Page T1IE HERALD Dectmber aaaga J Win McDonalds Gift Certificates I and Watclies YOUR WEEK AHEAD By Forecast Period ARIES Start a regular savings plan up Mar Apr 19 budget cm Live with Brine to your financial picture nutters ire first afctndi i imp physical fitness Witch holidays Affairs the In art brine I Harness ill tint emotion beyond bom ds Interest in i home rcnotjtinj I in 1 new furnishings keeps mint Put Iht plan is on educational matters with others nit is i a lot of Share Hum lit the week It a for rtgrouiinj fortes up and on S Background sum li fill 1 present needs hollow friends come in i i inp plans Now icquaint Ik flexible Bum fortune and opportune way Keep sour eves pekd CROSSWORD PUZZLE On horn tuck It Russian like 12 Charm wildly DOWN 1 Pool shot Plowed ISA r Prong Color of Whack Manitoba Indian Swiss city Actor Mingle lluffalo lake XI Cambodia Angkor Bakery product Judah eg Moore role Withstand Alt at suddenly Monticcllo eg qua l it fa J Is Burglars steal lottery tickets stole In cash and several tickets in i in business on Guclph Street entry Io a building on Guclph Street smashing in 18 by bay window and gamed from there to building door The removed a sifo which ton tnincd Hit ash and tickets A worn in re ported of a green c is deposit bag from her The big lined In in cheques in tools and equipment were lb well is Iht truck muffler when pickup truck was parked Queen in on weekend Thieve also broke Into a car irked In front of Queen Mm thai night and stole a cassette stereo player an estimated value of UTS I Burglars broke into a store in Acton and removed from another 90 in bills untouched A weigh scale was stolen from Acton High School lasi week No value on the missing was given A woman reported the of an track ape player from her car while it was parked the Georgetown plaza Inst week Woman appointed area superintendent The Hilton board of Ins ippointed a wonnn In of area supennl of fin for the first Moore is Ihc second woman take on a position as superintend firsl having been trustee Edna Robinson from llurlmglon Mrs Moore wis stitch from a group of men and who applied for the position Mrs Moore is a graduate of Burlington Central High School and has been employed with the Burlington hoard of education and of education since its inttption Shccirnedn Regis tend Industrial Accountants A cheerful Merry Christmas and a good New Many thanks to our patrons throughout the year Exchange Tavern 37 King Georgetown Thoughts about Christmastime By Gerry Land borough Christmastime thai magical wonderful heart warming lime of year Christmas can mean so many different things to so many different kinds of people Lifestyles have drastically over the past years people now spend Christmas in every manner Me well I prefer ihc traditional approach great of a lots of stuffing and of course rics decorations throughout Ihe house big trees In all likelihood and presents for everyone Christmas to me Is a feeling people who seem caught up in the ways of the world open their hearts Christmastime and a thai s pari of Christmas magic love freshly fallen soft white glistening from everywhere You can look through a window and it appears as hough the rest of world has gone on vacation thing the eye can see is cloaked in white it gives a look of quiet as though ihc world had slopped for a moment or two You can never think or i tempo even the way it appears lo float to the ground on those beautiful days of soft falling It the Lord s own brand of I titers Christmastime teem to go together and I must admit that unless lis a white Christmas I usually feel a little cheated Another joy of Christmastime art the wonderful Re cently there seems lo be a return to a real Christmas Iree The artificial winders have seen their day and even ecologically minded folks can i the real thing thanks to tree farms where trees are grown specifically for Christ mas Of course a real tree that wonderful frag of pine and spruce that fills the house a special kind of Christ ma smell Logs burning in the fireplace la another warm smell and feel Ing tht crackling and snap ping or the give a feeling of good cheer very few seem able a Ignore I like the smell of Christ mas dinner cooking plum pudding and sauce and all the other wonderful holiday good cry one seems to be able lo recapture a little bit of child hood at Christmastime Just took Ihc way the old folks open their gifts all anticipation of dozens and dozens of past Christmas right back childhood bubble up in the tearing of wrapping paper and the tug off of the ribbons Cries of oh you have while unsaid words of I so glad remembered me are part and parcel of thousands and thousands of llvingrooms as everyone gathers round the Christmas tree 1 like the sounds