THE HERALD Wednesday November Iflp Downtown Georgetown free parking wldo selection frlandly Serving you better In so many ways I Unidentified body- still baffles police Well I am going to keep this column short this just brief and to the point Is your child or name 10 years or under on our Christmas Party list If ynu are a previous member or branch name of child or children will be on the list If 1 since last party please check and set that it is on the list provided for you on I board Party on Dec p m Santa arrives shortly I a Saturday down in dubroom the Fred Gilmer for Dirts has played when the last dart was thrown and the win loss col totalled up It was Roy lludier and Jim that Mere the winners Apparently won every game which us no surprise really next week Saturday Nov Hi the last trophy played for and il Is the Sam rib trophy so be sure to sign name on the list or be there in lime lo play Good who participate The house trophies will be out to the winner at a dile Pipe Major still has room for more pipers or and asks that you be down at the Armouries u in on a Tuesday taeniae hale a talk with lie see what it is liti sure you will the group enjoy bung part of our Legion Pipe Auxiliary 11 this Saturday and will begin a m Please bring down Dons Clarke whatever you can Thursday from m on Dons will be in the meeting room lo accept your various articles After Ihe supper hour Doris will again return so you will have ample opportunity lo take down what you have Don I forget the bake goods Santa will visit from to Dec 2nd Auxiliary will be bowling this is to go on to Regional The following week Dec Ihe Auxiliary will be in George town for Zone darls A most pleasant occasion Is awaiting the Auxiliary in the form of a presentation and I won you much more other than to say that on Sunday Dec 3rd from lo p this invliiiion is to all Aux members to Join your Aux friends in auditorium for the pleasantries This will supper and will ihe members chance to bring their faoritc dish Usually after the meeting you have the supper for the Senior Ladies but this will take place Dec 3rd ins lead A special Invitation will go out to these ladies Here are the winners of las four Cir Club draws SO Harold A Helen Norton Earl and Brush Draw 17 E Stoddart McCartney G 168 Valentine Draw 5 Jim Wallace NickCirvm Dave Hyde and Kill Norton Draw 19 Gord Dave Shin Faulkner and Herb Chuck Hennessey was win ner of Afghan No 195 croche cd and donated by Heather Harrison drawn on Nov Proceeds lo poppy fund thank you Congratulations Chuck Friday Nov in our Lounge music will be provided or pleasure by Pelt on Saturday it will be Ituss Sounds like a most enjoyable way spend a Friday and Saturday evening don l you think so I sure know it wis lim Gilchrist that was pari of singing oil Nov 12 not Jim Christie Jim hive my mind on ihe Job guess This Thursday is our general it is hoped that will be a lorge turnout Thin will be several Interest items to discuss and the lies I find out how your is being run is to get it first hand and the best way to do that Is to be at meeting There will not be meeting in December so do try to get to Thursdays meclnu begins a Hope I will see you then you on iht list 1 sun Into to set chairman Dave Bell to do so please let keep him busy with renewing member ship Don forget an idial Christmas Payable it the from noon on We were extremely happy lo be pari of Ihe more than friends and neigh hours that uttered to help celebrate their wedding anniversary last Surprise visits from sisters ind brother from Bos on Cameron and Newfoundland added to the happiness of the occasion Gord was on hand Saturday at in Georgetown to hunt for bargains at a ceramics sale Here he hoists a hefty buy WardPatterson wedding lev Charlies ted at a double ring ceremony for Wendy Lynne Ward and Edward November Trinity United Church in bride wore a satin prin cess style gown with a tulle overs kin sleeves with lace appliques on the bodice neck train and a linger up veil wedged in lace and f a lace bandeau Shi carried yellow roses and while carnations in a truth rig The maid of honor Kathy Thompson wore a rust brown colored gown and carried bouquet of and white carnations Bridesmaids Nancy Ward and Nancy Paler son wore a dress in the same style as the maid of honor except they were in color Their bouquets were made of yelloW and while The flower girl Debbie Ward wore a light flow print gown bouquet yellow earn limns J Phi best man Ushers were Alt iht grooms he Ward ind Danny ad brides rs The reception w h d Georgetown tin brides pa n n paren etc fir tin couple