lit RAID Wednesday October 11 IKS TEACHERS GATHER Pauline coordinator for Inst rut tional media will the Ilallon Board of Education gives some tips In Ihoarl of book repairs gathering Inst Thursday at George Herald photo Letters to the editor Prime Minister wanted strike and instigated it says reader To the editor of The I must compliment you on September editorial wherein you put blame for mall strike where it belongs preelctt ion political opportunism would agree that the Letter Carriers Union of Canada midc every attempt possible to with Treasury Board negotiators and head off the strike The President of the Letter Curriers Union of in ada stated three weeks before the strike deadline that the Union was willing to continue meetings and that the Union position was flexible If the Treasury Board negotiators hid 1 relations savvy they should have taken that ii cut lint the Union was not only willing but would reduce its demands Instead mint wailed one before deadline In return the table and present the same which been rejected I that the Intentionally Inst ignlcd Indeed prior lo the strike commencement I nidi told the country lhat iIil would be legislated In work iflhey exercised tluir rights One could almost murine the Prime Minister drooling with lilt thought of votes he would reap from his proposed If this latest political fiasco is an example of government in good with that the Postal Unions have become known as militants Yours very truly Allan It to- Ac I on Lions Club assists many events lion Ed lire which are gome to keep the President Of the George members very his Lions Club in June term of office ana right away the time this is printed making plans for the club Lions will have been evident at rail Fair as they fair Board by manning gales at Georgetown grounds The next bit cw ni will be i This weeks news from ige Sale on October Parade Some more infornnlion this bands have already been in this and ideas for floats a is m being kicked around iid stage for ihis that December 2nd is not so far ahead We be ready provide a suitable for Jolly Old Gentleman In the Suit By SMITH Herald correspondent Mrs was hostess for the October meeting of the I We were happy to welcome back the president Mrs Jimicson after her holiday In Scotland The meeting opened In the usual way An inspiring poem by Ihe president after which ill sang the tt I ode and repealed Mary Collect Fourteen members answered ihe roll call Minutes of ihe September meeting Were reid approved In the absence of Ihe Director the president govt the full report of the District Directors meeling held In Milton District Day Ji is to be a luncheon at 12 JO Mm Betty Kopcrdraad as convenor of Citizenship and World Affairs took over the meeting and called on Mrs Smith for the Motto Great events lake place in the world look listen and learn member wis to give local current event Then convener gave a minutes report Eileen Hurt on the culture of growing pcinuts die Given on health I on education tlUHHOSSltUP Belly men tioned some of our local ross ladies had helped al a very had fire at a Texaco Company In nearby Port Credit Slcssorillis reported on the If and said had had meetings and so lir just ft girls were attending Mrs had prepared paper on migraiion which told on the new law Into being on of this year Mrs I- ranees lluekrcll look Mrs pit women of the month and old of Ihc many and downs she had Works report A report released week by lUllon works department indicates that Glen Williams residents will year for Ihe next IS years if they municipal water to their homes Stan a spokesman For group who for Ihc rtporl Ihelr wells wenl dry for second summer in a row slid the group has not yet met to discuss the report We got some from the region he said hut we have lo find out exactly wh it included in those figures It looks like for the along street and or Tor he connections ind pipes hook up to the house wc have pay for a plumber to run the pipes from house hook us up at the street Us going to be fairly ex pensive liny regional manicr and with Mr assessment of the situation The home owners would pay fee to the of Iheir properly he siid although this in be in Ihe else if disparity because I lot shapes will also pay a charge for connecting the lo pipes on owners property and is well as for the installation if a water mclcr in Ihelr home 1 understand the matter is lining to as a local improvement project hi said allhouuh nisi hen s notation to have It tin same special consider is is Thai would it special grunts r provincial scheme to lower the cost of bringing water to isolated communities as very yount woman llcles were sold on touch lake table which in i sum for the Mi cling closed with the sinking of and the Wl race A lasly lunch wis the hostess and her ttc were sorry to heir of ihe which Ihe of in vicinity of Thunder Inst week Joi lived on t ighlh I inc nil his vnung days ind wis well known lo residents here the lime of his death hi lived in Kerens We extend to his wife family an I other relatives The clothing isked for for Ihe Bile wis well rfspondcl Some warm irllcles wire out and picked In ban mint of the church last wck While llallmnfid is celebrating the in nivcrsiry of their church llus of is bun their in vents In com lh minivers have been going on ill The I ml Smith of 101 s Willowdali conducted services for Ihrei evenings up lo the Spinal llnnkscivini si rviceonSundiy vinini Smith was a sllidenl r llillshurgh ihurch about thirty On Itiv tin sine service ly contributed so make the minister hid tell Ihtm While Sundiy School in progress iifull congregation listened lo short bill inspiring sermon Mr Slilcs Our up Over We truly hive much thankful for Minj of our took idv jut of holiday hut wire several visitors Ihc neighborhood Mr Mrs John Pearson and son pirinls Mr mil Mm Mr in I Mm I in had son Murray Ins wife children spend Sunday vviih ire trin had f nod we Iheir fur pi llillinafnd resiiiinls wire sun strolling in the sights After Santa Claus Par ye the lions are everyone back lo Ihc I Ions Moll for i Turkey lloll followed by a dance in the evening hat we can help finance parade and even ruse a dollar or three towards the final of our pledge towards re eons I ruction of Memor Arena Other plans tor the future include our Grey Cup Draw Cane Sales on behalf I Senior Citizens Outing Stanley up Draw Windfall and of course we will soon be starling Morning Break fail for Hapless Hockey Par thank people of Georgetown for support without which our projects would be po we would like i ige anyone interested in helping directly to talk lo your nearest friendly Lion lion or Fred SILVERS LADIES KNITTED SPORTSWEAR Now LESS THAN Price ALL ITEMS NOW REDUCED BELOW COST Check these values in hour lower level HALF PRICE SHOP VESTS SKIRTS MFG SUGG to 1 2 PULLOVERS A lh was spun Kill Sheridan enrolment up Full time enrolment Sheridan College totals ICG represent per increase over the previous academic Registrar Elizabeth Craig said as of September 25 students were registered In fulltime post secondary prog rams Another 1 are taking Manpower sponsored retrain ing programs and are students Ontario Action reer Program First year enrolment In all post secondary schools Is up significant I y said Technology and business programs hid tin most dramatic this year she said The Applied Scicnee and Technology Division Brampton experienced per increase bringing Ihe total for all years 10 4Z4 The upswing In business area which began about two years ago continued this year iri Ihi wire most inspiring lire jihind each In ir Smith listen II Mr I Inyd Knight Smith s r Miss I Smith who wis present on S rvln thanksgiving servic iJJn wis it illinaf id church on Sund ly 1 hi inclu w is wilh the frullsof ind tin gnrciniis leaves of Music selections win The Happy i I group of men unit who filled all the spice delighted ill such Inspiring red music fifteen minule ind it GEORGETOWN LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS THE RAPE OF THE BELT By Bcnn W Levy Directed by D A Joynes THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 PUBLIC SCHOOL ADULTS STUDENTS SHOP lOHN All OH AT DOOR Wednesday Bcnelit tit Will I PARTY A Comedy MFG SUGG to 18 CARDIGANS MFG SUGG to 30 DRESSES MFG SUGG to 30 suns MFG SUGG to 56