Pant it TlltllfcHU November IS l Georgetown BIA picks new candidates fourteen people were mated a fill scats on the revamped George on Improvement Area Board of Management at Ihc annual meeting held lost Wed nesday night at the North Golf and Country Club The nominating com recommended positions for Monty Hyde Hubert Bill Craw ford Sandy Mackenzie Barnard and Ralph Fletcher executive candidates nominated from the floor Gene Brooks Belly Mon champ Si i Griffiths Irene Graph Jim Jim Alters SYSTEM Unlike in previous years the executive members were not at the nominating mee ting Under a new procedure passed Wednesday night exec utive members are merely nominated at the general mee ting Candidates then have until Nov 17 to decline the nomination In writing Ballots will then be distributed to all members of the with the candidates names on them Voters will have until Nov to return their completed lots to he lilA The lop rive vote getting candidates would then take over as the new executive pending appro the Hills council chairman Robert eon explained that members new voting procedure will help more memb ers In process The new procedure also gives voters he said members also decided define executive positions on the Board of Management his term Mr said I his will spread out the work and allow members con cent rale working In Iheir own anas of Interest The executive will now con of chairperson secretary treasurer Main Street Im pravements coordinalor pro motion coordinal or and com muni en I ions Sixteen members ded the Wednesday night mee ting and Mr Gougeon said members left with a good feeling about the lion officials seek GO transit route change of the Georgetown nut morning with rep res en tat from GO Transit to discuss the possibil of rerouting the buses to stop in downtown Georgetown In re- scheduling move designed to streamline the GO schedule between Toronto and GO Transit recently rerouted the bus which had so that it now goes from the George town Market Plaza along Highway to Moore Park Plaza without stopping down Hick West of West Insurance and Monty Hyde met with Floyd and other presents lives of GO Transit Friday to discuss the possibility of putting the bus back downtown and Mr West there appears some flexibility with regards to they made as to how time could be saved along the route to allow the bus to go downtown Mr West said that concern about the rerouting of the bus was based on three Interests being served senior in the older downtown area often find it difficult to get to Moore Park Plaza or Georgetown Market the downtown arc concerns about having to go out to one of he plows for parcel pick up and delivery service and mer chants eel the bus service the downtown area Is one of the important factors In keeping downtown area alive Mr West said they have proposed a tentative solution to GO Transit which GO has said is acceptable providing other merchants agree He said they will be talking to merchants In the Georgetown Market Plaza downtown chants and others who will be affected by any changes and If the group reaches agreement on a solution work will pro ceed on making the necessary changes Mr West said hey did not want to go into details about their proposal before talking to the merchants who will be affected He said hey expect cd to makL the details public at the meeting to form the Georgetown Retailers Asso ciation at the North Halton Golf and Country Club ber Youth of the year of the Calvin Cadets an organization lar the Boy facouts but with implnsis on religious He has been awarded a Blink Star for achievement Junior The Optimists Club of Georgetown has awarded lb Youth of the citation to of Georgetown In ceremony at North Golf and Counlrv Club and has become list night out going Councilloi regional chairman Hie Mor row made the lo Mr In recognition of his a Movements In various it Ida and his participation In church community AMBULANCE TOUR Arunas Kosptrvlclous of the Brampton Ambulance Service looks on Donna of the Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance Service the content of the ambulance lo children from the Maple Nursery School The children were given a tour or the ambulance and lhown its inner workings Herald photo ties In addition to the Youth of the Year Youth ap preciation plaques were pre sented to Archer 13 James linker 13 Michelle Muhm and Gordon Miller IB Thi Youth Appreciation A wards arc part of National Youth Appreciation Week which Is tit second week in November The Optimists is involved In this process In order to recognize youth such heroism church work tutoring of retarded children volunteers In tals outstanding scholastic a and other acts of service Mr Pctmsmi is graduate of Georgetown District lion School and presently lends Toronto District Christ School in Wood bridge In addition to maintaining high marks in his school work Mr is president of the student council a member of the school entertainment com and was elected to the yearbook editing committee SOU HI I Al TAIN Mr n captain of the school soccer team and member of Hie track and field team and the leam He is invoked in theatre arts Ins IWk and ping pong ments school He attends Georgetown Reformed Church weekly Catechism classes Over a period of 10 years Mr was Involved In Georgetown Minor Soccer as a player manager coach and referee He participated In House Minor Hockey but It up the midget level because it conflicted with his Sabbath He Is a Bronze Medal of the water polo team Mr has a stamp collection numbering between stamps and Is becoming Interested In photo graphy In the community Mr Pet rusma has organized Walk a and paper drives for other groups He has a part time job in a restaurant Al present Mr Is considering further studies at cither Sheridan College or Calvin College In Grand plds Michigan where his bro ther is presently enrolled and from which his father SAVINGS Super Savings on TELEVISION AND AERIAL PACKAGES TV CONVERTERS from Child abuse on decrease lecturer tells women f club BMGGIE HAWAII Herald staff writer Evidence suggests that there is less child abuse than there used to be according to the former head of a provincial task force on child abuse Speaking more than GO women at the University