of Christ mnstimt of Crosby and White Christmas of the enrols of Jingle Hells and Deck Ihe Halls and after Ihc gifts and the feast of the special quiet of Silent Night look at my grown Christmas stockings to gel all the goodies out as quickly as possible SPECIAL PART Of course a very special part VIEWPOINT at Christmas message of lovi from the humblest of homes It pick choose and big choosing re- aSSSSt bed who grew to soils In farthest Se leave world a imoginble lav SrantaTS love for neighbour thyself of lit survived against overwhelm One Ihc blessings of table a east and log odd Such a simple I that we on loth brim Lord cose jour burdens what ever be In Ihe New feast Year and give you strength to lo love your neigh yourself seems to have a different that long ago Interpretation of love some that came seem to believe that you can slop for a moment and reflect on who enjoy a gifts under our and the war mill of our loved fortunate we are indued MI- CHRISTMAS GLEN ACTIVITY DAY 1 and Murray were In a group which was making decorations for their trees The decorations were mode of dough which was Resurfacing concerns resident A Byron Street homeowner concern over the town priori tics for road resurfacing has led council to refer his letter lo municipal staff for further consideration during budget planning next spring Mike Armstrong told council Monday night thai the own Invariably fallows guidelines set out in its Roads Need Study for the re paving or reconstruction of roads but acknowledged that final priority decision ways rests with council lie called letter from Ed Peter a valid request The Byron Street George town resident noted that coun contains several new faces as well as a new leader and Mr Peters wondered If is true squeaky wheel gels the grease when It comes to requesting road improve observing roads in the vicinity of new homes seem be gelling lop priority Ir Thtre was some talk about widening the Seventh Line from to Ash grove which is never crowded Waste Station Proposal Heard degree in and is working lownrd a Supervisory Officers She is presently chairman of ihe Finance Com of the Ontario Ion of School Business Officl ah Lavender director of said Mrs Moore who was the unanimous choice of lite committee has hid experience which ludes the preparation of the annual budget preparation of Ihc annual financial state in en is administration of board bent III plans payroll and special pro jects present there arc three her women In the position of area superintendent in Ontario children and the years slip expressed hope lhat there will back to other Christmas morn be a clear cut priority when chubby hands bang llshcd for road Improve on drums and wrestled with Cultural grants approved The of two Cultural Enrichment grants under the Department of Multiculturalism was announced list week by Ihc federal government grants arc for 800 The firs to the Italian Language Committee of Tor Italian language classes second grant went to Beth El Congregation Hebrew School for Hebrew language classes off Trafalgar in Georgetown has been placed before the planning de partment for review Solicitor Dick sub milted the proposal to the planning boird last Tuesday night on of his client who has leiscd site In question currently in residential use Mr explained lhat Mr is a director of Ltd a company thai Is concerned over the fact Ihal Million rcg Ions landfill site in George town is to be closed in the The proposal which would require amendment would see solid from north Hill in dep osited Iht Concession stition before being taken regional landfill sites elsewhere to south The would be car loan existing house on the foot long Specially built containers and a compactor the garbage as it into the Mr How Ml pointed there be advinlagc ill if the proposal proved traffic is concerned therefore not necessary but roads In this municipality are being given the run around Mr Peters com plained The disco in regard to the failure lo complete the roads from Highway lo the newly cons I rue ted Charles Drue Is surely not to the credit of this council he ad ted but it is hoped that this work along with the areas south of this work will be carried out next year It CostsSo Little To Save A Professional Colour Portrait only GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE Enjoy Cross I Skiing FOR THE FAMILY AT NORTH GOLF COUNTRY CLUB We ftove openings for curing Iannis and social mtmbarships reasonable rates New social memberships Why not enjoy the winter season this ani i shore in the fun entertainment good Mends Cross country ski rentals available of the Club liiH ft FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL THE MANAGER AT North Halton Golf Country Club i Maple Ave Trafalgar Georgetown