RELOCATION The Canada wide real esialeservice with real estate l otlices in across Canada TORONTO LINE 4532700 ALE DON BEAUTIFUL AS EVER Come out sec s aero properly charm well Kept older home car drive shed pond and best privacy In very scenic surroundings Cam 1 S3 Easy terms w allow you buy George town Call Pokluda I rHICfc You could quality tor mis bungalow East end Coll Flo These so llko ONLY A SMALL DOWN PAY is needed to own th spotless to Ash no only 134 Of I replace For I phone Dora SUPERB LANDSCAPING acre lol Ranch on vale road norm own I replaces The wall to wall replace future room tor your personal I touches Call Barbara tor to ZONED COMMERCIAL On an extra large lot on the ma sired th bedroom home deal lor handyman and the price Is right at only For more call Mill SMALL SEMI LISTED Just perfeel for a starter home a g porch and good lor Need ng some work to no I up to cosy nest lor newly weds Well Insulated so heal payments arc under 00 a Lois of ready lor you assume Come lev an offer th Ellen NEW BUNGALOW ON DESIRABLE COUNTRY LOT bedrooms 2 you II love spending evenings by the room Double Many I ne For a SOIM REALTOR 8775261 FOR YOUR CHOICE OF HOMES BEACHCOBOURG SOUNDWIART0NPORT ELGIN MEAF0RD ABOUT WO AN ACRE WILL BUY YOU A huge bank barn large plus value lor this much Mod in the Terra area For more dela is s properly oil Sue Hamilton AUTUMN SPLENDOR Surrounds you on wooded acre con only Held 1 cosy vol spoc I a cor An horn percent of HERE THE HOME FOR YOU your ultra modern you II I Ihc arched beamed cathedral dome skyl plush on separate din nqroom lull v basement bo I Ih no id Excellent Possess on open Coll Clean rocrciilon room Is great lor small fry l I any type Turn lure inO decor For personal on El en Hogs VILLAGE SETTING ror any venture such is ant era It ire bedrooms separate nlng room ire doors All th 2 so re room to grow The first I l Irene cill ON THE EDGE OF THIS TOWN from Brampton and lol Bungalow w large bungalow lor 900 An Op o docs not come up every Irene lor details the gson properly way 7 west Georgetown all perm jvldblc halt bush I all clear Small slream Full price 138 Coll Alex Glenn LOOKING FOR VALUE This storey J bedroom home with has 7 plus inground pool Located close schools indshoppng All for only 144 900 Call Fred GREAT FOR INLAWS Charming 3 trees one des been TistLlully de listed For more Is SCENIC VIEW OF LOVELY MATURE TREES is a bonus when you purchase bedroom townhouse Spacious living room and dining space Ink tchen bathrooms and closet room to spare Asking lust Please call Clara Brandt FARM I ft bedroom beauty located lust 15 Georgetown Set high on a II The view s superb To add to the value ore f replaces round pool walkouts baths centre hall plan new stall barn EXECUTIVE HOME bedroom styled home backing up wooded area In Meadows Main floor family room and laundry room double garage choose your own colors and Call Juno Carion Insmotl village north west Brampton for contentment for all the family the besl now modern styling yet practical country living Full price For details call Alex Glenn ACTON CENTURY HOME acres of beautiful scenic rolling land a stand of maple bush spring ted pond largo storey room home farm kit Chen lac I tics lor huge family room Good Good no Call SUPER MORTGAGING ALREADY ON THIS PROPERTY Erin I put your in place and you can start life Profess I shed recreation room cor garage end unit lor added privacy Asking Imn possession Colt Alice washroom off kitchen washer and dryer family room with glass slider floors pit largo car garage Try an oiler Coll Murray BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY lircplace ir mlly room There arc pc and 2 and there the pool you don 1 sw you can still the Ashing only MB Call WHY SETTLE FOR When you can own this 2 storey bedroom home super rec room large kitchen and beautiful bio Yard Millie Adams To view call POTENTIAL UNLIMITED modern kiichon main floor laundry healed garage hydro and largo lot Highway loallon asking Call WATCH YOUR NEW HOME GROW The Idcr plans to build a brick bung with a fireplace in the large country kitchen The Base men I will be finished arid it can all be yours in days lor If you give Irene a coll today TASTEFULLY DECORATED split with attached gar landscaped lorgc lot nothing to In Only Please call it lull Fred HANOYMANS SPECIAL FOR ONLY cheap super home Call Ross Irwin COUNTRY LIVING JUSTSMIN FROM TOWN Custom built brick bungalow beautifully landscaped acres Terrific two fireplaces Ex 500 mine 60s Coll IN AREA OF ESTATE COUNTRY HOMES Stands this outstanding all brick very large custom built with two walkouts fireplaces and too many extras to list In an home sits high overlooking your built by n build This fireplace time to choose your own broadloom and kitchen cupboards Lot us make homo lor you Call Don HE ONLY WORD It the For touches yesteryear Fireplace in family w all new throughout The walkoul leads to a huge double lot with landscaping and gardens And nest of all backs up a conservation area Listed lor a working mans pocket book Call Ross celling I I an appointment plea NERHAS BOUGHT Adams GET YOUR DAY A GOOD START mornings sun during breakfast or NEW HOME UNDER CONSTRUCTION On edge Georgetown In a very ex patio doors to sun deck roe room brick lircplace attached I car garage huge lot with photogenic view Full price only Call Herb ERIN HEIGHTS Mo AND UP a models lo choose from backspiits and storeys fireplaces walkout basements 2 cor garages All located adjacent Golf Country Club and have ft lots with photogenic views Town water miss these at up Call Herb Spltier GREAT INVESTMENT Two rents are belter than one especially if Ihey are be paid to you yes you can own duplex with a low down payment Each side has large living room and spacious kitchen bedrooms and both Only Call Fred Harrison RES 11 spado fireplaces car garage circular stairway Handy lo paved highway for For private consultation and appointment to view call Parker SHOULDNT YOU REALLY BE TALKING TO US Bill Ellis Manager Herb Spitzer Associate Don Jarvie Mortgaging 853 Alice Pokluda 8770345 Millie Adams 8776045 Alex Glenn Ross Irwin June Carson Sue Hamilton 5198332465 877 877 5926 8777298 RVICE WE BELIEVE IN IT Clara Brandt 1918 8774572 Barb 8777731 Parker 8779180 Irene 8773724 Taylor 4486 Murray Smith Acton Fred Harrison 8773922 Ellen Hogg Kroezen 8772722