Wo men Club at Centennial Middle School last week Ralph Garbcr Dean of Social Work at ihc University of Toronto said that people are They arc alert it and res pond to it when see BOOKS I CHRISTIAN BOOKS RECORDS GIFTS George St S Brampton Phone the law defines abuse as physical injury gross neglect or sexual molestation Incest is almost never reported he said so il is difficult lo gauge the extent of There are however abuse situations that leave no marks he said and thus no one can tell how badly children are hurt by them There are for example parents who never allow children to grow up as well as those who expect youngsters to be all grown up at ls PHYSIC If a child isn properly fed or clothed or is being physical abused you can see that he said But how much yelling docs il lake to constitute a bruise Since the members of the task force Foresaw problems in pinning down a workable inition on mental abuse Garbcr said they clung to working on physical abuse and came down soft on We wanted an informed rather than informing public he said and noted that the to Church ST GEORGES GEORGETOWN CHURCH ALLIANCE CHURCH Anglican Rev Gallagher Pastor Peter Ralph A S Sunday November 19 Sunday November 741h Sunday after Trinity Sunday School n The Morn no worship DO ram ly Eucharist Even no Service Choral Eucharist Everyone Welcome 11 Come make our church Church School LUTHERAN T CHURCH 1 Road at Carole St Vacancy HALTON HILLS Sunday November PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 10 Sunday School Worship Service Rev J Fneicn Church Lulhcran Hour MAPLE AVENUE Sunday November BAPTIST CHURCH 177 Maple Georgetown Pallor Edwin Mitchell Morn no Worship a m Tuesday Christian Pioneer Girls Translation tor the Deal Prayer Bible Christian Service Brigade idren t Prayer Bible Study Friday Service For All Services force feared a vigilante situal Ion arising If attempts were made to enforce legislation on mental abuse Dr disapproves of all the publicity being given to abuse because he feels it is inaccurate and smacks of scare ladies Of the youngsters In care tor various reasons the past year only were there as reported abuse cases Only half of those children were actually abused while of the 1 died of abuse More than half of 13dead were under three years or age According to the American National Institute on Child Abuse Dr Garbcr said statist ics show that only a tenth of the abuse cases get reported and also only a tenth of the neglect cases arc reported The number of cases of abuse reported by the abusing parents are concerned and taking responsibility for their own actions rather trying avoid It One area where Garbcr feels abuse is seen and not reported is by the hospitals and medical profession He feels doctors are not always sensitized to look Tor abuse when children arc brought to them and thus they do not report it lie quotes a situation he once saw for himself in a Toronto hospital emergency ward white he was there as a They brought this child in injuries and put her In a bed across the room from me and the doctor was going back and forth between us he said I watched her being treated and I could sec he mother hovering outside the door ap parently afraid toeome In yet very concerned Finally I mot the doctor and ted that she ask certain other specific story the father had given for girls injuries was very strange She knew who I was my connection with child abuse research so she went back and tried my Then she wen and called the police because injured the child She was a competent or think so I have assume she just I looking anything tike thai Rut until they re all aware of the prob lem the cases arc going to slip through New legislation requiring all professionals including and nurses lo report all cases of suspected abuse under of a SI fine should help to correct this situation Also speaking al Ihe meeting was Howard Wrtgglesworlh Public School principal kind who outlined the has In his recent proposal for a parenting education course in schools Explaining nutrition so that girls arc aware or how Import ant their food intake Is even before they become pregnant is important he said If we hope to avoid problems with poorly nourished foetuses have less than the average number of brain cells at birth and thus can never catch up with Iheir advantaged broth Since language development is well under way by the age of three young people should be made aware before they undertake a parents role their child will need plenty of talking to listening to and reading In order estoblish proper language patterns even before he is able talk Experiments with various vile lasting but lethal liq quids have proved that young at exploring stage will drink anything with disre gard for its taste or smell he said and thus parents should be of what problems they will encounter with Iheir growing child They need to know is normal in order to cope with many frustrations is he experiments with every new experience They must alio learn lo give him to experiment and grow while still protecting him from life dangtrs By WIS AW sympathy lo Mrs AC Patterson In pawing of her sister Mrs I Smith following a lengthy Illness It Is lo see that the recking yard has again off the roadside Vie lhank whoever was responsible for Ihc ConyalulJtions to Mr and who rated thirtieth wedding anniversary with a family parly at Hall on Saturday evening The family surprised them by bringing Alberts sister and husband Mr and Mrs John Grlffion of land here for occasion The Finest S3 Channel Color Heads Aerial Converters Amplifier PROVEN DELHI HANNELMASTER AND NAMES Complete SAVE Up to and antenna Save And Save In Every Way DELICIOUS QUALITY FRUIT VEGETABLE AND BRAND NAMES WATCH FOR OUR II Frank Cuzzupi DAILY SPECIAL Posted of the Entrance CHECK THE YELLOW TAGS FOR MORE INSTORE SPECIALS Joe FROM CALIFORNIA I POTATO HOSTESS EMPEROR I GRAPES CHIPS FLORIDA RED GRAPEFRUIT BANANAS SNIP SAVE Or I no ANY or all coupon Info In tor for mar flreat No pur chat than coupon required One tat of coupon customer honored 1 40 off lb Bog VARIETY OF ORANGES 40 off It Boo PEI POTATOES 5 off One Any Variety APPLES One 50 off CANADA DRY GINGER ALE I MKtWl GEORGETOWN FRUIT M GUELPH ST We are Open Sundays 8778882