Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 13, 1978, p. 20

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Smiling faces at Legion Legion Lines By Roma Timpson Senior girls score in win over Local churches plan Christmas services Continued from en The choir is a the congregation will Christ supper oil School it 17 i Chnstm is to as regular Him its Dec torn of Baptist Georgetown lint tin Sun daj School concert ill Ik In Id at n Dei On Dec the reguhr i service will indudi ibip in service inert will J choral Em si run it Dec limn hnstmnsDiv him if the I hurt It tint there Mil I to n Doc On Dec will hi smite with the ilu i sen I nisi ithidint it i John of III Church Hut Hit Georgetown slid 17 the 11 a m be The and the School Christ mas pageant v ill be held at On Die the 11 am service will be called Where Is He Hint Is Born At there will be carol service Then will be a begin at on Dei Jl I in J of Georgetown Church said that then v ill a Christian Fellowship night m his church at on 15 The church youth will make a spinal Chnstmis presentation musn plays on Dec 17 Hit Galilean Singers will be tht special guesis at the 11 i and services n Dec J4 Rev Brian of Acton Pentecostal Church there Dec is will as regularseruccat 11 1 Die 31 there will also in a witch night at 10 p m Vi Weaver of the Hills Assembly that group will he celebrating i feast at the Die meeting and holding World Day of at tin Jan meeting Rev Leo of St Joseph s Roman Church Acton will hi 1 days and at and II m on Sundays through the season Then will be a special children lilurgv at on Dec a midnight mass and mass at 9 and Hum on hnstmas Day There will also be mass at New Year and at and 11 a on Jan Rev of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church Georgetown said that Iheregu- lar masses will be held at 7 pm on the Saturday it it lOand 12 on through ml the holiday season In iddition thirc will be a mass at pm Dec and midnight mass Christmas Day masb will he held it to Rev PA of Cocur Roman Catholic Georgetown that In ion the 7 m miss isbuiquei will lit held tr at On Dec 17 is will be leld tin 10 serv hi V will be a School Christmas pro is will is lini ur rebirth sons i ind d the Hut ilvinilteswill he i irolhni on He On Pit tin servieewill oil of Christ s birth and 30 struct will be a of God lighting up our world The 10 will be with the tood in tht highest on earth 1 ice Hie of his pit isurc Hourigan cleared Smith complains details Mr tics dint imnhmfi Hilton Regional t mmissi in eh Willi mi limine in shiutd be Tht from tht Christmas buses formed Business Profession Association of teirgtlown will lie provid mi of the towns ihrn apart minis with free lo do ihur shop pint Tie smite is being provid id December to intlusivi will allow of Court the new senior in s ipirtmcnl on im to be picked up t ir md dr pptd off inj of the shopping areas Trmlw Transit system will pick up tin resiittnis and lake Ihim to Ihe Moore Park I I the Sheet the Plan and the Mount linview IUli ind Association in their firsl will funding the project mem tier Monty Hyde said thit while I he re ire no pi ins at the moment for carrying in the struct it w ink dipeiul the mirth mis if ihij wish nnkc tint lie Acton Clumber or merct running I similar system covering the tnwn Die diy wilt edit mm until is routes are set up the busts will within re ism ilkinj an August when he received phone till from lie who had been illnn on imp d It is liter is Mi sliismiss Mr origin wml to the in i polite ilion and si ivtd until It then htm home Mr Smith Hit report should rtlt to tin I up my specula lion it Mr ton is it ill ripirt euKludiil tint innsl Mr Hi tint in result of i lent Mr unguis as a of tilt polite son ixpirtd 11 and Irv refused to appoint Mr his ilso issued tu dihnisf I who art i ii Im oh in isis involving Hit dree on whoso commission llity sit Hi suits of tht into Mr wire tumid over Hi entrils on I the first pililil rifirinn to the report was n only last week when was that no were being laid t ims Mr Hurt iniiiv siuihnt fates last