Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 8, 1978, p. 4

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HERALD Home Newspaper of Hills Page Tilt can ruddy November IBJS A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario Will Publisher MICHAEL Citizens win in governments Cantrakon switch Ontario Minister of Housing Claude Bennett has been forced to eat hjs words and we re glad In August year Mr Bennett arbitrarily stepped over the heads of numerous levels of government and decided to permit the construction of the Canirakon convention centre on the face of Niagara Escarpment in Last month the Legislature despite growing protests against his decision Mr Bennett told the House his decision was neither appealable or reversible Last Friday he was forced to eat crow and back down Mr Bennett is now in the process of organizing a meeting between Cantrakon himself and the opponents of the proposed complex including members of the Caledon Ratepayers Association Mr Bennett should have proposed the meeting at the beginning instead of plaving dictator and acting in a manner that is not in the public good The Ontario government is allegedly pledged to trying to preserve the Niagara Escarpment It is a good policy and one worth pur suing Yet if that is the case why did Mr Bennett not even intend to eon alternatives to the escarpment site for before imposing his okay Had Mr Bennett taken the time to ask he would have learned that Cantrakon Ltd the developers of the project are willing to consider alternate sites They have recently stated this publicly With Mr Bennetts handling of the affair it is little wonder that many members of the public have trouble accepting the and taking seriously the lower levels of the provincial government One ould have thought that the recommendation of the highly touted Niagara Escarpment Commission along with a report from the Town of Caledon planner would have been enough to convince the minister to at least act cautiously before ruling on the matter It did not However there is an encouraging lesson that emerges from the Can affair There is power in protest Had the CaJcdon ratepayers and the majority of Ontario con servation groups sat by while Mr Bennett attempted to hand over the escarpment to developers the project would have gone ahead They didn t Instead the various groups mounted an impressive campaign that included press conferences and news releases designed to let the public know of the minister s stupidity And it worked The Cantrakon issue became such a hot that both opposition parties made a grand show of their opposition to the minister action At one point it looked like there might even be a vote of nonconfidence in the government over the issue Why the same Liberal Party of Ontario whose own member moved a motion last year that effectively would have dissolved the Niagara Escarpment Commission found it politically expedient to portray themselves as champions of the escarpment and opponents of Can It s amazing what a little well applied pressure can do The success of the Ratepayers Association et should serve as an inspiration for Halton Hills organizations like the Interested Citizens Group and other grass roots organizations opposing the govern foul Government still have to be elected and with self preservation as their motivating force they remain susceptible to public pressue We hope other con citizens groups will be by the reversal and con tinue in their attempts to make the government hear what the people really want no matter how much it hurts Five shopping days left before the municipal election Only five more shopping days until the municipal election Shopping days Sure what else dp you call the process of sizing up and evaluating the collection of candidates vying for Halton Hills municipal seats if it s not shopping Its a bit of a tradition for the local newspaper to appeal to local voters before the election to make sure they vote Consider this that It is an appeal that makes sense the HERALD WILLIAM EVDOKIMOFF General MICHAEL HOLLETT Managing Phone 877 The dozens people seeking municipal office in Hills may not be household names to you yet but they should be Collectively on school board town council and regional council these people will have a direct say in spending literally millions of dollars your tax dollars You should have a say in how this money is spent and who is making the decisions The only way you can have that say is to vote on Monday It was encouraging to see a large turnout at last week advance poll We hope this bodes well for the election day turnout and means there will be a high vote Certainly the way the weather has been lately the provincial legislators who moved municipal election day from December to its second Monday in November spot look like geniuses It looks like no one will be able to say they were unable to make It to the polls because of bad hope Lets hope the good weather keeps up Voters who do anticipate having trouble making it to the polls on Monday should coll their favorite candidate Were sure the candidates will be able to find a way to get you to the polls if they think they will be losing a vote We a The Herald will do our part to see you get the best possible election results coverage in next week paper Now lets hope the voters do their part by votlngand giving us an election Trudeau must release documents or else lose substantial credibility Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod Prime Minister makes a good point when he says he wheels of this case the McDonald Royal