Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 15, 1978, p. 13

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HALTOINS PEOPLE I love competition says Dave Kentner This week The lit raid kicks off it newest feature llnl tons People tach week we take a took at the man 11111s residents that lie thin Its special character We will be well known ns well as the lest known people whose in this area the communis To a feature tike People help of Herald in finding tntiresthis local nil dents someone should profile Kite us a call at MIC HAM ItlllllTT Herald Dave s family doesn Hike play nig cards with him they say hi takes it too seriously Owner of a Bar on Mill St i thruing catering business is well as tow n hockey tlub executive Mr Kentner Is i mm who he doesn like quitter and on I have no desire to be i loser lie Mr describes himself as a and hns a lent list of community to bear 11ns out Hi applies to everything he is involved in from his work with to his in the local Jicccs I commit and my resources too per cent when I Ret involud in something I don get lightly He says he expects the same appro ich from others he works with Kit CI Lit of his altitudes were developed during his years as member of the Jaycees club snjs Mr Kentner describes his with the as one of most important of his lift He held almost executive position in the club including tin presidency as a Jay ceo The opened a whole new world for me It confidence leirned public speaking I had a stutter before I joined The Jaycee made mi believe I in do anything Mr sroolsare deep in the llalton Hills The fumih lias been in this since his eroat came to from Ireland in the early IfWJOs His father and grandfather on to open lumber yards fuel supply In Georgetown Milton Mr he Ins hied within five of his Bar lot iiion on Mill St throughout his lift and hi has no pi change tint This town is a winner he is in Ingmned winning iltitudehere I would like to mike a significant lonlnbulion to this town be muse it means i lot to me it a part of mi of my f s root hire Mr Kentner that he intended to the family business like ill sons Ididu sieije with my He dropped out of gradi to git m irrieil bust ling to mike a living with help from his Tor wink hi and n frund worked is disc also hand lid bind bookings it the Club in now is Hit Ik i ilk of loeiltorddnlir job until Hie Easter weekend in 1J4 1 just got with business I Mind the Idea of going to work the Easter ly weekend so I give notice on My and 1 spent trying to figure out some to a living I only in the bank whin 1 They time up with the idea of selling hoi dogs soft drinks in parks it and even by the aide of the road thiv could hope to find hungry people Tie Kentners bought old bread and converted it into movable fast food outlet JUttFCHHMT Mr even gives he some for this idea He he noticed how good hot dog were for the J at food booth they rin during a fireworks It seemed to make that he could a living wiv Hi still sells it outdoor events but Ihe part of Ins business is now entering Mr pinpoints one of the of the entering services is his wife s cooking Thi Kent ire in business and for their life spend BAZAAR WINNERS Winners of the St John Guild Bawiar held November 1978 ire Quilt Mrs Vincent cushion Mrs Georgetown j mastic cook its her hobby and she especially enjoys fancier dishes like Mr Kemtiir describes him self is not big fan of parlies elaborate social gather ings so hi has no problems working people are injojing IlllSINtSh Mr Kentners business lies from a downtown Georgetown and be his become involved in Business Improvement Area of tin downtown as knew it is done people don I relnti to the community In order for the downtown to be he centre of tin lommunity it also has tobetht social centre big mistike was made in letting three theatres the new inn and thi liquor store slip from downtown Vow we art faced with a ijor re building job Mr Kentnir that locil businesses must be in volvedin the eommunily to get community support He says that although hi has for being involved with he Haider hockey club he says it certainly docsn t hurt his business be identi the team Mr explains that he is and always has been a fervent hockey fan As i kid I ustd to head to tin Memorial Arena right lflcr school it four clock with a friend His father would show up at five with fish and chips for us ill and would wait for the box office lo open to git tickets for he game You had to do tint to get in those days I- his for Ihe game and his Joiner it seemed inevitable that Mr would be come involved with the Raid irs flic Haiders were looking for help when Mr Kent was still with local His boss volunteered him at the time and he looked si net He has held many executive portions with hi club including since becoming involved with Tin ire i dost fortunately Mr wife shares his passion for hockey Their two daughters and Stephanie 10 arc also sports The main priority for Mr Renter in the future Is a deeper commitment hock He he has a number of on the go and will spend the future develop ing them y NEW SCOUT FIELD OFFICER left tl of the Georgetown si a bird feeder Itiglon Hoy ml full for at thi Springs west of Mr has nil recentl lakm Itivr Springs irea from Till- lWilnrsdaj November IS 1D7B Education project 4 dropped by CVCA THE MEET ANOTHER CUSTOMER of tack and Mill Streets from a Photo by Tuny Conservation Authority makes 25th anniversary year plans Irepar in underway for a celebration next yeir of the Credit Valley Authority A s an plins for which include the of i special booklet reviewing hi Authority first een of operation inform olfner Joan itolllns has invited all Authority members to suggest