Till MtALI Wednesday November im Downtown Georgetown free parking wide selection friendly service Serving you better in many ways JUST VISITING Junior ihl5 of Columbus this week Abou IhevounHskrs Hupps provided the kids with i Pay envelopes are stolen An I mm he irked his in truck it Ihi ir of Dominion Hotel in an it irked linn a unknown ran into side of the trutk Trieis brown paint win found damaged of Hit v Damage ted at seen on A Georgetown man is hem charged with possesion Stolen goods liter of nous brands were found in Ins n The cigarettes win tilt perly of Benson ind Tobacco in untd to sunt Township cutting padlock in the door and r Engine it rods for J is ind The A IZvolt was stolen from a pick up truck irked the Dominion in Alton on lruhv A panel in a font 1 1 pin to gun intrj i in Ait mi hut nothing pptirid 1 In been taken resident stint ri I the tl eft of In at I ri linnet I hits from his in I van in his is Hilton Hills de Mitk t t Beavers have big night A hill I i lini i Inv Pi win from Home In on if it was into tin weekend gained access I til iri vmdow took SI in h tools week when ill if were nvisti Hit f imilies of the I win to set thi repeat promise and rteeivi Win and lenders It koI hack immuisel I ived tin hot the It id Their fu tin 1 I J Harrison and the As ml District lor ill ivirs Sharpies mi all who is tht for tin ohnj tils Ktto serf for and bulge Willi eirnid his bade imphvirlmdj1 The Scouts me is lieu link Negotiations resume lull lluir with inn the pitkup will hi Nov and thin pekup In This Is till fil or wltliln I tii he made rl lilt Ward 103 Main Street North Acton Ontario 3370 The bright happy totally now fragrance by ItsLaugher and Us catching Its Its BY YARDLEY exciting and Its at YOUNGS PHARAMACy f0 Christmas 111 vouncs mm PHAMimcy itd 76 MAIN ST 8772761 die SNOWMOBILE INSURANCE Competitive Rotes Liability Accident Benefits Passenger Hazards Specified Perils fire theft deductible per year WEST LTD St Hi Home of Assurance RESTAURANT Featuring Chinese and Canadian Cuisine Invites you to treat your family while doing your downtown Christmas Shopping RESTAURANT MAIN ST Dont Pass The Savings on these GREY CUP SPECIALS Christmas brings out the little Santa in all of us And Flikkema Hardware can help with gift suggestions and Christmas trimmings WE HAVE CORNING COOKING SETS TIMEX WATCHES BAR SUPPLIES SNOW iamt 20 off tit i CHRISTMAS LIGHTS f LIGHT INDOOR DECKER POWER TOOLS MAKE EXCELLENT GIFTS FLIKKEMA HARDWARE MAIN ST S 8773501 7Z sT