Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 18, 1978, p. 10

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Page ID THE HERALD October It 117 Its Open A Seoson on Savings WEVE SHOT DOWN A FLOCK OF PRICES DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN Kennel regulation changes considered Clerk admin is Ken Richardson presented the committee last Tuesday with a sample bylaw that would re the use of land for kennel sites by requiring the site to be specifically zoned and carefully controlled Mr obtained a of the bylaw from an and admin istralton committee has under taken of mcihods of fug and heens dog kennels one of winch would require all new applicants for kennel lie to first obtain mini the town zoning unspecified hi sail is simitar in urban runl structure lo ion Hill there h i ported have dec 1 red bylaw vcrv Job hunter to improve An employment counsellor hired lasi June has found jobs for 10 urea residents during the pist months but and social services nor lan predicts a great improcment in her track re lord In the future Hit It on Hills Coun Booth expressed disappoint meni lasi week over a progress report on ihe new department submitted Mr Vivian toihe leallh and social committee He that number of applicants plaLedin Jobs employment counsel lor Robert reprcs to per of the number of con bv her Mr ihcemplovmcni office was not fulls operative during the two months since Miss Roberts wis hired whincont were being made Information was being gather Mr reminded committee that such services in neighboring reginnil mumc ipibties have met great success an settling period Gun was of ihe regions of an 1 ma led l50cmplovablc Hal ton residents who are seeking Jobs through Miss Roberts Willi ihe region art nil blood looking for he said Mr responded that ihe on does spot el on the written proof thai have been icllvelj seeking jobs Firms where ihe forj are Untie led from lime lo tunc he explained to ensure thai Ihev are sincere seeking emplojmtni and noi deliberjiclv offending irs Iheir altitude i work is Booth wirned in order to the proof to for Tleprognm is workable Mr There in we will good results as munieipililics to Miss Roberts repori i7emplovirs were to v were I risponded Of those responses were fiv Miss recorded employment fill with her office W referrals from regional staff numbers handles an of individual eases each Mr Ittclnrdson stressed that is not retroac live Present kennel owners would nul be required lo have sites zoned tor that use iccordinf in the proposed law- Court George whose requistforarcexammallunof the dog licensing policy prompted in vestigilion said the present his my short com ings com mllteetoseek in earl solution to such because thi ait other southern Ontario are strengthening their licensing policies is probably forcing many dog breeders to elsewhere to kennels HI- VISIONS chairman Rush Miller agreed that Haiti Hills Is in need of polk revisions commenting that the proposed bvhw is the kind of legista lion tint should been passed Booth rioted that could prob lems for owners reidj established in llnlton Hills despite its clause their The bylaw to be geared pnrticuhrK boarding kennels rather thin breeding kennels he explained In s municipality he said homeowners arc raising pure bred dogs in their homes out from neighbors The suggested bylaw lists requlremmts Booth contended and would provide many policing pn The matter was referred to Mr Rlclnrdson for invistigalion Without knowingit you could be a turnoff Do you always take a bath instead of a shower which uses less power Do you fill a kettle full to make a single cup Turn on the washing machine for just a few things Leave the TV on no ones watching And do you often forget to turn off S3the porch light though home in bed Any of these thoughtless little habits can make you a turnoff Because waste of electricity like anything that everybody really needs can turn people off Wouldn t you rather turn off a light bulb than turn off a friend about how you use trial Wasting electricity turns people off fr II I Croatian disturbances Any Hills residents who inferred from local media reports about disturbances the proposedslle of a million Croatian cultural recreational centre near that the Creations themselves in volved should contact Claude McLaughlin or Coun Pat Patterson told the town board last Wed lhat Mr McLaughlin the former owner of the site was incensed over unspecified rts which he believes gave the impression the Toron Canadians who are seeking permission to establish their mulli use cen tre there were behind the noisy drinking parties that prompted neighboring land owners o summon police on several occasions to the pre sently vacant site The neighbors complaints prompted the board to seek a review of the proposal According to Palter son Mr McLaughlin has per sonal knowledge that the cants were nowhere in Ihe vicinity of the site when Ihe disturbances occurred HARDWARE OPTIMISTS SUPPORT BIKE SAFETY The Mill n rem ist Inbs dfniled turf left and Georgetown lowmis the film III id llc dent presented the film District In It ithan Superintendent Roy iimpiiMi In d I Mill n vl r GAS DRYER ELECTRIC DRYER -UCjiA- YOU SHOULD DO ABOUT LOADS ON GAS FOR THE ENERGY COST OF SAMESIZE LOAD ON ELECTRICITY AND WE CAN SHOW YOU MORE GAS DRYERS THAN ANYBODY union ens appliance centre MAYTAG SIMPLICITY Sire

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