Pages TIIE HERALD Wednesday December Radio hack Christinas Celebration Mike Howie and Heather Uilrd grade at Georgetown Kennedy Public School painted out home made decorations they placed on the tree in their classroom for he pioneer Christmas celebrations and open house held at ifip school Thursday evening Herald photo Tree protection bylaws planned by region 11 nine pi lomprehcniicc by a thai lentils protect of a diameter from being cut ilmn or damaged solicitor Dennis Per I the committee last ly Ih ih proposed Irttiw designed as a replace mini fir tic legislation used In Ihii n County prior to 1974 wis tt on lilt draw Ixnrd unlit concerns private cm prompted lie planning o finalize lis Mr the In Im if approved by council mil provide some protect vinous kind of tress Kited ailing regionally lulled dealing in re with culling injuring than do the by the area Till solicitor pointed out enforcing nil could pose pro since ilien is no desig officer in Mr himself nil tin lime inns msi of bylaw is the ma j rhipc Mr ihii tin region si with municipal the area level to silict irbunsts or other con who could help ml rco Hit Ratepayers drop their lawsuit Herald Special The Ratepayers Associations is Police building The Georgetown of Regional will be staying in its present building for at least another year police commission decided Thursday thai the lease with Paradise Invest would be renewed for year beginning February 1979 The lease expires on January and the wording is such Inn unless the notifies the owners other wise the lease will be cons id to be renewed Mayor Harry Bar said that since the Ontario Police Commission report on the force and its long range needs and goals will not be available until mid January there point In moving the Georgetown detachment at present Mayor said it would be unwise to make any major changes In buildings or lies until the force knows where it stands In lis request lor a judicial review of housing mm Claude ordir the million Can conference pro posed for ir searpment lands north I ii n president John Mix i ml Monday i I Ihi request is a gesture of faith In considering alii for the ipproved Ihi pro iloviriheobjociions of Hit Escarpment Commission The hid planned to Ontario Supreme divisional Ilennctl lake the Alex a decision on a new sin will be in tin new has said it would her could la found winch had equally scenery mil is close rontu Inan have been led for study endorsed by ilie on condition thai planning officials will first check with llalum Conservat ion Authority for ensure that here are no Ihe area and investigate possible of policing lis Generally the bylaw would the destruction by cut ling burning or otherwise damaging of Ash Oak Pine Maple and Cherry trees measuring IB inches or less in and Birch Cedar Spruce Hem lock and Poplar inches or less in to be taken 18 Indus ground level include Ihe width bark bylaw would apply trees being cut for as Christmas trees and those al ready substantially damaged by nilufal causes including disease and Also exempted arc trees that should be cut for forest stand imp Omens who owned land where ihc tree to Ik cut is growing for at least Iwo are to eut Iree for provincnl Commission and other Oni boards Contravention of my of terms of bylaw would bring penally fine of not more than imprisonment for a Ihree Sale prices in effect tram December 26 to 30 1978 62B Guelph St Georgetown 8777001