IVlany ways to use our TRS80 Microcomputer RAM 1098- Prepared Programs which you may use with your TRS80 Standard System and LevelI or Levelll BASIC apt IN MEMORY INFORMATION SYSTEM WO The Radio Shack IN MEMORY INFORMATION SYSTEM is designed to allow you to create save retrieve modify and sort any typo of data Data can be made up of any characters or letters numbers special characters or any keys on the keyboard Data can consist of names salaries stock numbers or any other types of information you wish to use This system comes on three tapes The three programs 1 The INITIALIZATION program that allows you to specify the nature of your data After the computer has been told whatyourdata will be you can enter the data and then save It on a cassette tape 2 or numeric order Adatatapeiarsadlnbythaprogram sorted and then the sorted data may be transferred on to a new cassette tape The UPDATE RETRIEVAL program which after loading a data tape into memory you to look at delete change or add to your data After the changes are made you can store the modified data on a now tape DATA FILES A data tile can best be described through the following analogy Consider a company which has two seta of tiling cabinets The first sot contains personnel Information andthosecondsatcontainalnventorylnformatlon Each set of filing cabinets has several drawers in it Each drawer contains many folders- with Information consisting of llnesof Each folder has a unique label on It which allows you to find a specific folder of Information without looking Into each folder In our computer memory system a filing cabinets Is called a file In our case we are concerned with an inven file end a personnel file The drawers are analogous to our cassette tepee One or more tapes will be needed tostoretheinventoryorperaonnetfile Justoa each drawer contains lowers our tapes contain records Each folder has a unique label so it can be found easily Likewise each record has a label called a key which enables the computer to quickly find the record Within each folder are pieces of paper with nines of Information Each computer record consists of severs data fieida These fields are where actual data to stored Can bo used with Level I or BASIC EDITOR ASSEMBLER The Editor Assembler Is a RAM resident toxt editor and assembler for the Microcomputer System Tno Editor the ease of use required by the novice while providing capabilities powerful enough tor the expert LEVEL BASIC to capable of directly loading the Editor Assembler cassette tape LEVEL I BASIC must readIn the Editor Assembler using SYSTEM tape Included The text editing features the Editor Assembler facilitate themanlputetlon of alphanumeric text files The most common use of the editing capability is In the creation and maintenance of assembly language source programs Theassemblerponionofthe Editor Assembler feci I Its tea the translation of symbolic language source programs into machine executable code This object code may then be executed with the SYSTEM tape tor LEVEL I BASIC or directly with SYSTEM command LEVEL BASIC Previous knowledge ol machine language and the number system Is a pre requisite for the operation of this program MtCROCHESS was originally conceived as a program which would play a reasonably good game Of chess using a minimum of computer hardware This version the program is written in the machine language and is designed to make optimum use the features of the TRS80 microcomputer length and to display the chess board on a video monitor displays a graphic depiction the chess board on your screen The computer men will always appear at the top of the display Your jppear shown at the bottom The right hand side the screen Is used for communications between you and the computer Microchesa will display its moves at the lop of the acraen You enter your moves at the bottom The current setting of the Intelligence level Is always displayed In the middle of this screen ansa Microchess to a tireless opponent always ready f bli game or a stow thoughtful one to ready at any time to assist you in learning to play chess or help you practise your chess skills Can be used with Level I BASIC TRSW p