ideas for both he anniversary publication and the sines of events being planned to morati the CVCA form ition in May Mrs told members of he Authority Inform and Education committee that booklet which ill be about pagis in length should outline the CVC history early efforts accomplishments goils lands and ficilidcs and rent projects Mops photo Cinderella pantomime one of traditions Grcii Britain the Chris season is enjoyed by all in that on annual basis This the Thcalre I rings the lion l Canada its second production of current sen son Cinderella lobepresenl at Wngesworih on Guilph Strut Dec through in Unlike tin identic illy n in lie traditional vis nonsense comedy and scenery and topic songs with i nursery rhyme or Fairy is its polnl Another impnrtinl ot British panii mime is the dclegitmg of female roles male In use of Cinderelh I illlc Theatre pre John mil Gerry Eggletonwillporlriy Ihe Ugly beginnings nre lit but some of Us iridiums to the I ill id opir is performed in during The junto mime rvid as an ifltr piece loirigedy plnsleivmg audience in a hippy frame of mind The most ni ted expo of Ihis form panlomime was 1837 who first Molh er Goose in 11100 gr anecdotes will help the publication topics which art proposed fc printing Mil Ml Mrs prtdnted that the klet should In complet May of next ri idled for circulation to Authority members provln ml ollicnls and of the municipal mem In the Credit water slied among others by e There has been some 1 1 ion tint copies might be printed and possibly sold ThcCVCApId e all libra municlpil buildings Mrs Itollings noted that my would probably be interested in receiving Mrs Itollings CVC seiretary Vlcki Barron report id that he Johnson Mat hay Mint in Mississauga Is pripar to ere the dn for a em litem the msig tin suit for into a tie clip e irring or lapel pin design Hoping to the cm I for ion olher Authority mem btrs I whohnve served the or its in somi waj tin lommiltet voted to sit aside up Mm for the die he lance ol the s budget for the he hopes stage a number of speuol n round the during mining year Area the Authority recently turned into a revenue producing park In he hopes if building public interest in he irea has been singled out is a prime location for such tin events being an marathon us antique cur rallies special refilling nam which caused extensive damage in the area in A prompted he provincial government to ibhsh he CVCA a for all mvahrtil in the past present and art and pet shows Which One Brute The two best things I conk are meat loaf and pie dumpling Groom The Credit Conscrvn lion Authority s In formation ml Education Advi committee has yielded to hi pressures of financial ion and has dropped plans for a SI mi educational centre Creek An j from its budget A to channel funds thi prestnlly unused Sil r Cruk park so that Ihe CVCA Tern con sirvation area eould be re let lied tlnre was chief for olfired list month by llalton Hills Mayor Tom Hill a committee I hi Authority recently rais id its for students in the educational program from per day per student to SI and somi minibus hoped that a private home at Silver Creek park could be purchased and eon verted into till I Mayor Hill other mem it tin lo any additional money on lln education par tnularlyonbuyinglhehime a building the mayor pointed out would be off sold at a profit Thi Informntion commit tee wis persuaded to review lis Committee K Harrison noted Thursday that projection is almost the mmmitlees budget but added that the lis in the past while advisory were theirs Mr Harrison explained th it llirte mam factors have forctd he lo drastically Increase its budget The pro vincial govirnment has re ihgned its fimncial relation ship with ihi conservation authorities he said so that many routine lie ma previously covered by provincial budgets must now be entered into the Other new factors are the onetime ex pi lures needed for next year s anniversary cele brations by the CVCA arid he priming of new Information brochures replace depleted The bottom line of our looks bud until you take these recurring costs and revmue producing items into count Mr Harrison said the Authority was very with Hit figures presented lo I him the last meeting Now it up to us whether II cut back on some items or Iry and justify Ihem to he discussion on thi nature of the educational program with education officer George reporting thai more linn a day ore expected the CVCA chair man Grunt Clarkson thai the provincial ministry of natural resources in questioning the program asserted that emphasis must be placed on Hie work of authorities rath thin and ecology Mr Roberts responded thai Authority operations provide Ihe mainstay or his program and stressed the Importance of raining youngsters lo believe in and support such efforts The general publics mlsun dcrslanding of authority works leads to poor relations the taxpayers it was edged Committee member Frank for the budget to be indorsed without altera lion and expressed hope thai its requirements can be justi when full Authority meets again Mr Webbs mo tion found no seconder LIMESTONE ALL SIZES GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL BULY HAINES 3 DURHAM ST 8773302 SOMETIMES FLOWERS ARE THE ONLY WAY YOUR HEART CAN SPEAK Whatever your message CaJ us Today and Ss its on its Way KS FLORISTS Mill St Georgetown 877oMl RAINBOW FURNITURE CO Continuing Specials to off prices nils ilcd In win grid iled inlo the nursiry lie fir Ihi ivmullm if pantomiiii is in Inn eis know il Ind box phone IT77 Am LEASING A CAR OR TRUCK GIVE US A TRY Rainbow Furniture Co Georgetown Market Place 8774742

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