Commission into the be allowed to turn a full cycle before anyone jumps to but in the meantime his government should greasing that wheel Rightly or wrongly many have Ilia impression that I hi government prefers to grease And if this Impression is going to be changed before alt ministerial credibility is destroyed the prime minister has little time to lose in unsticking controversial docu It s fine or him to declare as he has the McDonald commission was Riven every thing asked for but the face remains that government lawyers have objected to cer lain documents being released at the hear And these documents it seems will reveal Just how much certain minister knew about illegal activities According lo former commission or William lliggitt the ministers knew more than they indicated A serious contradiction lliggitt startled the commission with his testimony that he recalled telling oritur solicitors general George and Jean Pierre Goyir that the Maun tics were opening mail illegally The ministers had earlier denied such knowledge And in all conscience he believes former Wnrrcn the same Information says he didn t Among other things hays it is absolutely inconceivable that he did not ell Coyer about the break in at Ihe Agencc Press Libre in had said he know about this All in all it wis fairly damning from the veteran of the And when a storm erupted In the Commons the prime minister appealed for patience Let us it element fairness not to eondemn one side until we hive heard Ihe other side But then just two days lawyers for itunned commission by asking permission to table documents which they supported allegations of ministerial know ledge Lawyers for the government were Indig nont They even said the which Is the government own police force was impro perly in possession of the cabinet documents in question And after an all day fight documents were entered as exhibits for identification purposes made public and mother four documents were held bick for time being at When govern mi at lawyers devote an entire diy arguing Ihi publication of documents which relate to ministerial know ledge little wonder thai the public begins lo ask questions Perhaps as the governments lawyers maintain it is simply a case preventing until cabinet which had been taken by surprise had time to see the documents invoked The documents were sprung on the commission said obviouslj there be instructions from Ihe government I conceal them That makes sense but given the of the subject matter and given the controversy that has swirled around solid lors general for the last two years about illegal activities and ministerial responsibility you can scarcely blame anyone for wondering just what going on And we can forget that earlier government deel that it and not the At the very least it seems fair to say the government his appeared particularly about proceedings at the com mission hearing but with sensation il sentcntes this impression must be ed With ministerial integrity now the central issue neither the opposition nor the public are likely to wilt patiently for the si on findings Letter to the editor Develop escarpment To the editor of The Herald One would think thai God created Escarpment only for naturalists hikers and nature lovers well paid city journalists like Hugh Windsor of the Globe city delists left wing academics and followers As usual these vocal and groups seldom consider the liens lhe unskilled workers the manual workers lhe truck drivers the skilled carpenters and masons and the multitude or small businesses These ore the people who would benefit by convention centres hotels and in Escarpment They would benefit local communities and their citizens they could be design to blend into the seen y and actually improve It A great cross section of Canadians and foreign visitors could enjoy the Escarpment as opposed to the few self centred groups that use il now The worthy cause of the environment and iis protection has been misused by pressure groups throughout S etc for selfish and ulterior motives One result is the accelerating rale of inflation and high unemployment a real contributing factor C C Hillmer On Constitutional story like a ship becalmed and barnacled for years Queens Park Report By Derek Nelson OTTAWA Constitutional history In this country Is a Utile like on old lime soiling ship For years it has been becalmed la ting barnacles drifting with the currents of change caused by war and expansion of programs towards a federal shore Now at last protesting crew of provincial premiers have convinced the captain the salts and risk lacking Into lhe wind So slowly creaking a little with age the good ship Canada Is changing direction towards provincial land on the horizon It all very fragile and tentative and one major storm could sink the whole But a si has been made Some longtime observers of fulcra t conferences seem impressed with this mini the meeting just d here Ithi rs re main doubtful I he optimists really see It triumph in thai for lhe first lime In years there Wan Impression of movement that the constitutional logjam has been broken Hurt lhe federal government has finally become flexible Pessimists like Alberta Premier Peter remain convinced lhe federal shift Is more form than substance and that Ottawa has riddled everything It agreed on with qualifications and conditions Hut Premier Hill Davis probab ly caught lhe mood of conference better when he speaks of lhe first ministers being in the process of accomplishing very cant for Canadians Davis of course Is a perennial optimist this he The federal position as