THE III- RAM December I Dixie rink wins Carting Bonspiel and Slew curlers at North Hilton have been busy this past On Decern section held its first open Open the Indies are to tin spiel proved with nil tennis out to el some experience Tins made the competition keen The winners and first place winners of the second dnv were the Jaekic Tjohos rink from Dime with points In second place was Veri and her rink from Oakville with 3S points The one game high winner In this draw was Belle Broom head and her rink of Ethel and Jean from town tula lions girls In early draw first rink was skipped by from and hid Shirley of Georgetown is with In spot wis Muriel rmk rum ihmgiu ousywllhJG points so plus points had to lie used The out Rime winner was the Anne rink from The com in this draw wis skip ped Norma with and Gliiivs They had two interesting games the the second in in eatn tic breaking end Shirley from the rink won the door a Mr and Mrs table decoration thinks go to Julie White anil her committee for in run and also to decorating for heir splendid Dm Porter wee Mike Mi kc second irk id Stive llrunrtk entered a Spiel in recently where hey won third place Dave entered a similar rink hut with Greg vicing Mike second and Mirk I lead and tr Ir Hay won first I like report lint us I lis I Hob of lulus rink indthen Willi in for this wiek is skipped lor lost I iK I isther with rink of Dixie too bad Dune second Mary not more peiple wire 1- Men Lamb this isinl I sure there spared lead Joan Trim have been I This rink off in but eerlaulv not double knockout competition The School Hoy r Sabres lose Continued from Page It appeared in Sabres wen going hick on lit winning trill is Hits stored Ihe lines first three out if four Henderson opened scoring fir with el is I hi connected n power pi i Willi mer silting him up The Chris Ik ucher I In ncouiitedi marker with tin tlub the ids int igt went up Iwu again as Shaw I from Shields The second period only one goat with Dixies Sim Pollard the mirks play took the gum Willi air oils tin third Tin miirkmm win I Dm Scot It mils eoiiiiKti in Ihe Sclnol Boy Ontario Winter imcs Dm where won their two gin itonsy and Mil without giving up an end wire then deflated by ilte in a hard ought final then will our division in which are being held it llalton Ibis coming and Sunday The seniors competition in Milton this past week end our club of skip with Irwin No ble Mack Duff ind Bob Bruce Ind record of one win and losses Better luck next On Monday December our ilith hosted some fir the Spiel miolvid eorgelown rmk skipped by Mike line Dm ind Mike Thi lub draw winner In the Open urllng to Jullr While utiles to Iff to right vice Anne Moore pad enrol Korpela Idler and skip Pickering Herald on Ihe el the fr aim Hinders is Willi It seconds Br ids got lhat luck fir Dixie make a 1 I ck if Kurd pin id firepower his Hi be i of rred In their I Sjhres hive Bantams take two The Georgetown DUO Slat Major Hani ims took victories last week downing aid bettering Mmnhim in ex hi bit ion action David Norton pencil Scoring for Georgetown on i play sci 1 Mike Mailer made il JOwiih Kennedy being ihe play The goals came rom Norton lw selling him up and Bobby Morrow with Mailer being the Morrow marker Ihewmn came with I rem a wok be played Jeff ihe bulk the kirns was scry Virion kepi up his hoi pace with an excellent showing lie collected our poinls it two himseir and helped up two The other goals went fromKennedy White Morrow ircohm Morrow also hid an assisi on one of the Manager Paul said and White lust both been playing hoc key hustling THE STAFF OF Vvleadowlc EXTENDS Seasons To all our many friends CHRISTMAS SPECIAL MO for delivered DOIT Yourself Rental Carpet C lunar PROFESSIONAL Rant I ha new THE RED ONE carpet cleaning for hours use Steamex Halton Hills 18 Noble Court 8777541 Georgetown Visit our Christmas Shop arrangements for beautiful specimens from a unique gilt HOLLY BY GOLLY A live Holly plan wtilch planted outdoors In tale new Blue Ilex hardy to winter temperature degree CI Attractively packaged each decorations Poinsertias large tropical plants excellent value for home and office wreaths swags mistletoe and holly many many gift suggestions WE HAVE FIREWOOD AVAILABLE AND GIFT CERTIFICATES TOO CHRISTMAS TREES Pine Balsun Spruce up OUR CHRISTMAS TREES ARE HERE FOR YOUR INSPECTION MEADOWLANDS NURSERY LTD 7370 MISSISSAUGA ROAD 8261501 MILE NORTH OF 401 between Perry Ave