YOUR MORNING SMILE been stumped by one word for two r crossword piitzle fan told his friend How about fortnight was the helpful hint FORTY FOUR PAGES Home Newspaper of Halton Hills 1978 big paper with the I big circulation read i I first by everyone I I Reaching more than homes in I Hills J Milton site likely Womens hostel plans move ahead The need lor a hostel in temporarily shelter abused wives and their child rcn has been proven and the search Is under way to find a location for this shelter it was revealed last week meet of the board of directors of Hal tons Women Place Board chairman Terry Grubbe said The facts show a definite need in the area for abused wives to have a place to go with their dependent child in times of distress Proof of the need was found in a feasibility study done by students hired by he Hostel Steering Committee and paid for by grants from the Secretary of State and Young Canada Works Program The four month study which was released Tuesday Included with social agencies professionals as well as the public It was endorsed by Children Aid Society public health officials local social planning councils Pol ice Chief Ken and numerous area politicians 1 believe the hostel will finally reality Were aiming for an opening date in and we re very hopeful we can gel started Mrs Grubbe said Board members arc so con fident of Iheirevenlual success that are already hunting for a suitable location prefer ably somewhere central pro- RIVER RUTN SALE FALLS THROUGH Attempts salvage something from project after J DeCata went bankrupt and River Run housing development River Drive hid lobe cloned down have fuller through lay a principle second mortgage holder Murray of Garthdale Investments the company thai originally owned the River Run property said attempt sell the cotnpanv and get Bother contractor to continue tie development have not been The bank has a power of tale he said and open or bidding There however reserve bid on the properly he lowest bidder may not necessarily get it Bidding li to close In mi I January Someone will pick II up and It will continue he predicted but we won be Involved Mr would not lay how much money his firm lost through the bankruptcy around Milton and hate found one thot building torn mitteo chairman Louise terms Ideal STttf- II is a former staff residence for Manor and it is presently up for grabs because has been empty for several months Tin building contains 15 bed rooms a large kitchen facilities in ihc basement ana a huge basement room that could be used as a piny room for children It also has a separate apartment which could be used by hostel staff It super would be ideal for our needs It zoned and is close to all the necessary facilities she said It is only mile from Ihe hospital less than a mile from the court house right beside stores in the plum right next door bus stop where school buses pick up children It is also close enough to use family counselling facilities without requiring duplication of existing services While Ihc building is no up for sale only for lease Mrs said the committee was given a very worm but noncommittal reception from Ho Hon Centennial Manor ad Jack Charlton when they inspected the prem II will be leased fully furnished and requires only minor work to bring up to present building code stand This Includes Installing fire and smoke detectors and rebuilding crumbling balcnn and fire escapes The committee Is preparing a Idler to Mr Charlton for presentation to the board of directors in January stating their needs and requesting the to lease it ROUP HOME least two other groups are looklngnt it however llbcovery House wonts il ind Sheridan Youth Group ire reputed to bo the favoured prospective ten They would use us a group home for ungsicre in trouble with Jaw and in need of a shelter during rehabilitation ivpe period Ttntative plans call for a staff of about people and an annual budget of Mrs said Pro vincial and regional social vices would offer financial help once Ihc proposed hostel is operating not before Original hopes thai a C Works grant could be obtained to give up funds were dashed with recent govern men budget cuts Now group is looking to foundations and private donations for these funds HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS HUH Tint family Mayor Peter Pom his wife Judy and their contacted by The Herald asm plans lor Hie holiday season For a of J a nil and JIM will be spending at home family and the holiday plans of some of the town I Hell known people the story on page friends year A family Christmas seems to be In the cards for people 11 Photo by Taylor Huge new Acton plaza could still be built Portending what may become quite a career In aeronautic Karen Ramdohr seten Stevens Crescent shown here with her foar year old brother Irian tently made something of a dent In the history of flight with her balloon excursion far away Rhode Island Herald photo BALLOON SAILS MILES Seven year old Karen of Stevens Cres cent In Georgetown got to share some Christmas a pint last week with a family she never met who live more than 500 miles away Karen the daughter of and Ram dohr was watching George town Santa Parade Dee from the sidewalk outside Real Estate on Guelph Street when she was awarded for her ce In waiting Tor old St Nick with a pair or helium filled balloons A employee was spreading the Christmas cheer by handing out the balloons o youngsters in the vidnilv Karen later decided to free the balloons but not before she had attached a small tag bearing her name and ad dress along with an Ion whoever finds the balloons to let her know how far they got Much her delight the finder quickly complied George to Karen last week to report thai tied come across the two balloons while driving along Route 101 near North Sciluatc Rhode Island some miles from Georgetown Mr a resident of Chcparket Rhode Island said he had spoiled the bal loons lodged in a tree near the highway a lucky thing he said since North Sciluatc is predominantly a rural never seen again Mr added that his threeyear old son had a good time playing with the ball he retrieved them from Ihe tree and brought them home A quick check with the atlas and a glance at the dale on Mr letter rev that balloons had less than S hours In cross Ontario New York and probably Connect before coming rest In Rhode Island North Sciluatc Is about 15 miles west of Providence the state capital which is Itself on Rhode Island Sound an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean Providence