Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 13, 1978, p. 1

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if Week todays paper YOUR MORNING SMILE the HERALD THIIinMXPX Home Newspaper of Hills J The big paper with the I big circulation read I first by everyone I I Reaching more than J J homes in Halton Hills rptm t Burlington alderman Raftis new regional chairman Bermuda to Halton been a long road from he sandy shores of Bermuda to the hills of the llalion area for frank and In that lime the local artist and teacher has been exhibited in galleries and struck up friendships with members of the Group of Seven Herald staff writer Paul talks Mr Black in this wttk installment of People Page seven Cinderella a laugh The Georgetown it lie Theatre pantomime production of Hill Cinderella u tood for more ban fen laughs according to The Heralds reviewer was setting for the New Community section This week The Herald introduces a new section features like Ann Landers and On the can be found on the new page a ions with our loc correspond en Is reports and The Herald newest feature Meet the president This week The Herald likes a look at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Auxiliary president Marion Booth Page nine Letters to Santa The most sincere letter writers in the world arc youngsters writing Santa CI is evidenced by The Herald second installment of Christmas season corresp ondence from the smill of Georgetown Acton and the surround Page IE Exemption bid lost Roy Booth tried throughout 1978 lo get a special lax exemption for some homeowners along Ann and Ontario in Georgetown who had apparently been paying sewer surcharge thai was applicable to properties The mailer has now been revoked but much to Coun Booth consternation Page three Christmas church services The lists times and dates for Christmas church sen ices around the area as well special activities planned by local ministers in an round Up takes top post by acclamation By PAUL DORSET Herald staff writer Subject to formal ratification today Wednesday by regional council region new chairman is Jack a year old professional engineer from Burlington who hag headed fhc region public works committee since its formation in 1974 Coun was acclaimed to the a year post last Wednesday after council meeting for the last time prior to its Dec 13 inaugural voted unanimously to close nominations for the chairmanship when it appeared clear that there were to be no other contenders ballot Itaflis was thin elected to the post again unanimously The ildcrman from s Ward J breezed to victory unth illenfLil liter other rtg w ho had sum is possible contend f r the eh dec ined 1 1 die off with Fur varying re lis former Mayor Melt nil Mae Anderson who sill soils residents Hi il Lily on regional council w is ilil ive been consul top job in insteid up Itnfiw lllT nun Anderson tint he wished to the kind if embarrassing iccompanied he CHRISTMAS TREE TIME s lo look a lot like mid hat nuiin its time to buy tree Icht vcur old Hughe UN and his brother Pete 10 urnrd up he Kinsmen lub li Hip store ei street their Dirt make hralllmporont purchase ThejoungiKers headed deep into he slacks to make sure hey the possible 1TI Photo by Michael Itollcll proceeding Iwo years ago torn 111 he and tent Anderson used his llurllngun s lo weather rounnely he iped upon council ehurman in the past members ind still over the Player of the week Twelve yearold Glenn Leslie of Ihc United Kent All pec wees is the first Rep hockey player of the week Council okays condominium switch despite concern over rental shortage voluntary Expressing ton over the longstanding need tor mort rental moduli in Hills the Herd elected board chairman defeats three other trustees It took three to elect Bill Herd of the new chairman of Ihe Board of at board Inaugural meeting Thursday Mr Herd is entering his third representing Oak on the He was elected over trustees Not Cooper from Burlington Auger of and Fred of Mr Herd was nominated by Crosier of who described him as a cap able man and straight The nomination was seconded by lilt Hills tee Betty rishtr Mr Herd in his before Ihe voting said fact th it bo had Four sirong candid lies for the ship shows the vitality of hoard and depth ship Mr Herd said he wis for chairman iu il the board would it its if heeds public opinion and cited i quote from in Abr ihim I which ml joverllmetil cm in thing if suppiried by pubht opinion and nothing if il docs not h support After Hit Mr Herd prtssu 1 1 ennfidi net in him addressed to the numbers if tin who win lyniL the nil for of an I Georgetown ipirlmenis in Ihc committee ly to a by of id lid to help finilize ideal Ins been in the works 1073 when approval in prmri pit is ground for the corner sum by the council for Ihe former town of In thai th it pro In ministry of housing shot Id be thai Mr I has itisf he low n is to the conditions of he approval allow Mr Ave to unit building tit to a i dominium commit 111 decision lolloped a brief encapsulation proposal s background by Mr in which the ileulopcrpomtedniitlhalhcis slnvint to meet the limn pressing need For more rental has bet ill titd up since the Mr s icllmtiditol is the inked Iht fi Town council cool to liquor licence plan 111 THIS meeting hid rntd Mr Herd lold rcporlcrs inn tin priorities of In would he settle lis l si dispute Willi si Hilary school teachers The hinder the si Iht tin Mr nibers took opportunity criticize Ihe condominium more 1 hear about