Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 18, 1978, p. 2

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Pane Tilt tit RAID October mil Town planning board reconsiders small lots Concerns traffic con along In Ihc jmhfiri lion of small plni as hue prompted ihc town planning hoard to take a sec look a small industri posed fir ml on lutlph Sired cist if Armstrong on the part or p inning stiff and Ih ird Booth to the proposal in prill intcrmcdiilc Jim mis directed Inst to rouses the pi in hcmirn Lid The proposil involved a icre site between the ind Hi me Centre hi pes to It lou lust half in for Access io ill was to be ilforded I single inroad iff planning director Ml no assured mimbtrs i partial use thi indust rial lotg would be controlled indreslriited Ptli speculated Ihit com it the silt liim itu ml j id il building in ilie whin a store occupies too cr mil of tin floor space turn Booth pointed that dev Hill iiprisstdsi 1 but lit for stiff LIU r ippruv for I such is hi In Taxpayers group wont take active part in election The founded ijo monitor the workings of the Board of nun will not be an nine part forthcoming municipal elect ion iccordingioitsthiirumi Gordon id of Unlike Mars Pa miss ime his enured or indorsed cand dates for the school hoird Mr said committee now jemrallj numbers ire around to and need bj Remiss inci contend ici founder as ilmniian or the committee thai the board of to gnduilk embraced manj of ihe ice goals in past seems to be headed iht right course in terms of edutaiion iluei ind spend Thi in iimceded th it rtpulahon is an education ilclirii l last is m iru as it for disiuiaitd in he pisl This election as a result Mill be no affiliations stiltd as of their the commit alow profile he said conference at Waterloo BOOKS I CHRISTAN BOOKS RECORDS GIFTS George St S Brampton Phone in In kind Just indhopiful ind of which Come to Church ST GEORGES GEORGETOWN CHURCH ALLIANCE CHURCH Anglican Rev Gallagher Ralph A T Sunday October Sunday October Trinity a Sunday School a a The Eucharist 11 Morning Worship 9 Family pm Evening Morning Prayer Ever one Welcome Nursery ded your church IMMANUEL T LUTHERAN 1 CHURCH HALTON HILLS Vacancy PENTECOSTAL Sunday October il ASSEMBLY m worship Trilalgar No 10 IS am Highway Sunday School Re J Sunday October Church of the Lutheran Hour MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave nam Morning Worship Sunday October Sunday School Evening service Pastor Ed Tuesday IS Mid Week Prayer Conn fused tin propos itiommodo in ian In She In slit would lie lied furlhir induslml virk In old lit ampl pi It sin ill indusirnl kits wliilt tint thi town would Iru luuard back Mr s toniirn iniol is flow in nut of hi sin nun reported i which Ih proper ldoni tlnnkwi to nidi whelhn or Ih iccepting this Hit thin s idj loo in small build s in Hit uidustriil park in llooth tint mil fir iln dijhhesi r LOfRl commission In has 111 icre lots for in ii so mi in do io support Id than dnert Thil s r i lot iindn iiijnisimf for Hie pi in Mas liss sin i lies need mi re in Hill jiinisin sht inuld sup pi ri sil if i nit find a m ij around problem I hki in see mdustrv loippropmit pro int mi jump j i ils We Let I I lirer i lulu res I ii llicv slim hi illIll Ih Ihi board is In rijwt proposal and this inform pirsihn pi in Approval expected for operating budget Hills 1979 operating is lo be ap proved by town inumuni council by Mar according to a schedule adopted by until this week same as last schedule Mill sei guidelines placed all opiniii d by the i nil of this month A drill based on ill mini requests would then tie and idmmistntion lommillet or In Ihi the works will Ms ind submit riMsloiis to com will hi made I isurer in irch Also icciptid by council Monday night wren guidelines for tin is sumptions on information that linable as stssmmi will men isc by two lint in provmml prints will live per from mil recrealiin pir cent and tin will a irplus from 1J7H ratepajcrs Mill be taxed rate for itieral town purposes as rimalndcr of It Hoy that tin would do eloped iiro basi sys Km by wlmli ill depart mints would Ihiii bud with a per cent FASHION SHOW Diane Alls models a tailored suit in with black buttons A black truich coat lined with matching wool and a tweed lint the outfit suit la worn with a white tailored shirt ind a dress in crept pitUi with with a sunk mill ition Hi m rip skirt It i salaries for town tent and Midi purposes form imriasc II m rifiu rt in our ill mill Hi iiiiriisifirurbin mill rati SMAUWOMJ UNITED NATIONS For information Write to BOX Georgetown hi m iriuil opmi pr fir homi reiiuiri tubs Ik fi rt il ian but hi board stud htrrstni in II i thai Election results dont October savings ii to results of diy sbj elections ranged from surprise ion to disappoint ment idjtes in the feder MP mIui will running llrmipton snd in tikphont tint the by Hi I think the High lot levies concern board ikctio tsulls dis ipjui ltd urpnstd hi tin tin in both up iriuhli 1 in Mr mil suspects tin ml ipix The town planning board Is concerned that lot levies being charged by the town and by region for the develop ment of residential accommo dations In Hills arc high enough to be scaring would be divclopere away A comprehensive report on thi situation has boon request Board chairman Hoy Booth said that a reduction in levies for highdensity apartment buildings in particular should bo considered if the town is to overcome its occupancy rate The need for accommodations Is critical in Hills he said because developers been unable to afford such facilities as a result of high levies HOARD In his 1J7G report to the board Mr King recommended the adoption of a levy rate schedule by which the town harged as a development lor apart buildings with more than three stories based on an estimated per capita cost for the construction of building of The region charged another fur Ihe same building bringing Ihc total levy for the developer to Hunter running from I Hunter his son a licensed Mr Hunter himself semi from the business handling only occasional gen tral Insurance policies for Hal well Insurance HAS TIM Having all but withdrawn from the business in winch he has been involved since Mr believes he has time and ixpcmnic needs of Ward voters Ik stuted his opposition lo own current policy by winch councillors arc given their financial stipends whclh or not they attend all meetings and promises he will oppose suggestion the amount of the stipends be raised Mr Hunter added that if dec led he will strive In help the find land In lis urban areas o suit Ihc needs of industry and commerce but cautioned that the own iryforoptlons rather than the outright purchase of land High density apartment buildings for senior citizens cost devilopcrs a total of In levies to build in report Mr King explained lhat some of his conclusions and were based on the assumption that Georgetown ill grow In populition during the ten years while Acton lion will Increase to and ksqueslng fi Mill grow to Ward Pat questioned the population fori east for the rural area ting out the region to rural lands to their current uses Planning lor Mnrio Venditll answered thai increase in Ward population is realistic according to lations for the expansion of the ward s unlet areas Illtcmon asserted thai a rural lot levy of is riihstic advised board that clerk administrator Ken has deemed Ihe town for accepting portion of velopcr site plan area for p or five per cent of development mil A to over ten issues Hi feels llus was a protest and in import ant Willi mus mide John Progress Conservative undid In Brampton wis but surprised by byelection I Luess mi d win nine seals he and we look J 1 1 Hunk the p biles deduction iss interest rales and election municipal taxes were big 1 I till- II l Mr MeDermtd feels the 1 Tones ingmuity irnt iniinn ml now irenailjliili id is il isiln Super Savings on AND AERIAL PACKAGES TV CONVERTERS from 1irtv mdidate scd the 111 feels hit Itln lit lit Ir hi intrus u niaile a of mil filled In r he but he thinks tin ind 1 ill that xiipk COLOR RCA Color TV Model EC a Jbrion bur LOW LOW PRICES What 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