defined by Prime Minister Pierre Id similar lo what Ontario has advocated Basically Ontario is attempting to define a proper of powers trying to transfer enough authority lo the provinces to satisfy their spiral Ions without the same lime emasculating s ability to direct the country Whether everybody else is working on the some premise Is questionable and In Quebec s case there not even any doubt But least there are individual items to be resolved In months before the first ministers meet again In February And thai a change from the post lit I IMITS tew of them ore of the kind that will excite the man on the and send him lo lhe barricades although some Westerners might disagree on the mailer of resource development and control and Easterners on fisheries ror years the federal ship has sailed towards If the proposed changes are actually carried out we II have changed direction toward decentralization Whether Its tear Its bottom on the shoals that lie ahead or soil safely Into port or return lo Its usual becalmed state remains o totally open question Haltons History From the Heralds files Newman resigns rillKTV MIS AGO Newman Recreational Director for the lown of April IS lJ4G resigned his position il i meeling of the Council lost Thursday Mr Newman said in his resigns he wiuld remain in his position until December In order Dial the hockey schedule might be and that the Recreation il Council would have ample time in which fill the position He is resigning he because it his been impossible carry out a complete recreational program with so many facilities lacking and he feels the of recre itional director is not led unless more sports be Willi appropriate tiuesing Township Community Hall and township building was opened at li si evening with J A Carroll of lhe Department of Agriculture among the chief speakers Reeve Cleave was in and called on several prominent lo say a few words purchase MIS A large land in park purchased from llirold will be the of new Georgetown Hospital The hospital board has recently completed negotiations Mr Cleave for part of his farm at the end or Princess Ann Drive a new street created by of the Public School The is in Fsquesing Township bordering Approval of a boost in cost of high school extensions in lhe three North lowns is given George town council oca board member Fred explained llial had risen since estimates were made for build ne additions it George and 11 schools and the imount which will be by the count j now must be SI I disguised as he traditional joke vandalism crept into the en celebrations locally and caused wilful damage which when tabulated will approach Mi si of thirtyone calls which flooded lhe polite office en were concerned Willi the anticipated minor prank in It ist six instances annual fun line In the park dislnct Hit new lite street signs disappeared from many whdt the most serious damage was perpetrated at the Real office where a window is smashed with an Ink bottle Over Ins been collected to dote by Hue who a Gtirgetown the Springhlll disaster fund soon tin ingic news if mine disaster three dnllirs in change collected tow tie if school crests was all Hi was in break ins at both Wriggles and Public Schools over the weekend Boobytraps Tr Mts four boob irappcd apples turned up in the ion Georgetown ircalers last week contained i blade mother had been loaded with needles and mother two had conceded str pins who would do such a Hung has be mcniallv owe commented Port none of lhe youngsters who recclvetj the cut mm people in Acton one last week il One wis skilled in I tilling red light mil blue lighis Several people observed the object through phoned 1 1 ike i look The first phiinint board in luslorv of t v is ippoinied mcLiinj Having been informed by the Department if thai sing wis ilcs if pi inning back in council was then free to appoint the Willi Hem he thinks consultant for resident it building 1 release i not give Georgetown enough and Gibbons with ruffled feelings after Inured of words a consultant al a meeting weeks seems doubtful If any Immediate decision Is in the offing on the Following a request from Brum firm this spring to allow scale building on origin owned Del rex Developments council engaged Municipal PI inning Consultintsio recommend what the low should receive lecldtnt resulted in prop mi minor injur a car was In in 31 Polite a llilloween grenade hit the windshield of driven John Graff in Queen SI reel li be districted long High for the collision to occur Official plan ONI- 1 Ml AGO A milestone in Hit brief of region was with Hit release of vi limit one of drift of lhe regions first flint making document contains policies to Linde development of the region to the year Volume of the draft will be released Ihis week It will contain information on how the pi is to be implemented and definitions The banning from schools In of a federal government pamphlet on cord rol and is not nor means of wing debate on the pros and cons of abortion says Milton Separate School John Bradley The board withdrew after trustee Bradley pointed il incorrectly referred the Criminal Codes relationship abortion none he said and the use of outdated stallslics Two Acton boys failed In a valiant attempt ike the Ir claim to fame in the Guiness Bonk of World Records Salur- Mike Ashley and Glen Van tried to crawl yiy from Acton lo Georgetown and on Into the Book of World Records for crawling over 10 miles Rut serious knee blisters after seven miles of the crawl had been completed led the to call off the attempt

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