condominiums less pins and more perturbed I am out Waller I can understand why my one ml to buy one wis cuiiimiltci members who that si old stick by commit by The Liquor Licence Board or Ontario was scheduled to eon alder on application yesterday Tuesday submitted by the Georgetown Bakery at the Del rex Market for the issuance of a licence for the sale of alcoholic beverages in the bakery restaurant area Although the information a bout Ihe application was before Iho town general committee too late lo warrant comment town planning rector Mario Vendittl deemed the proposed of liquor inappropriate for the site Clerk administrator Ken placed a recommen dation before the committee Monday night by which the town would agree hat proposed sale liquor con forms the site s designation The recom mtndation went on to siy hough thai in view of cafe snack type service with limited seating and facilities the sale of liquor docs not lo be an appropriate The committee informed that the application was lo be considered ihe following day simply filed the rccommenda ion but not before some discussion centred upon he possible bench Is of having licensed restaurant at the Mar kct Coun Hoy Booth questioned the basis lor Mr decision although he ed his agreement with Hit I would sujgesl dtfer his until wt know what is intended lit unci Maybe Ihn kind of might be a good Idea To me a bakery is a bakery Levy responded Kids go in there all the llmi to buy d I don think we need procras on Ibis With Mr ox pi a nation that there was no lime for the lown to comment the matter was drop- Herd s lid with corresponding problems with staff month Mr Herd added he w is sitisfied wilh tit rcporis by pi itt finder ind hi did not consider il be is h id suggested by sunn trilits of reports Ml Herd is the iff indagt of in id i ltd rubber tomp my ltd to bo for tin first in 1 in A In then in he was and In 1J7B in Wird On billot Trustees red and Imi Auger or Iht lowest number of votes Mr drew i piece of paper from a ballot bos lo decide whose name would he dropped for the next His name was dropped and on the second Mr Augers name dropped I ihllll but 11 I ve been con iparlnicnl units in Hills As recently as this were building in imounl of apartments lis ir loclted in Park building on John or rent During the past flic 1 it spent mon thin in legal fees this plan for condominium con version re Mr explained thnl the mil istry of housing Is not isklnj tin town to endorse Georgetown approval In principle but is simply check SMITH AND STONE SETTLE CONTRACT Smith and Stone and United Ma Workers Local reached Dec on new threeyear contract giving the hourly workers Increases of an hour the year hour the second an hour In third year The contract which wan by per cent of im on Dec Incentive earnings and cost of llvlnt payments as well special year In he Increase The highest skilled trade rote will Increase to IT SI plus coil of living by end at Ihe agreement from IB IZ plus toil of Ihe end of the agreement which expired Nov The company however retard lo rrleaie Ihe figures for the bottom end of pay scale In just over wo months of bargaining the union gained Improvements In pensions sickness and accident Insurance Insurance shift premiums and holiday provisions I expires Nov 13 ill make sure lie developer his mil ill pertinent conditions of the phn Mr predicted that his new John Street should be for the end Hit jear plans he said have seen the upper floor of George town s old Koxy theatre on Mill Street our subject lo final approvil will see 1DK suite apartment buildug construct community s absence il he loo considered eh illenmu for eh but found he old nol his ihc nun also predicted 111 in will make a The oilier hktly iming louncil members Burlington Walter with is for Die si bee lust conflicting tluirmjii was without its despite ihe of the vote Newly elected Milton Kill Johnson whose ex pert is i as in finds him loci efforts to ish r I indFill site in rural Milton idmitlcd lhai he i tor Coun only Here no other Johnson said he is ully aware the fact thai the Continued on page wo TAXI HEARINGS CONTINUE Ontario Taxi linn wltnessrs were called first of hearings before hr Labour I Ho nl in Toronto on tin Taxi the at least two more wtn to appear day In what a ministry labour termed of the most Involved cases API I has ever Mr said he per cud TIIXM- My I mil nil on page DIG Hilton Hills Mil who seconded is old The Herald lhai he believes the is Ihc man or the job He lias no rcscrv he slid as an outspoken poll iitnn who has few quilms overriding legal proced in order in efforts resolve i would call his own witnesses afternoon If time permitted If not he would ask Ihcm to attend Mr whn the hearing would resume If all he mold no testify during the hrrc days hiswpk he predicts he las more four at he most Iniun Jack well said he t say how he hearing was sing ve got a of witnesses go through he said I hope we II be through by Ihc send of today iTuesdiy We ere very lucky to get In lo day since wrre for Monday and r The monev questions are to he heard he said BLOOD DONOR CLINIC In read an Information phtel handed out by the Ited Cross while giving blood Monday night at Holy The Red Cross Clinic collected packs blood with rejections mainly because of potential were uttering colds or the flu Barber Williams and Shirley r end ley entertained donors and volun leers by providing organ music throughout he clinic Photo by Taylor

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