NEW LISTINGS ONE OWNER SPECIAL And a great neighbour family in This bedroom brick bungalow an extra large recreation room bath well landscaped lot completely Ion extra long paved APARTMENT LIVING BLUES Welle Listed at lor Ann RIW WALK RIGHT IN OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY OCTOBER PM EcriONS No Hlghwov to Lin Watch lor our YOU DESERVE 25 ACRES right dawn this atcd with large bedrooms garage and beautifully landscaped lot Many more extras Excellent value at only SOU Call EV PATTERSON before it soldi OPEN HOUSE 30 MOULTREY CRES Sunday Oct 1304 THANK YOU FOR CALLING US COUNTRY CHARMER lor a Sharp Bungalow In the Coun Then STOP and call today tor an ap pomtmcnl Feature include double garage extra large kitchen wilh cupboards galore super family room rustic fireplace nicely i ACRE close to all amenities Priced below replacement costs at Call DAN today TAKE A SCENIC DRIVE home in the Villas family room with fireplace sept groom largo lot Inferos to this weekend lions tall DAN GREATLY REDUCED lovely lot E SOLD owner is HJRR Ask lor KEN NOW ONLY 2 LEFT buy condom mum when you can ITS THE BEST PRICE to detach J link Only 1 Call DON today tor all the details RELAXED COUNTRY LIVING GOOD INVESTMENT brick sweeping lunding this custom Fireplace In recreate garage on Fairy Lake don I mis PATTERSON today to High Set Possible S9 n upgraded wiring plumbing Highway location close and a walk to Co Station re commercial potential Only JEANNE SERVOS n look any you Ih EV PATTERSON EVERYTHING BUT THE BUTLERI when you buy lovely homo price PRICED FOR FAST ACTION totaled ant AMAZING VALUE you believe a spacious floor large mask bath double TIMMONS I Beautifully ITI Ca appointment BUY RIGHT RIGHT NOW Spacious rancher I minutis I DAN DRASTIC REDUCTION NOW ONLY 51900 lot Irontingon No Highway with a large FIVE bedroom home is extra large septic tank and supply Possible commercial lonlng ill EV PATTERSON lor further in THE ESSENCE INDUSTRIAL LAND FOR SALE It For complete please call DON SCHENK on this land ACRE tot in Erin about Georgetown For lurthcr detail re to see this 0 talk to KEN AFTER HOURS DanTimmons Assistant Manager 8771778 Jeanne Servos Helen Atkinson 8773333 Dave Whiting 8533725 Evelyn Patterson Don 877 7887 JEANNE SERVOS LOVE AN OLDER HOME J be delighted with tin Park MARY JONES WERE BIG ON SERVICE inly schools and shopping this bedroom brick and aluminum Flamingo model features large splice professionally linished am beautifully recreation room YOULL LOVE THAT VIEW superbly built bungalow with lures you always wanted baths a All this on a Ask red s call AN MCINTYRE and PEACE ANP PRIVACY MS ire shows the bam of Ihli Impeccable bungalow in the irlng sliding door walkout from large burning t to ITS ALMOST TIME die lire in the h walls a I lor details Asking 47 ACRES FREE LAND rolling land with stream stone fireplace in living room ft gourmet kitchens Many more features call about Located minutes north Call while It last f BLforo call at WHERE CAN YOU FIND third acre wooded lot mug bedroom log room girage SOMETHING DIFFERENT Only 900 Ask YOU CANT GO WRONG large MO fl deep lot In a mature area In Georgetown A huge dining room bedrooms sun porch and separate garage arc yours lor the low asking price of only SSI 900 Talk KEN before It A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING HAPPY DAYS I your way in his fireplace in ir workshop and good buy only Call A RELAXED LIFESTYLE I with quality wood Hoars in dishwasher In hen recreation room with are just a few of features of Excellent value at Si I lor your personal In AUTUMN SPLENDOR 1 like a pcrsonil colour lour acre wooded property on a brick ralstd fireplace in Ikout balds cedir dock garage etc ENJOY A REAL FAMILY HOME ENJOY hours fun relating by the In the above casts yearly lo a paved road lust J a grat buy at Call COZY AND COMFORTABLE now to view this brick and bungalow located In This lour bedroom fireplace In it large recreation family room This won last long Only sal For your polntmcnt call DAVE WHITING today WE OFFER COASTTOCOAST RELOCATION SERVICE 8775213 164 GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO H REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR TORONTO AFTER HOURS Mary Rose Peters Ann Fedun Joanne 8773948 8777388 OUR PROVEN RELIABILITY GETS RESULTS Dora MacKinnon Mary Jones Ken DeRose 8773552