Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 20, 1978, p. 17

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THE HERALD December ma Page IT Dear Santa I am going be good 1 am going to do what I am told 1 would like Thumbs lina or Stretch Love Kim Page Dear Santa I have been a good girl this year At least think so Santa want dolly and her boat And toss across Or you can bring me anything you want twill leave you a cup will have a tea bag In And I will leave cookies for you Santa And sugar cubes for the reindeer And two sugar cubes for Bud Love Jennifer McCulloch Delrex Georgetown To a Dear Sonla Santa my Mommy Is writ this letter again this year since I am still loo young to write I love you Sonla and I would like lo thank you very much for your letter and all the wonderful presents you left me last year I have been a good girl most of the year and hope that you will be able lo bring me a baby and a stroller Please Santa give my love lo ail your Elves and remd I promise to leave out some cookies and milk for you and a Utile bite for your Reindeers Dear Kim It so nice lo hear youngst like yourself making such firm commitments to be good I m sure your efforts to do so will be rewarded this Christ mas All the best for he season Santa Dear Jennifer With all those great re waiting for me you can bet 1 be dropping by your house Christmas Evei very much and Rudolph thanks you too I promise to try and gel all the special presents you ve asked for Love Santa Dear Kelly Looks like I won I be going hungry this Christmas My reindeers and 1 I hank you for your love and attention and will be sure to slop by your house In Acton again this year And if you haven I already Kelly be sure to thank your Mommy for writing lo me on your behalf she does a good Job Merry Christmas Santa Dear Santa My name is Wade and I will be on Christmas I have tried to be a good boy all year For Christmas I would like a Bal mobile Robin Superman Spider Glider Punching Bag and Batman will leave you some cookies and milk on table Thank you Dear Wade I guess I should say Merry Christmas and hippy birthday to you I m happy to hear you have tried be a good boy all year I hope you like the presents I will be bringing you LoveSaniD Dear Santa My name is Bruce I am years old my mom says I have been a good boy all year I would like Good Puppy and Milky cow please Bruce Hodge Dear Bruce If you Mom says you have been a good boy this year that good enough For me II try to bring you presents you will like Mem Christmas Santa Dear Santa Clous doll All the bunches and bonkers small Maniles Microp hone snuggles with teddy The Fat Cootie lay egg pay day perfection jou very much far jour nice drawing of me I hope llki your presents as much as I our colouring To into IilIU house remote hungry hippo hair shop ihink is good I hat lan prim own letters I will bring you the presents f hope you like them Christmas To Sinn an leggo jim cootie Dear Sanla CI How ire you am fine and is mj liltk brother Thank for big yellow iruek brought last hnsimas 1 been a good boy il I would like ind candy for Christmas Say hello think lo Mrs Glaus and oil jour In I for nit I m for Sain on the lope and Yours Drive tint Peter In hear that jouve good this ynr Ihn nukes all tin both me your jouknuwl- good going to make lo gel your Ihi year wilh lots of Inys Mrs CI Sum a Dear Soma I can hardly nil Christ mai lask mommy every if today Santa comes For can I please hut Jitp mommy needs new boots My daddy needs Socks My dog Duke la drill Dam needs big bone dog Rigs needs a small one lease don I afraid of i hem don We will have cookies and milk ready Thank you Byron St Ryan Well I think 1 11 slock a whole ihis Christmas for and your mommy and and Duke and Hags And lei mi you thai ynur pus won frighten me hail god limi wilh cook- and milk during my long urney on Christmas Dear Jennifer Thank you for the nice plct you sent along with jour It was also nice of you lo ask for for your link brother David My elves and I will do our best to bring you the gifts you asked for Merry Christmas Santa Dear Santa Thank you for the Christmas presents last year This year 1 would like a game and and Mr Mouth game My sister Natalie would like a puzzle books and an organ Thank you Love Nicole and Natalie