YOUR HOM About the house Ceramic tile is great for giving fire place decorative new face More ever where is ix wonderful jnlidi I ring feature fur ind it help he Bui fireplace Ihc you specific Remember is created by firing in rid hoi kilns so il standi to re son hat ihis milcnil is per feci for fireptuce fuel in remember you can install on any fate smooth metal an J existing lite A row of decorated tile he fireplace opening what you need special a blue Delft type tile sampler motif for J room And think of a lion or stylized floral theme if your room is on side Lasting beauty of carpet depends on performance rating selection What would you say is the most important factor to con siller when shopping for a carpel Would you think first of in color design and rcla lion to your scheme The quality of fabic Or is cost value your main consideration of course are important ihings to keep in mind when looking for a new carpel But there more Important factor in carpet buying which will make the differ in how well your carpel maintains its decorator beauty how long quality of the fabric lasts and in the much value you will re The key good carpel buying lies in a carpel spr formance ruling mance refers the ability withstand t gives to the type of that on in pi ices such as ihe muter bedroom a formal living or dining room where duly movement rest of home Till of jcncnl ind he children bedrooms a f ily living room Color ire mime lenerjlly speaki The Id en blues THIS Billow Is an Irafic After helpful gn you don look pet You walk on gnnddirt into it and no mailer bow careful you are you ally break or spill something A carpet is a true home worker and you should give careful thought how big a job your carpet will have to perform before you decide on any purchase Shopping for a carpet with in mind can you avoid the mistake of buying lesi or more you really need which by kind of carpel you should buy according lo its intended use There ire three basic fac tors to remember according to Bigelow when ruling car pet performance what arc general trulTic areasof ily large or small and if here are children what are their ages Do you have pels Do you entertain frequently In other words how busy is your floor traffic in general Second is your at cleaning and housekeeping Answer him bee diligent clean from oulv most people the same s carpels have up with a unique new Mark of Performance rating system care will will allow you to buy bard worker carpet that suili your Third plot out needs The Mark of areas in assigns relative per Mosl entries ratings all roughest daily use ill leading ou know id walk on ill turns Here instead of jusi people and turn their feel grinding the dm down carpet ind distorting ihc pile Other heavy depend upon size ind lifestyle of yourfjmily but some examples would be ihe ureas around the table in busy dining colors hide dirt belter In solids and patterns take lead bold designs working best of ill hide dirt These arc only the of perform nice i guideline fur Ihc homeowner who wishes buy t irpel will suit the home lifestyle For infon I Vundc lion gathering arc i A guest bedroom on other hand receives only light traffic and can be carpeted with much less carpet pcrfi you cm i home for the fn The Consumer of carpels helpful tips for making and a hail th it plan lligelow DM iloi revolutionary cooking method microwave sets a trend is I is Ihmii i in pi nod of and kunuty nil illt ir built in vill ili 111 IS s lull its lull n to lm at bit tiler ml iVit up to tod HOORAY FOR THE RED WHITE AND BLUE- AND NEW A lirfjjit from tin Kohl Co pi In old wink lurch labinUs win by finish nil mil is Ind ilislmasliir lie nisi span problems A mill comblius a mill eye ttisminlniitl i isy r I imp Hon I Washing Wood Don t soak your wood kitchen In water Salad bowls and other wood utensils may warp or crack and prolonged soaking can mar the finish Label Means The label on a package of ground beef Iclls you Ihe relative percentage of lean in the ground beef Federal law mandates that ground beef or hamburger may con lain no more than per cent A WHAT limr work anil moiiry paint ihc Paint and Consumers can save with a quality paint The bargain map in Hit of a quality produii that wood It nihility performance tin iitnin National Co it expansion of wood ings Assoiiulion by Here arc some points keep in mind ncM you re selectmii pun A lop quality paint hides surface beneath il than inferior product All of ilnsi propiriiLS in ink nullity punt keep ippi inn Iiinjir in in in translates inlo lime energy and Want cut down on face preparation when you rcnamf Quality paint is less likely to peel blister or chip than its inferior competitors A top or the line point also has superior adhesion It re hard wears bitter house coated often If you i do his meiintbigsavinhMniimc fort p ilcn If you hire a paint ing the saving become even more slvc I liminitin un entire job save you thousands of doll usin labor HAPPY HOLIDAY up be family lor a traditional Clirrlma- filled with old joy and itlincj to you and your MASTER FEEDS Stewarttown rrnl irtt Tin inn has lurry blue sink should you to blui limn for of tiupalnoliLiolorsdiLiiiL id limn iminrcrtopi ground fibril to st mil is Tom Built sill md Hit of si i in iluris mil plants il Hit ilinrisof ill the ion linents ombincd filth larut bo I turned by tin lal touili the it in lamslcr it frflm Howard Gen Corpora ion Willow in is an s iicint if win pro dm Chi ippir by tht to the in tin Bin took win in still with also is ill Tying tin kitchen togither was laminated vinyl fabric wilkovmnp from the United Solo I Collection Amttirilarn It has i nil and blue dismn of flowers leasts mill hurts mi while background Tile also is in hint mi did not and new unit both iiuld Till tin TO inch spin Have a wonderful holiday season and remember us the next time you want the best In service We arc thankful for your patronage Nino Lisa Gerry Steve Gerhard Ted GS TELEVISION Plaza LIMESTONE ALL SIZES GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL BUD HAINES 3 DURHAM ST Peace on George Shirley Bergs ma Tom Schentk Georgetown Decorating 65 Main St Georgetown 8774193 TREES SPECIAL OFFER PURCHASE A FRESH CUT NO 1 CHRISTMAS TREE GET ONE HOUSEPLANT FREE FROM Nursery See our oi pine spruce and balled spruce trees for planting outside after the winter season Get 2 6 Pots FOR ONLY blooms Nursery QUEEN ST BRAMPTON Between 3rd and Line 4539011