Till- llUt rdnsdav About The Hills Board candidates discuss issues Food comimsion seminar The Peoples Food Commlslon will bold an Introductory nlnar for local residents the Actor Public I ibrary at A short film will outline and and staff member will a and questions More swimmers needed Hallon Hills is still looking lor more people lo register in the Competitive Aquatic Programs This year there will be competitive groups in Speed Swimming and The lovvn is planning on in Ihis irt If von require further about fees limes pic pit euntiel lilt and Parks JIIT7 ijd Pool program hours NECs control meeting lilt November pi inning and development control meltings of Commission NEC art bung held in Toronto The NEC met in on November ind and wilt be meeting at Hit Place Hotel in Toronto on November and it Qiaxn Park Miedonald block on November 17 Limned sealing is- available to members of public who to attend Four outdoor rinks This soar lire Mills will eonsiruel ice rinks for pleasure it the following lotitions MehenzieSmiih Middle School tmnursimfirk friMpn Gibbon School Tin of ill ict rinks is vcrj much deptndenl upon ither If jnd jour are in lining in ice rmk lot ihon other Dun mchluined above please Miss Amu it iiai GO for further Receives grant A New Horizons project for the Belles and of for a total amount of was announced November JO The project title Is The Recovery Group of Willing Workers and are HO people directly Involved The monty will be used expand the program of activities The seniors plan to show movies borrowed from the local library also to present slides owned by the club members In addition a variety of games will be offered as well as social evenings followed by dancing The President of the group is Mrs Edythe Peck of 11 Sargent Hood Apt 117 Georgetown Parents mini High in will be holdings lis icrm parents gilt Nov between m a jo Hoffman at Sheridan one at most known wnrntinihlites Mill be the speaker at next it of Sheridan College on November The series is sponsored the Centre for Women and futures monthly lectures on topics of interest to women in the community and students of the college TheleclurcwiHbeheldinTloomB 125 from noon Admission is free Auxiliary meeting The Georgetown and District Hospital Auxiliary had its Meeting on October with members present Mrs Booth President presided over the meeting and announced that as our anniversary Is this year we will form a Past Presidents Club with all former presidents invited to join Mrs Booth and Mrs Joan Hill will be the to the Annual Convention of the Hospital Auxiliary Assochimn of Onlariont the Royal York Hotel In Toronto from Sundaj November to Wednesday November a 1978 Art exhibition The Peel and Art Gallery on Wellington Street in Brampton Is holding an exhibition Christmas in the French Tradition On view at the exhibition will be the Yule Log tradition the Christmas Eve in Southern France the Christmas legend and the Christmas meal in FY and French America ON NOV i VOTE W00D e WARD 1 WOOD WILL WORK first for Acton for equality In Halton to keep taxes down to remove duaication to maintain Actons identity for the people of Acton WOOD WILL WORK WOOD WILL WIN ELECT WOOD YOUR NEXT REGI COUNCIL For information or rides caH Ed Days Evenings 8530195 In I hi ton Iwn dilution incumbents and ire prinnril a notiblt dielim in the quality oreducatmii lei al tin Javeees tin at Thru undulates for tin I and At and and two or the seat llitir and questions for about area v covering such issues as eon curriculum bus school twinning anil board spending Also on In ml was Georgetown who wis Id position is Hills pre suit on the llillun School Hoard Mr Shirk llnnked tin or Iheir iiinfidonie in him the hid shown pro been Ward 1 and incumbent II III retired Acton told the audience it lime to Hie high cost of Hon to Hun iu discipline ind Mr bemoaned the board tendency in the past to experiment with education and proposed re then needs he school board lint the general publit priorities and work other region il agencies instcid of or competing with lheir efforts Municipalities urged to save energy Provincial energy minister James Auld is urging pihties to begin e rvalion programs in an dollars Mr Auld told the Provincial Municipal Li tint most municipalities in Ontirio spend an eight to twelve percent of their properl Municipal con suinplional todij levels is neither nor is it there are and cheaper ways he slid Mr said municipalities tiy improvirntnls in building ope and tonstruciion street lighting vehicle purchase and operation refuse and sewage importation and community lit tint i pro vine ijI torn Mimslrj r govern mimstrits In Iht Mr Auld mimslrj Is to its wholthcirt id support in iriinj tip lot il progr Mr Sliiplnrdsuttsititl s properties like I Sebool in should Ik sold in order TOSHIBAS VIDEO RECORDER Lets you almostbe in two places at once Record up to 3 hours of television programing even if you arent home when the program begins Toshiba 335 features include builtin electronic clocktimer automatic memory for instant relocation of any preset point automatic shutoff to protect tapes Watch one show while your Toshiba recorder tapes another Recently nationally advertised at AND THIS PRICE INCLUDES A NO INCREASE GUARANTEE TO DECEMBER 1978 Get the facts before you buy Consult our Master Directory FOR COMPARISON RYDERS TV LOTS OF FREE PARKING HO CREDIT CARDS Come One Come All Saturday Nov Its OPEN HOUSE at LANGCRAFT INSTANT MEDIUM PHOTO TRANSFER KIT Transfer your favorite photo to wood rock canvas burlap or any surface of your choice make your own heirloom quality collectors china J by Mr Irwin Seidman of Toronto Watch George Garrard of work on his miniature plastic models from start to finish With hints on Knitting Crochet Smocking and lots other crafts w have Mrs Olive McDonald See the latest Ideas from In creating your own Christmas or naments and gifts demonstrations by Vera Van Mil See how to do loom and oft loom weaving I Free patterns on how to cover wire coat hangers with fabulous Vexar and many many more Items All Christmas Greenery now in stock Large selections of Paint by and Children Craft Kits and many in store Specials on Saturday November nth feP Demonstrations from AM 4 PM HOBBY CRAFT LANGCRAFT 47 Main St 8778336 IN MOORE PARK PLAZA PHONE 8779796 OPEN EVERY WEEKDAY