Thursday tveii auditorium is jolly old Si himself w is pay a visit to our I ranih auxiliary iliildrm red Hoot li on the pi inn kijs from kilting ion rest Itss is he pi sour it istmis enrols to keep indoldin mood until in Then were little ones there taking in aft the noise and in stride not ireof wlnl was going on M lithe 7 wtiks old looked us could be in red outfit with milchingc is gold Another III tie sweet was Wiyni Nortun Jun lor who to enjoy the fuss overturn Hut the of all wis week old Hanson who let all activity go by without a cart up to the olds wire called out and all receiv their gift from San In and ilso stent or two was no doubt shared Alter a of other goodns the id a cold drink and to tnjoj then they were homeward bound They had more will power thin would Invt hid is went home with their kill wrappid Our thinks lo Joinne Coles and Dons for serving the Dons ih in ill Ihe ladies who sent In tin cookies fir the ihildrin Hunks to Monk who helped me with the names and to Monk and all his helpers Bob Gib Denny Jake Fred Jim and President liar old Badhaii ind Jake who ked after the draw hen ire the winners Helen No 168 J Johe No No John O Rcilly No Given No 194H JirmsNo 4H7 and Tamv King No to ill We have member to welcome to our inch litis J of St Certainly hope will enjoy Ihe if club and in on ill our Br inch luster Hall isavnlibli ill vttcr their all time inquiries PriuneinlServiii Officer know he will Ih hippy o m ike an ippouilmenl for yi New a tickets ore still in silt lo members and members only until mm Dec lftlh alter it hour they will koon sale to who wish to buy fir their kuesls will hi in baud hits md a delicious during Hit hour of 1J7H served your whith ought to be worth the price of admission alone I ickcis so try and piek y up soon if you ore pi liming to join your to sti Hit old ye ir out year in If you haven bought your Chnstm isturkiy as come on down lo the this Siturday afternoon and how lucky you mi be in the turkey shoot that is looking after Action begins but get down little miss on inythtnk There fun Involved nil who knows yiu could be me if ilu luiky ones Set you Our allied members in Sim Jimmy Will Mikes 1 who I linil has to Workman Compensation this and Hill Hope hive sent i card We certainly wish you folks will and rem ember we think of you often If is inytlunK tin do pit hi us know Car Club Draw No win ire Downs Dan J inics irney No IB I Boyd Driw number win ire Bob Gibson lleid Mary Till- Wednesday ember 13 SERVICES 1limilW GARAGE DOOR LENZ ELECTRIC 8773414 Robertson Electric HONE CARNEY ELECTRIC Carney ill DAVE WILLIAMS ill red ELECTRICIAN Ir Hill n will I Visit 1 branch on January tttl you wish to set Gene pkisp Busier Rick Appleyard J D Will i Don Wilson and Will you lie down to the mill this evening If so mi will find the popular Si mmcrville intcrlain in Hit lounge And if you dowiu you will In entertained by the vtry fine music of Hoots llurrtn tome in down mil in our ind lounge whirt the is always vtry 111 ink lo llrinth 10 r contmuid of Good Strviti In Hie imiunt mil help in ire is Board elects vicechairman The the Township bo of education wis if tin of education at Ihe muluikllursdiy Hill liwsin is currently repnsiniiiikWirdainMillon hi first in Hit In ill in 1 isdittt hi mini of iliu In Ik dtft did How of hi ichml rip for Hills in Ihe hid for the Police contracts i ill ill In aril 1 ners I p llct tht Assoention signed i oni for Hit firu Ih jus llmrsduy but each While Ihe en linns received of s per More Outdoors A These are colli tied from my sources friends books etc Some them I ive myself and ore only it part of 1 ire i Iketli n What of snowshoi old I buy A iht 11x40 12itol50pinds to pi 111 ds 1 to pounds 14x41 inch ir l pounds In pounds list Inch 200 kiuiu1s I x3l loids on shoes lo pounds 14x16 Q Whit sic slot do for grouse hum I A Number six tr prefer ibly it in Choke gun of your choice of Hurt is ilil of Ibis main Ii is of fivuinn or With itt fishing toniiiip whit do recommend for A I will this in inure dunl in liltr eolumiis but