Page THE HERALD December Alternate site sought Special lo The Herald Officials of Canlrakon Ltd arc In the process of narrowing down a list over 30 alternate slits that have been submit led since the company announced last month that another loca for the controversial con vent Ion centre would be con si tiered Among the alternate sites under consideration are six suggested by Ihc Cotcdon Ratepayers Association Six sites were submitted by letter to Housing Minister Claude Bennett who agreed in November that he would range a meeting between Can of Ida Is and rate payers who oppose the cen tre on Its present location In the letter to Mr Bennett President John described the six alternate sites all within Town of on boundaries and that he did not wish meet with Cantrakon until oil sites have been investigated The ratepayers have taken the stand that they are In favor of having the convention cen town sensitive site where fewer people would be affected officials hate not yet made any site visits but are trying to down the selection according to the des of land that hae been submitted Susan Zwickel assistant to lawyer Robert Ja rvts told the Times that about mothirds of the suggested alternate sites arc in the Cale- don area OUTSIDE Although sites outside Cate- don have also been gestcd she said Caled on is still Ihc prime area of cansidera tion because or its proximity to Toronto International Airport A major portion of the con centres visitors are expected to come cities other than Toronto Ms said that the company hopes to have the list reduced to a few of the most viable sounding sites within a week and that the CRA be contacted that time She said the company has had discussions with the ratepaers to keep I hem informed of company procedures Ms Zwickel had previously described reports I ho I the company would consider an alternate Bite as She had said that because of time and money already invested In current site at five and the second line west thai It was unlikely that the company would consider an alternative Asked if she had changed her opinion Ms said thai she would make no comment on the matter PH1LBROOK MP New pollution deadline From the Ottawa Bureau OTTAWA The federal go vernment expects new dead lines on pollution control prog rams should result in a mark improvement In Great es water quality MP Frank has learned Environment Minister Marchand the Ha Hon Lib MP in House of Commons lhat new agree ment with S concluded during a recent visit by Stale Secretary Cyrus Vance 1382 and 1983 deadlines lor Industrial and municipal control programs Wc expect make great strides In all aspects of on control In Lakes under this new agreement Marchand slated prompted by Queens Park claims that cities and states have failed enact adequate legislation control phosphorous levels suggested pressure the Americans lo take more effective action acknowledged thai 90 per of the Ian Bide of Ihe Lakes is nerved by sewage facilities while only per cent of the Americans adequate services when Ureal Lakes Walcr Quality was enact ed only five per cent of the Americans had acceptable woRDlm ho added ASP Prices tractive thru Saturday December 1978 at the Stores listed in this ad only TASTE LIKE HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS MERRY CHRISTMAS from all of us at OPEN CLOSED Mon Christmas Day Boxing Day a Brighls Fancy TOMATO JUICE 59 SAVE 30c Plus Deposit kEb1 COW Our Reg Price 15 litre returnable I bottle Our Reg Price Cut from Canada Grade A Beef Our Regular Price lb SAVE per lb BONELESS Blade Short Rib or Shoulder Pot ROASTS lb MAPLE LEAF SMOKED PICNIC STYLE READY TO EAT Pork Shoulders Let or Swift QUARTERS lb 258 SUGAR PLUM HAMS H4tvBlb 248 Wieners 128 Garlic Sausage PRIDE OF CANADA AtlORTID VARIETIES PORK Sausage Party sticks Burns Sausages 128 PRIDE OF CANADA SLAW Ok Dinner Hams Potato Salad PRIDE OF CANADA ASSORTED VARIETIES A tt0J I Cooked Meats 128 Italian Style Sausage PRIDE Of CANADA SLICED FROZEN Cooked Ham 138 Ocean Perch fillets FRUIT CAKE 599 CANADA PROVINCIAL WINTARIO TICKETS AVAILABLE AT FOOD STORES 3lb ring 1Mb piece 9 ring 899 SPECIALLY PREPARED LOAF Stuffing Bread JANE PARKER Stuffing Mix ASP WONDERFUL 111 INCH Foil Wrap Fresh Flower Wc i variety of Christmas plant for your J choice featuring such items as Chrysanthemums Mixed Pans arid many others 56 Full Selection of Fruit All Pur pole MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE FRESH FOR FLAVOUR California Fresh Tender Wo hove a full selection of fm CQj quality fruit in stores Grapes Tangerines TOOT ROLL Avocados Delicious Apple QA Orange Grapefruit inch by l roll yy Bananas Pears SAVE 8 Contain Rich Coffees INSTANT COFFEE GREAT VAIUE Dairy Fresh Pure From Concentrate Unsweetened ORANGE JUICE Sprouts 64floz bottle 99 Grapes NO GRADE CALIFORNIA LARGE Red Emperor FLORIDA THIN SKINNED Tangelos NO 1 GRADE SWEET NUTRITIOUS Carrots CANADA FANCY ONTARIO AYLMER CATSUP fl bolllo 79 Assorted Flavours Action Priced Crushed Sliced Tidbits In Syrup J DOLE POWDERS 77 PINEAPPLE up 59 Apples California Sweet Navel Oranges Sue