is direct livfUl Herald staff writer A strong reprimand from one of the belter phza build in ihc country and overwhelming rcsulls of an Acton housewife amateur survey has prom pled town unci lo once again send a proposal for i million dollar shopping plain back to its planners for further si I Ion Jerry Sprackman owner of Shopping Ltd appeared as surprised us anyone councils Monday nlfht meeting when June Itnurkc lifelong Acton rest forward with the Stag organizers face charges Tw i of ore of Georgetown Vuluniecr ire fighters Assoc i ill on charily ire be Of charged violating the criminal charges have been laid against the other or members of audience in connection obscene acts which police say occurred ho ratable of Ha lion Police said Don and Bruce Lewis will be charged under the I iccncing Act because the organizers failed to ensure ihii sale of liquor at the slag wasdonewith Iheproper Constable Graham said the firefighters has assumed that because stag was held the Georgetown Golf and try Club which is a licenced premise ihe association did nil need to seek another per mil In the only way the would have been permuted sell liquor on the premises would hive been if golf and country club hud purchased Ihe liquor and the sales had proceeded through I heir cash Continued on page preliminary rcsulls of a survey she is conducting among the community shoppers hat support Mr s pro posal lo build a shopping centre on Ac Ion caster boun darj inlerviewed thus far Mrs Itourkc re ported only four have indlcat Ihey do not want such a plaza built in the community The rest oppose decision of the town phnmng board which last week reject plans for an ST acre plaza would in elude a large outlet possibly a Canadian Tire store and several small retail stores RESULTS results of Mrs survey coincide those of a professional survey being conducted this week by consultants one of whom lold council Ih it figures from the firsl day show shoppers in support of modern the proposed site just outside Ac ton and only seven opposed Mr announced thai consultants survey will continue through the week regardless of council a action Also on hand to support the plaza proposal was Acton re community of Commerce who recalled that Alton more shopping on to sup port the plaza proposal was retailer Jake Kuikcn head he community Chamber of Commerce who recalled thai Acton offered more shopping facilities years ago when he moved there from than It even though population has increased by residents since Vie need retail out lets Mr council whether a new plaa or mnr I think down limn section Ins everything to Concern over the possible economic effects the proposed pi in have upon was the chef renson behind the plan board rejection Of the plan list week The planning express doubt lhat the community both downtown core and an outlying plaza Mr however strongly critical of boards decision claiming Continued on page This Week Remembers Italy Ninety yearold Eugene Bra Ida a long lime Acton resident says he loves Canada he also loves the land of his birth Italy Mr Ilralda talks this with Herald writer Hannah and recalls his early days in with his hard working days in the Cobalt elJ High school page returns Star Wars the rage Stir Wars loys arc the rage this Christmas with locil gift buyers Swimming Rebels second Meet the coaches This week The Herald presents a new feature Meet Conches Meet the Novice Reps Charlie Hanman Page camp Fairy Lake plan concerns Acton residents Concerns expressed by Act on residenls and property over the proposed cxpans ion of ihc Acres campground on shore of Fairy Lake has prompted town planning board to request in environmental assessment from the provincial govern The wjs asked by ministry of Industry and lour ism MIT whether It had any It gal objections to the nee of a permit that will enable the campground own era lo add new campsites without sen ices in a one acre overflow area Smillwood Acres features campsites with When MIT request for comment was placed before the planning board day however councillors Roy Booth Wood and Waller all revealed they had been contacted by several Act on parlies who wish to have matter held over until ihey could determine the expansion entails Coun Booth pointed out thai the town lias no authority lo challenge the expansion from a legal standpoint and If the permit Is granted as requested he has no right to try and block expansion He speculated that matter could have been tabled pending arrived in Oclobor and minis ry officials arc likely awaiting the reply Coun Wood reported the Tannery which has a controlling inter est in Fairy Lake had contact him to query the pro posal and also wished to have the board decision delayed Booth an a to a suggested re commendation which he said will ensure the concerned part ics a chance address the proposal If board were to simply delay ill own decision he noted the MIT would likely go ahead and grant the permit notwithstanding any ihe town chooses to make object of i per mil but points out there is jrcit concern over the environmental expansion may have upon airy Lake and the The amendment re tl at the permit be issued only on condition Hint environmental assessment is conduct and that concerns of Ihc Hills i ire department are resolved Planning director informed the board thai Fire Chief Mick Holmes Ins expressed concern over availability of a reserve supply which could lap in event i fire In the One possible sol Mr Venditti said would be Ihc installation of an under collection em such as the one used Hie Toronto International of Acton oun explained his amendment would require the province lo conduct an en vironmental assessment thai otherwise would have be handled by ihe iown expense of lime nnd money Ml concerns from the public he said could be refer red to MIT and properly there The important wording Ironmental that at requires public nation Coun Booth assured board mat really I is no I do with us Vied be wast our me and if wc were to have nil delegations here It do any good Why should we go Ihc expense of doing ihe studies when we could have the ministry handle hem and have the whole prov ince rather just town pay for Councillors Ross and Harry Levy agreed that the MIT should be informed immediately of ihc town feel Any citizens or other affected parlies who still wish to the board con do so later I hey said I don I think any of these people ore really opposed to the expansion Coun Wood said They re mostly ned that there are decisions be n Ihey know nothing law-