would suggist live minniws whire by small and jigs tin willow if To close off today a I is I looking I dltln I s iherc as no better I said was nothing like it do it is s tin bo ird point ill r Mimro fnm Ilu I Mr s Hit voting wis stating that hi fell he work my mdivlduil around tht luble he hi could work with Mr Herd is the diMri to lake lh job On of eh i inn in Mr liwson sud he tried peril thi duties of to tin best of Ins and he would lit pi tin dutns of lo Hit f his ibihty issistmk Hit mtnilnrsil Ihe staff Mr in his Mr it is wirthv tint doesn 1 hut s dekrtt of lit lining tnrolnient that is present in Mr s he vis ill nil finder s ripe tin nek i nil it Mr slid it is Ins Ik In mdhishope ih in Iht future it mil will to less formal Good neighbours SOS from this as art looking or good used and new toys to fill the Good Neighbour Service Thtrc has been very liltli response up to this ditt The line for toys will be As you can land Ihey will need the time remaining to sort out in age of child and as the packing will be done Thursday al the Service Headquarters on Mountainuiw the former between S md restaurant Ml wilt be made on I- from ibout on ml I HI- NO ON im McDonilds ire once ikun to operating with the Kinetics on Ihe toy drive so dn p your of a toy lo cither McDonalds on St or to Colleen Arm trnik no iter than Die No one imt to be pirt of working committee is in so has left it I letters to v tlubs or iiunliotis roups lit loask din to or l and it invirtd tin I children If in helping with il profit kindly send I mums to The Good i o ii Mi Inly it Ilu aftirnom of 20th sirt food lit it tin Hi irt ih in Mount lew during III until 4 Sorting will on from im on until i pm fii on contributions miivKii Of lilt lilt School icily Public St hot J mid Iuhht Ii i St iililu I iiiivk Sthid inlly lint Mr wis i member liti font and tins itt is pm io in by point Includtd in Hie illiployns of He ri Hit mi mgihi I I the di timing vi Hit fit rjtti nit ii Si hi il i rjU It plurs in Ik i rnord clerks Inns ihrks Ih Hit tin aim si r tin six ml illiiiipnsidi Al lold numbers if prtss follow ink said that with Hit firu Ins iht highest rallu lo polite in Ihe pri v Instead of new wt ve a new Few fires Hills Volunteer fire fighlers Ind time this week action and men wtrt only ill incidents A snowmobile look fire at River Drive on Dec and a cur caught fire ihe s imt on Trafalgar Road south of A ear lire wis also reported Dei at 184 Guelpli Nunc of the fires resulted In image si Sehix I SI J Sthml ItnWillnms Prisbylen m i Union shy n in ly ml Si rgi sAiigliLiinSiuul iv School ilIlniKilSundiy ml Hum Si ws United Sum ly School II dim if id Siniil il SI P nil in Sunday Si Mb in Might in Sund iy iiryAniisoK inrkdowti Cup Pock u iiymnus Knox Prtshyle mm Sunday KnoxPresbyiinanW A Toll I 15 I 20 10 mm DELREX ALUMINUM 8775383 BARBER HENLEY SERVICEMASTER CALL SAVE 43 si CUSTOM CARPENTRY SHOP 3481 SQM CUSTOM CARPET SERVICE 877 or 4280 TEDS DRIVING SCHOOL JACK BEER CALL 877 5844 HOME IMPROVEMENTS ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS 8532413 Brampton Monument Works MONUMENTS MARKERS LETTERING git PLUMBING HEATING Plumbings Heating BILL GARBUTT MINTING I DEC0MTING MAURICE GRANGER Intir or PAINTING PAPER HANGING Tikption U GEORGnOWN DECORATING CENTRE WALLPAPERS 5TOUE HOURS Thor m ial a son WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE INSTALLATION LOWEST MONTHLY Rate COMPLETE LINE SELF SERVICE Sill HONE ANNS CARTAGE PIANO MOVERS We Move Everything Will dismantle LAWN MOWER REPAIRS RADIATORS ED PEEL RADIATOR Clares Precision Sharpening PLACE 8774976 BID HILLTOP STONE SUPPLY CO Rl IIJIMMlilLW lure TH Bnggs 877 RENOVATING CONTIMCTOItS BndC MASONRY CLAUDE LAFFERTY HOME RENOVATION 4080 JENNEX HOME IMPROVEMENT CO HAL CONTRACTOR 3293 nlr ft I UN SAL CONSTRUCTION LTD We Specialize in Custom Home Building in lug on having mat beautiful von wanted Or you re planning to rem odd I add a room or Do repair We odor conciliation and wllti TELEPHONE or GENERAL CONTRACTORS

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