Page a THE HERALD Wednesday November 22 1178 PEOPLE Pattersons steam cars By MAGGIE HANNAH Herald reporter In a day when are advocating fuel conservation and consumers ore balking at the price of gasoline long lime resident A C Pot terson can talk about one of our curly automotive that would have solved the problem had it survived Mr Patterson worked for Brooks Motors in Slrnt ford for five years first in the factory then later in the sales and service department of their outlet and finally as branch manager of their Montreal outlet until the com went broke in 1930 Brocks was a Canadian com and Mr Patterson says they got investment capital in Canada He even demons I a steamer up the steps of the legislate buildings in Winnipeg in or 1929 when the company was seeking sup port from Manitoba gov Oil ii affiliated v Imperial Newer members of the unity may not the fact that It was Mr Patterson who built the origin garage and gas bur at is now in process of converted apart men is When Mr Patterson bought the property from his uncle Robert Carlyle there were only two other houses in the area besides the little cabin Mr Carlyle had on the five acres he purchased from George Graham some years before One was the farm house on the cast side of Road 3 and the other was the Graham farm house on the west side of Highway almost opposite the present cutoff to Ball ma fad Mr Patterson bought the land on July 12 1932 His twocar garage was completed and he first gasoline on August 17 1932 It was the only garage between Ac Ion and Georgetown at that lime and His first customer was trucker from Mills who ran out of gas on Ihe hill hod to gas down to start the and get it pumps to be filled up Prices were quite rent then Mr says he sold gas at four gallons fi r dollar oil at cents a quart He set up tin including stocking the candy pop cigarettes and so forth for his business i One of his funnier centres around that first it ma small room at the side of the A truck with pup trailer on off en route reform with a load of licence plates for sale in Toronto following an ice The only tow big enough to pull such a vehicle belonged to Motors in It was called and got the truck back on road with no problems However when It hooked onto the pup trailer the dru t stopped on Ihe icy road lie wound up headed straight for Mr Pit gas pumps managed to mist them but stopped in his flower bed ins eld Mr Patterson built liwng quarters on the in and married Sinclair the following year Through the prewar years he often had to get up in the middle of the night to sell a quarters worth of gas so could get home to Erin or Hi Is burgh The boys would be down Georgetown the hotels he chuckles and get kicked out at midnight Then on the way home they d need gas and I was their last hope Erin township was dry at id li id about SO mem lint time that being all Ihi ir in Ontario he k lis and other probl ems Mr Patterson to close up his garage in 1912 he worked it in inspector while they were making trailers for r idor for the if the air He returned in and reopened the business Then problems rehted to monoxide poisoning him sell out to Cash McClosekey in 1947 During their it the station the built two over night ibins which they rented were the thing then Mrs says were no motels and I think you had to get down almost to before there were any other cabins We did eood business there were only the two of them single and a double t The Pattersons both time they rented the cabins gypsies There were five or six adults and a whole slew of kids in the group The mm were working at Acton fair and the women stayed in theeabins One of them offered to tell Mrs Patterson fortune free if she would little bit of washing for her Tin little turned out to be a couple of full included the volumous skirls one associates with gypsy Needless to say feel the short end of that deal Mr built their the Lime- house public school In and he beean storking for Thompsm Motors at their original Ml Street in IJ0 In he became a member of the firm when BUI and Thompson formed a limited partnership and moved tit them to their new location at the corner of St Drive and Main Street In 1957 He retired when the company was sold six When asked how he pre par for a career th it extended to more than GO years of working with automobiles when the automobile was still a rel new invention Mr Patterson soys he began ap prenticing with Watson Gar in in April 1919 and left them in IJ25 In go to NO Tl- You didn have to piss any tests like today he says just wuiked by Gosh and by Cxi Mr Patterson was the eldest of six bays and grew up on a firm Erin near Mimosa He left home join the army in 1917 even though he was not old enough lo enlist and spent his firstycirasa stretcher bearer in the Army Medical Corps in London transferred the Battery in Since there was a surplus of Canadian field Artillery in the force was split up Into a Siberian Force and the second ion Tank Corps He chose the tank corps and went to land 1918 By the time he was out of quarantine Halton District Day District Women In Day was held in Hall Nov 197S at m In the form of a Dessert Luncheon followed by Court Whist Nelson Branch acting as hostess welcomed members who en joyed a bountiful and delicious buffet followed by tea and Mrs J McNabb District President presided for the Court Whist games Prizes donated by Dublin Branch and won by High score Mrs Mabel second high Mrs Carter Low score Mrs J McLean second low Mrs Edna Nelles Hidden score even 100 Mrs Laura Dixon Travelling prizes Mrs A Rase Mrs Carter both of Nelson Branch Mrs J McNabb I a lew ticket still available to Miss dinner Nov 12 at Seaway Towers Toronto also there are still Halton W I plates Mrs H Wilson secretary treasurer presented a gave made in i0 by her late father Mr Ernest Henderson for bar hi other who then presi dent of Palermo I this gavel was then presented by Mrs J to Campbell ville branch who had the high est percentage ratio thlatobe retained by Campbellville un til 1979 Fall Board meeting Mrs Lindsay third vice president conveyed sincere thanks all who had In nay way contributed toward such an enjoyable District Day Fbk i s