Michael Hollett Herald editor I don local votes if they feci a Utile bewildered heading towards the November municipal elections I been keeping an eye on the election brochures and advertisements for the Helton Hills candidates and so far there been that much information from the candidates for the voters to base a decision It almost as if there is an unwritten agreement among candidates not to delve into specifics In their campaign platform Most of the candidates seem to that selling themselves as people rather thandealing with Issues is the way to get elected The majority of the election ads to appear In The Herald so far simply show a picture of the candidate perhaps with a catchy slogan and in some cases a relevant list of service club and business experience is Included Considering the many major issues facing Hills that not a lot of information to base a voting decision on WOKII So far the only advertisement seen addresses itself directly toissuesis Mayor Tom Hills In his ad Mayor Hill at least mentions Issues such as Focal Properties regional government the library and equalized water Now this week on page three of The Herald Mayoralty candidate Pete also has an issue oriented ad Instead of issue oriented copy in the advert laments get the incumbent council telling us for experience while the challengers tell us its time torn change What the voters ore not told in either case is why What a the point of experience if we told experience has Icadlo At The same time why should we change If nothing Is being offered as an alternative In the course of dodging issues in election advertising and election brochures a campaign Besides experience and tune torn change he candidates have other favourite words anil phrases Ma strong voice for Acton while another promises and effective representation Voters should be asking if a strong voice to what end will It be working And what the point of effective representation if the effect is not what the voter wanted The brochures themselves arc even more effective of using a mouthful of words to say nothing or at least very little One candidate promises Improved cultural and recreation facilities Increased public awareness of municipal activities and increasing our available industrial potential and job opportunities In each case the candidate offers no suggestion of how she Intends to achieve her lofty goals Still another candidate tells us large capital expenditures must be examined carefully Priorities must be set What capital expenditures What will priorities be The candidate goes on to say with an exclamation mark keep the local level of government approachable Channels of communication must always be kept open not just during the election campaign Again the candidate fails to say how he Intends to do this In each case I haven mentioned the candidates names because it would bt to single anyone out They all to be guilty of campaign vagueness My point in playing devil advocate is to encourage the voters to try and pin the candidates down next time they offer you a true ism as they try to win vote Next candidate appears at your door or an allcandidates meeting and tells he or she thinks so me tiling should be happening ask them how Tilt November Page Ontario Hydro rural rates up Liberal wants explanation Ontario Hydro has Ontario Hydro said the in 1 will be a rural is in order rate increase of an f ut the average of scvin per cent in higher wholesale cost of power WARD ONE POLLS Herald Ward 1 has municipal compared to 1976 advance poll and the regular pull Not I HOI Ion win rip eligible t vote In alt of Hills voters will be to vote I more than for the IB7E municipal election I hoi KOI eligible voters Ward hat Ward and Ward has advance pall for Hill voters will be at Municipal Administration on Itoad and at Trinity Mill Street t la The advance poll will open at a and close at On Nov 1 Ward I volrrs In district and vote I idle I School on School I Ward I vol cm in the District lot and 1 School on lloulrvurd Ward I volrm In Districts I0G and vol hall on Wright Street Ward I voters In Districts 10J Mill Street tail Wird I voters In district MO vote at Public School on Acton Kurd 1 voters in districts 111 and 113 vote at the Hall on Wright Sirert Ward I voters in District 114 and IIS vole at Ileum It I ubllc School on Acton Boulevard On Day Nov polling illations open at a m an I as en in costs In power mun utilities in announced I months Hydro Ins oho that as in tills on will continue to reduced by an infla lion discount in 1979 Because f sales of to the Stilus thin predicted pirfi by the plants it is nun almost Hydro will have i earnings as measured by the Hoard result will tins to I The Actual amount of the increase in roles will depend on the individual consumers but a monthly bill of will increase by about Julian Reed MPP for Hal ton Burlington and Liberal energy critic said he has not is yet seen an explanation as to why Ontario Hydro thinks it needs another rate increase We can charge these in creases to the fact that the utility is by per cent he said The thing that bothers me about this is lhat we re In this situation and how did we get there One of the reasons is that Hydro has been allowed lo go on with virtually on policy on the part of the government DIM he I it Trinity I at WREATHS FOR REMEMBRANCE PARADE A NOW AVAILABLE from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch Mill St or order from Fred Tut Poppy Chairman State whether the wreath will bo picked up prior the or if you with to have It placed on the Cenotaph by the Royal Canadian Legion COST OF THE NO WREATH IS til CRAFT SHOW St United Women am to the delight of hundreds or area shoppers who dropped by to browse and lunch a I the lew Itoad church hall Stiles and Han I irlln had some good gill Ideas for their visitors Including the bond knitted cups and shawls had and waiting for winters chill winds the hall Terrell displayed a twine and it she the other church women prepared for their Letter to the Editor Herald photo Goodwin corrects The Cocoa Butter in Cocrema dry skin creme and beauty soap beautifies your skin and you Cocoa marvellously Sir hi interview last week with respect to the loci elect ion I nude a that read is follows We do not seem to Iuivl the police sen and protection of the quality we ive enjoyed in I would you to note tin fact it my remirks did not a lie pi to place blame on person r persons would bt directed to officers on duty In ju article In the the issue of 198 datelincd Kitchener I rnd as follows Police Ins been in recent months by the Ontario that new ills by established hive been to fill the you In the event that the hoi lib true in the region of Hilton then mvseir and many of should be reidy to apologia to those we would and mike itionlolhe proper lilts to see tint there is no in in service that vu ire allowed give us the service we require Yours sine oodwm or Regional Council In Wirdl loco and body dry flaky skin thai GET COCREMA COCOA BUTTER Dry Cromo and Soap lo help you look more Available at Youngs Pharmacy GEORGETOWN Acton Pharmacy ACTON These are important to KAREN MORRIS 1 Recreation and Culture 2 Vandalism Curbed 3 Stabilized Taxes 4 Careful Planning If they are important to you VOTE KAREN MORRIS ELECT HALT0N HILLS PETE POMEROY WILL WORK FULL TIME AS MAYOR TO Bring strength to negotiations with Focal Developments Develop a town we want through careful planning Promote industrial development Encourage Library Board to set deadline for new facilities Regain local control over land usage and planning from Conservation Authority and Escarpment Commission Upgrade rural roads especially arterial Amend zoning to permit farmers to build retirement and hired help residences THE TIME FOR A CHANGE IS NOW About Pete AGE MARRIED WITH DAUGHTERS IIFETME RESIDENT OF 10CA1 BUSINESSMAN FOR TEARS HUES C0UNCI1I0R VICE CHAIRMAN WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE C0UNCI1 REP TO 10CAI BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION VICEPRESIDENT GEORGETOWN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOUNDING PRESIDENT GEORGETOWN PAST PRESIDENT GEORGETOWN RAIDERS FOUNDING DIRECTOR GEORGETOWN RACQUET C1UB CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Acton 5 Main St Georgetown Main St 8533930 POMEROY P MAYOR NOV