Mercer Dear Nicole and Natalie It iiulwoys nice I hear from children who appreciated gifts from the Christmas be fore m glad you both like your presents and I hope jou like this years gifts Merry Christmas Santa Dear Santa very much or our presents last year We ha tried to be very pickup our toys and clean our This year I lAndy would like the Sesame Street in the car Beth would like The Tree House with the doggie in the wee tree house Good by for now Andy and Beth Georgetown Dear Andy and Beth I glad hear you both been good children this y II is important or you to help around the house I hope you will both be happy with jour Christmas gills ihis Eve lMel v In Dear Onus I know I have nt been thai goodhutl lllrylobcgooder II you wanl lo know what I wanl for Christmas want a iter I love you And I everybody in the world Acton Dear sure you that naughty this year but I in glad lo hear you will Iry be ever better next year We will dc our best bring you a Merry Christmas Santa Dear Santa 1 am six yean old and in grade one this year I have tried to be a good girl For Christmas could I please have a Barbie van some Barb Ic dollies and a big colouring book and Good Puppy My brother David is 22 months old He would like a car to ride In for Christmas Thank you Jennifer Hope you like my picture Letters to Santa Dear 1 would like and a microscope kit and a good book about dinosaurs Heather lam Hen I her I m glad to hear you like me because like you too I hope you will like the surprises I put under your Christmas tree on Christmas Eve Just as much 1 very busy right now get ting all the toys and presents ready with help from my elves of course for Christmas Eve and my trip la homes around the world Merry Chrisl mas Dear Santa 1 am four years old I would like or a or baby this and that For my sister Adrlanc a Baby Buggy Cousin Julie will not be home In Whitby she will be over at our house so bring her toys Arc your feeling well Santa I will leave you a carrot for rcuideirs and cookies or you But do you wont white or chocolate milk I have been a good girl and sister loo she went on the potty all by herself Love Tonya Miller Windsor Georgetown Dear Tanya I am feeling very well I hank you and working hard to get ready for Christmas The reindeer arc looking forward stopping a your house on Christmas Eve for a carrot snack As Tor me I like ate milk very much but I like while milk too so cither one will taste delicious I have made a note on my list to take your cousin Julie toys lo your house I won I forget on Christmas Eve I glad to hear you and your sister have been good I hope you will like the toys I bring you on Christmas Ho Ho Hoi Merry Christmas Santa ihl old I Itii size loeVickl Sides Mary Si Vicki All I host hugs and in ike me blush I will my you a lonely Princess dull Ihis Christ mis Thank you for writing Sanla Dear Santa I old I wish would soon I mi a Women 4 am lad is Chnslmas I like I hi presents 1 gel I ox I ihcr a Christmas iihi Woman is one of my favourite TV shows sure mgetogci you Woman doll Mils Alllhcbisl Santa There arc so many things I would like to have for but know you have so many prestnislobuy would like to have so 1 have about four things I would like you to bring mi Its Doll and her Hair Dresser Set Also please a Barbie Baby sitter set and art workshop kit Maybe gami called and so sister and I can piny it Thank you so Love kisses Cindy Wallace Acton xoxoxoxoxnx Dear Cindy I as glad to hear from you and you re right 1 do have to get a lot of presents for a lot of boys and girls I hope you It be happy w presents I under your Christmas tree for you to open on Christmas morning elves and 1 are working very hard gelling everything ready for Christ mas Eve so that we can make our journey with all the toys and presents 1 have to deliver and gel back to North Pole in time open our own en is Christmas Day Merry Christmas Santa Dear Sanla My name is Julie Wallace I live in Acton with my two sinters my mom and dad I have been a good girl this year I would like you to me is a Hug A Bye Doll Diap er Hag Set Styling Salon and Nurses 1 hope you don get loo dirty coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve will leave a snack for you Don 1 work to hard and don I get sick Merry Christmas Love and