and TV games Christ SQUASH TV games popular with kids of all ages A Play tenn s handba I hockey Is Two remote controls on screen g lal ng manual sett ng of ball speed angle and paddle sze Requires AC adapter 60 3053 or 6 C cells ther Black and te 60 3056 Th full colour games de great for one or two players Feel the thrill of oil the puck on the ce Test your sk lis with handball or tenn s Automate dig scor ng sounds Two remote controls For 120VAC 60 3055 C Two or four players w II have endless fun play ng hockey squash shoot ng and mov target Four remote controls Automat ball speed and on screen d scor There are score paddle and boundary t sounds There s even a photocell p stol rifle attachment for target games res 6 C batteries or AC adapter 60 3053 Ne 60 3057 TV SCOREBOARD prov des fun f lied games of hockey s or squash for one or two players Has master control remote Automaticmanual ng Ball speed paddles ze bounce angle are adjustable Black and white Requ AA ACadapter60 Nether s ncluded 603060 Play hockey s or squash Shoot or mov target Has master land remote player units nclud ng photo p On screen d and automat manual serv ng Variable ball speed paddles bounce angle Black and wh Requ res 6 batter or AC adapter 60 3053 is included 60 3061 Fading more If cult each year top ckg fts that you can afford g fls that your Idren haven I already had Como Rad o Shack who we nvonl and prod our own novel g Its G fls you won 1 nd anywhere else Some des for tun some to leach All at pr to keep you well n yo r Chr stmas budget There a o Shack store near you wherever you are Drop n today urn al Authorised Sale Centres DEALERS See page 8 for the Radio Shack Store or Authorized Sales Centre Dealer near you