The bride works and in Atlon iht groom is tin ploy it nil NEW CROWN ATTORNEYS CAR TOWED BY POLICE Regional Police com mission turned down a request by one of assistant Crown attorneys that they refund the amount due on a towing charge after his cor was lowed away on his first day In court recently It cost Tony Vale in tuwmg charges when his car was towed away because it was parked In the wrong spot for police parking some for court employee parking and some for municipal parking Police administrator Kay Munro said it Is an ongoing problem making sure there arc adequate parking spaces for all Commission members emncd the owing away of cars without giving a l least one prior warning in Ihe form of a warning sticker on the winds Regional Police are Still unable to identify body of a woman found on the Farm property on Highway 25 north of Highway Police asked members Building permits Budding permits issued in Hills during October totalled In value and brought in 13G lu in issuance The vast bulk of the permits worth stemmed from Iht construction of single fam dwellings outside of rigisl plans of subdivision alterations poo installations and jir construction while new buildings wir ran led worth of permits town engineer ing dtpirtmenl and building inspector hive issued worth of permits thus fur ir of the public may know about lady to them Detective lion Welsh several calls were received shortly liter body October but calls have been received arc hoping anyone who may crossed paths with the lady in Ihe area some lime before death will come This kind of information would allow hem lo ict the Indy movements and possibly establish her idtnlitv wan Idintifiintii who some in Ins been imperii by tint she had no tteth Teeth only way by which people be identified pirltcularly if Kit body is disfigured rtitwonnnwis lucosian in height with slim build and hips Point- age with wooden buttons a red wh and black polyester suit lop white wool sweater and a lime green pink floral short sleeved Examination of woman s bones by forensic scientists have Indicated the woman suffered severe osteoarthritis may have had difficulty celling around Police found a pair of men s brown rimmed glasses near the body and also a pair of black ladies shoes a pair of low brown hiking boots a blue nylon jacket and blue wool Police also found a while plastic bag containing two Bibles Pieces of wood were found near Die body and police think the may have stayed in the area for several days but they have not found any cooking utensils or empty food packages to back up that theory Mr said here Is a manpower problem Involved in keeping track of parking and who is where employees often park In spots marked us police park he said and others arc guilty of in clearly marked Mr Vale has said Ih it spates allotted for court were nil occupied so ho parked elsewhere WHAT YOU EXPECT UNION GAS TO SELL the flavour of outdoor cooking without the Falcon Mark Gas clot has dryers such as Super 11 features an Automat Custom Dry select dryness Gas tangos nothing cooks I a flame This black glass wood grain clean Gas wail heaters This is More deal large scale add with no basement Fiemperatura Current monthly re plus fuel Mi Gas lor id able natural gas healing Mark III System even comas WHAT YOU DONT EXPECT UNION GAS TO SELL Admiral features you Maytag electric clothes rein go tors rcfr Irooroi ridges ripool fluchasthis17cu ft Royal a compactors Hop It a no an get rid things a d Colour matched freezers This has refrigerant tubes on all our aide Union Gas Is in the appliance business both gas and electric And we re in it in a very competitive way In our Appliance Centres or in catalogues we can show you different appliances under 10 major brand names we believe gas does the job best wellshowyouagasappliance But when electricity the right energy source well be just as keen to do business with you Now if all you re shopping for is the appliance there are lots of places you can get a good buy But if you want something more you can do better than Union Gas Union Gas can give you easy even can work it so you pay on your gas bill with approved credit Union Gas can make sure your appliance is installed correctly We can send someone around to show you how to get the most out your new appliance And were going to be around to back up our products with service There are Union Gas Appliance Centres spread across Southwestern Ontario And we want to do business with you Maybe that s another thing you don expect from Union Gas We actually want to sell you something Try us f union appliance I centre