Kisses Julie Dear Julie I very happy to hear you been a good girl this year 1 m looking forward to stopping a I your house on Eve drop off your and to enjoy a snack I m working very hard to get the toys and presents ready Tor Christmas Eve butt prom I wont get sick before then That would disappoint too many boys and girls and Santa doesn want do that Merry Christmas Santa Snlnrdav Please bring me a so I can listen to my records because my old one lb broken Thank you Love Steven Dear Steven Ho Ho Ho What a nice letter you sent me You reailv must like your records if you muna gcd to wear out your record player We II have see what we can do about that so check under yuur tree Christmas morning Until then keep on being a good boy and hive a happy holiday set son Love Santa Dear Santa This like to have a doll carriage and a musical Jewel box I going to help my mom to bake some Christmas cookies So you can have sonic when you come lo my house on Christmas day Love Janet Dear Janet Music seems to run in your family Your brother wants a record player and you want a jewel box I have to my elves lo find a song for the musn box for you Thanks for the cookies you offered me but don t be if only have one watch my diet with all you children leaving Ihlngs for me I gel fatter every year Merry Christmas Santa Santa My name Is Barbara Smith 1 been a good girl this year When you come to my house will give you a glass of milk and a and a carrot for each of reindeer So when you come to my house will you bring me a Bon tempi Movie Viewer Thea trc Give me a show projector Game Giant jackpot bank Kenner Bake Food hit Susy I sister house keeping kil Ironing board iron and accessories up dls pensor Holly Hobby Dish was her and sink Thank you very much Yours truly Smith RIM Georgetown Barbara What a long shopping list My elves will be busy for quite a while befon they get It done There are a lot of other boys and girls too so 1 have to see much can pack In sleigh for you Keep up the good work Remember It more days until I make visit Merry Santa Dear Santa You know what I would like for an easy bake oven a shower for rubadubdolly and Cindy I am trying to be a good girl forget a rocking horse for my brother Bruce please Your cookies and will be walling Jenny Ryan Dear Jenny I am happy hear thai you re trying be good be cause wc both know that good girts and boys get nice present from Sanla on Christ mns Day I was also happy to hear that you are going to me a little snack on Christmas Eve It very hard work delivering all those toys and presents and I always like to stop or a little rest and a snack on Christmas Eve when some nice little boy or girl leaves me a little snack Merry Christmas CANADA GRADE A FROZEN YOUNG EVISCERATED CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF Grade A Turkeys COOKED BONE IN Smoked Hams SKI Oft 5JO Rib Roastsli90 SelfBasted Turkeys 168 118 Grade A T SCHNEIDERS KENT BRAND SLICED Side Bacon CANADA EVISCERATED taoleote Has An Sell Basted T ST PACKED Breakf Sausage PR OF CANADA BONELESS LE Dinn Ham SUGARPLUM VACUUM PI Potato Salad or Cole Slaw 98 SUGARPLUM HALF BONE COOKED WETTED Smoked Hams 98 GOLDEN BY THE Polish Sausage Q Chase Sanborn Coffee 269 Green or Wax Beans or Fancy Peas 3 tins I RETURNABLE 99 Mccormick Some of Each Crackers or Party Crackers oa or ClubCrackersuo p Maple Leaf CookedwLugo H y Af a Mixed Nuts Sealtest EggNofL 79 Cheddar Cheese BONUS PACK Turns Puppy Chow Boi PURE FROM FBI Citrus Juices 99 EXTRA TABLETS HIGH LINER FROZEN Breaded whole Scallops MRS FROZEN Mince Pie Wl Royal Dinner Plates SEFFECIIVEWED SAT DEC RESERVE CHECK FOR HOURS JELLIED OR WHOLE Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce PRODUCE OF ONTARIO GROWN CANADA N01 GRADE ASSORTED FLAVORS Royal Jelly Powders Tangerines Cabbage Brown Serve Rolls 77 OFF LABEL O World Rolls REGULAR SOUR ON ON FLAVORED Potato Chips ea 5oz1 SIZE176s S J FROMBRITI5MCOLUM0IA Thawing Your Holiday Bird or your hoi bird iht In Honing fwi hour pit COLD Ttili For lug I wilh In I hi Cooking CooK In F rombritishcolumbi Red or Golden Delicious Apples BRITISH COLUMBl J CANADA EXTRA FANCY Pears 59 59 ONTARIO GROWN 89 Hulling sue 44 69 group Toronto 1GSDF In tht ONLY IM COOK to willti Box

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