Pig a HERALD November YOUR HOME Pretty and practical patios with grass that never needs mowing The plant boom is on Wherever you so people arc discussing he ways of their friends and hints offer on suth as the light requirements of ferns and the pruning of potted 1nes for all it greener Hut whim put up with window sills iml rim from const plant misting otitis end the rile Court of Amenta offers some ice to green thumbs loset uld consider ceramic tile it natu ral of their green thumbs lifestle after nil entirely proof Those planning a new home should for example consider some on the conservatory so popular in Victorian days culled an atrium and its often found in the center of the house with sky lights one or stories up Tile that atrium floor and you can hearts content are also popular extensions to super baths Pave that atrium floor with terra quarry tile if you want a rustic mood How ever quarry can be elegant too These days it comes in hues and shapes The grass will certainly he on jour side of the fence when you the round beauty easy to install and easy tare attn of grass tarpeting for outdoor living An concrete slab becomes green treating a tool ambience for relaxing and Made of fin fiber Best of ail orfidmgm Holt field Industries insetl free mil J slain resistant sunlight at the beauty of I he hum ol gardening vanishes ssith the hum of lawn mower when grass car peting is emended into the garden area to surround flowers and plantings The surfacing tends to inhibit the growth of weeds hoeing and provides leisure hours to in still I arlifitial grass carpeting is widely available in and 12foot widths A knife and adhesive one jour lotil carpel or hardware dealer will get the project under way Onto Ihe adhesive has been applied to the concrete and the grass is in keeping he surface tlean and fresh looking is wash down with the Kir den hose Vatuuni it to up small uncles or rake it when the leaves start to fall fur desert areas where grass is hard to grow Hie tarpel t ties wl under fooi swept free of urn the family THE ATRIUM IS ENJOYING A REVIVAL and tile imprrvioun to moisture in Color knowhow is the beginning of beautiful moods in your room decor VERY without the you vc already discovered that greenery thrives in the bath Jio why nut surround your tub with a tiled en closure that give extra ledges on lo place the plants Tile window sill to constant water dam or fit Construction allows you might even include a lily Build some plant ers Simple boxes tiled ill age Do il your that floot much luxurious parquet Square tile now available in tolor from white anil red and ill add a definite con flair Or think about ceramic underfoot With these tiny ilts which t in Reordered in iss in install sheets in color to suit lour plaids and geometric handle mosaics Or pick a tile that II fit theexuet width of your sill Or if youre an apartment dweller with a landlord who takes a dim view of permanent improve ments tile trays to hold your green friends not only look great They re efficient loo Dirt will wipe right excessive If you want to learn how to set tile yourself with an eye towards creating plantloving environments send to Tile Council of America Box if sing Ifvoi it buff think of tiling the of course Itll be a very handsome background for your informal furniture But also think of built muled planters You can have them run wall to wall or spot them strategically If ihe sub- Creating the planters or whatever willbeslnctly up to your own ingenuity but the leaflet WILL leach you the You II marvel how easy it re illy sounds and IS Here to happy greenery Make most of existing structures when converting attic or cellar Faced with the need for more room the average can move add time to their existing space A fl The latter course think about the addition in relationship to National Home Improve- homcs your neigh- Did ever slop to think how often use color cypress We about being green with envy in a black rage or true blue And then theres ihe pro verbial scarlet woman and all those people with green thumbs Weve talked about color this way for centuries and now psychologists arc ton- firming what every woman has always known the emo tional impact of colors is serious business Color can make us sec or overlook for example And lift our spirits case our ten sions evoke whatever mood wo want The problem is figuring out what color or com bination of colon will do what And oddly enough even the woman wholl pick the right color dress without a moments hesitation finds color scheming for her home an awesome task So here from the Wall covering Industry Bureau are some helpful hints Get to know the room youre decorating Noic ar chitectural oddities Be armed with swatches of car peting upholstery etc when you go shopping And if you dont have swatches color memory as they may think And the lighting dif ference between home and store may fool you too Since the walls repre sent the largest area of any room and most of it at eye lev el your choice of wall covering becomes very important Light colored wallcov erings will brighten a dark room and warm colors will benefit a loocold room Strong wall colors will mini mize the size of a room Pale ones will enlarge it Vivid colors can bring order to an architectural mishmash or unrelated furniture and theyll also give a sparse room a more furnished look Build your scheme around your favorite col- and dont be swayed by fads or other peoples schemes unless of course strike an instant re sponse in you GREEN is easy to live with Dont be afraid to use Council It recommends convert ing existing space such as attic or a basement or adding to your present house with a room addi tion Converting an attic or basement into living space can be a highly satisfac tory experience and it can save the homeowner mon ey since he will be utiliz es ting space and structures An attic project can be a number of ways The homeowner can simply insulate the roof and then finish off the existing area with floor ing and wall partitions This will probably in- volvc window dormers which will suggest ven tilating louvers In the peak of the roof prior to Insulating A need for greater space with less sloping ceilings will recommend shedtype dormers at the tear or of the root Another technique Is to literally raise the roof When you decide to add room plan the addition so that It adds to rather than detracts from the usable space in the pres ent ember storage space Plan It carefully to accommodate the rooms purpose or you may wind up with your existing clos ets crowding you out of your pleasure In the new addition feet your property values at least bring along some either favorably or ad- paint chips or even some And this Is magazine pictures that give tantforboth you and your you handle on the colors neighbor and thenelgh youll be working wiih Tor as well few people have as Rood a THE ICE BOX Mill St Milton 8783454 THIS WEEK Schneiders bacon b carton OPEN Sat 96 Potato Puffs 5 lbs 3 Hath Browns lbs Nlblet Corn Lbs Sliced Canroti Lbs Frqnch Fries Lbs 7 Green Peas lbs LIMESTONE ALL SIZES GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL BUD HAINES 3 DURHAM ST 8773302 SPECIALS Cooked battered Chicken Pieces Reg1495 now Assorted Steak Pieces Bo of lbs lb Veal Cordon Bleu io ibs ORDER HOW FOR CHRISTMAS turkeys turkey roasts hams lobster shrimp many greens in one room After all nature mixes ail sorts of greens and the RED is not to bo trifled with unless one understands its completely Its easiest Jo use in small strokes but if decide to use it as one of your major colors its ardor can be balanced with white andor black Dark wood will also soften intensity ORANGE can fizzle or glow depending on its intens ity Its great for accents Temper it with neutrals dark hues black or while if you use it as a major color HARDWARE Complete Lino Household and AGRICULTURAL LIME SPREADER SERVICE CAMPBELLS LIME SERVICE til build your toll up harmony na tures dependable colors and like sea and sky it has a cool ing effect Light blue has a to make a room look larger Soft blues are YELLOW is the least demanding of all the major colors Clear brings sunshine any room Bui- TO SMOKE DETECTOR BATTERIES VOLT AND VOLT NOW AVAILABLE ARMSTRONG AV GEORGETOWN Mavalk 8770143 8770144 THE GREAT CABINET SHUFFLE at the Cabinet Answer COME UP A WINNER All our Styles are changing for That means all our displays must go WELL LAY OUR CARDS ON THE TABLE NOW ITS YOUR PLAY HERE ARE THE RULES Trill progreulng discount applies to 4 All merchandise will be a regulerllit until November 7 rRturn Answer BRAMPTON 4560580 Squire Mews Plaza GEORGETOWN 8770244 Guelphview Square Nextto Neptune Restaurant LTD MILTON 8789775 Main St