wins top at Club competition TOP SWIMMERS Tliisr ltd school swlmullm Rebels to a klorv over Isim at duo last I left l the are Kick llourassj him ami Hit I Kirn The Hi belt will hjk in Hip wattr for a Ijird tmurrow iff Rebels dominate meet Sliiplitnl off ith lie tup prize in the Junior Ladies tree at last Georgetown Skuling guest skaters wire dance pair Jutl Marlon and Stephen and Shana second Ship herd is Leslie rnr inning received the Trophy fuller tropi were is Follows lithe in nil in i Ion Trophy I Inn mil ills I Skill 1 lloddiiolt Slim 1 Allison I King 1 Morrow Melissa Me rcy Girls Intermediate Kinsmen Kelly Karen Snjrkcs Pre Juvenile The Toronto Do Hank Trophy I I Ka Sim I Juvenile Royal Bonk of Cans Kim Thompson lorl Henderson Debbie Dull Mixed I nice lions Club Trophy 1 noil Chris Cox Lynn Hawkins Pom Shannon I Christian Pre Tin Harbor ph Leah ilon J any Novice Club 1 ynn Inej Mot rts Ho The Georgetown ilislncl I Rebels bid in at their own lour men us of their rcstlers finished fourth or roaches and Hay Smith win both plnsid with the showing by their young train There were no official team seals kepi McKay said his statistics showed the Hebe Is winning coming second Collegiate third There were wrestlers competing at the tournament which took place Saturday Three Rebels went all the taking first In their re spectivc divisions Kevin frank was first pounds Mike was ops In the 1 pound class ind Joe emerged as the victory at 122 pounds Frank and ire rookies on the Six ether Rebels finished second Among Ihem was Pot er defending champion McKay ind Smith ire having 1- wrestle licivicr competitor in the ihy he pounds Me lost Tern o Paul it respectable frank Mxhitiksi finish second Ik lost on tie to Tim Caldi r it 11 Mirk was it pounds Gillespie second it pounds Chuck pounds Dun the 137 pounds The third place Rebel finish were Barry Stone il John Hill Davis Robinson And Ken Ward There were different classes In tor mil non experienced Tin fourth pi ice finishes wire reeordtd by Jim Witt melcrJ3 Dine in laiobs Hick 5 Oilier Rebels competing wire Jeff Silent Don Turn Toild Bradley Kevin Br nun Jeff Wood and Hob This he Rebels will in Hamilton to compete minuet there McKay his troops are looking toward to the meet is i measuring stick as to how he team can tie his ii Chris ox Sk lub rn in Winners photos next week 8774812 Small items NOT to forget MOST IMPORTANT AT CHRISTMAS win 132 downed Brampton 13 Tuesday night in Wellington Ilalton I action in George Walter itid Kin in tilt Insulitor at tnk with three each and two Single scores were Peter Thompson Wayne Sid Harris Insulalors adding assists Peter with five Hill Wells Itnk and Prion with singles lo Wilier Ir Norman Wiyni llouie iml John THE BRAMPTON CIVITAN CLUB PRESENTS Coke 3 individuallywrapped 1 lb cakes in decorative box for only 650 5 individuallywrapped 1 lb cakes in a fancy tin for only 1 150 SUPPORT COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS ORDERING TOUR CAKE MOW CALL 7920036 8431271 4518873 WE DRIVER The Kiddies Record Player Does it need inspection or a new needle requested needle types it year Batteries Pocks fRBH ONLY 35 79 3 Cassette Tape let litem record their joy at Christmas Good ones for the kiddies 4 Quality Wemorex Tagb of fl95 Calculators Not the kind that keeps kids broke replacing batteries toc on this 8 AC Adaptors For most battery burning Save on battery power costs e Cables Ml Kinds Speaker coble Power cables Patch Cords Cables to meet of requirements Get your Tubes tested Free by professionals For taster strulee come In to bin Good selection of replacement tabes We have small televisions too with MONTHS WARRANTY