANY Todd Rd GEORGETOWN 8776908

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