More merchant involvement urged by local BIA executive members Wednesday JanurySl The Georgetown Business Improvement Area would like the merchants In the to become more invol ved in the decisions made by the board IS mm cations co ordinator Betty said last week Mrs Monchamp owner of the Lingerie Boutique in the Old Bank building said the new board of management is looking for more active in the decision making process from the merchants in the BIA The new board includes chairman Lynn Barnard of Pennies worth treasurer Bill Crawford of Union Gas secre tary and Main Street improve ment coordinator Monty Hyde promotions coordinal or Bob or Furniture and communlcat Ions coordinator Betty Monc Mrs Monchamp says board is going to make some changes In the way in which the BIA operates among them getting the merchants more Involved The first step toward that goal will be more between the board and the members The board will be sending out regular newsletters and Informal ion sheets meetings and providing members wilts minutes of the meetings MARKETING SURVEYS Other possibilities for the include marketing and seminars on such topics as advertising best use or floor space and attractive window displays Mrs Mon champ said We have make the mem realize they are Ihe Mrs said Unless we start working together we re not going get anywhere The building of another plaza in Georgetown can be the advantage of downtown area she said bee it will encourage people lo do more of their shopping in Georgetown The downlown area has certain advantages which we have to make people aware or she added For example smaller stores and businesses frequently offer belter service We can I sit back and wail for things to happen Mrs Monchamp said The sis has be on establishing communications and encoura people to get involved and provide the board with ideas or constructive critic The board of management operating without ideas from members is like driving to another town without knowing where you re going she said have know what people want The next board meet is on February to discuss ihe budget and any mere with ideas or make should contact any she so id The more people we have molted the more we can accomplish Mrs Monchamp said Regional headquarters is found to be defective Two months after regional employees and moved into their brand new million headquarters on Highway in Oakville structural defects remain thai ore posing problems with widely varying temperatures celling leaks and that don I flush Chief administrative officer Ernie Rcld the architect who designed the sprawling lime green headquarters as a per replacement for Hal Ions third floor home in a Burlington office building has prepared an extensive lisl of minor defects in the new lure thai were led unattended by general The architect as a result has recommended ihat the region should withhold of Ihe contractors payment until Ihe problems are rectlf led Approximately of that figure would represent cost of materials ordered but never delivered particularly windows for the spacious amphitheatre like council chamber where some council and could be seen last week huddled in their Allen honored The Ha Hon board of Hon observed a moment of silence at beginning of Its regular meeting Thursday in memory of the late Allen principal of Robert Lit tie Public School in Acton and Speyside Public School who passed away a wees ago The moment of silence lowed a glowing tribute by Ron Cousins president of the Hat ton Public School Principals Association and principal of Public School Mr Cousins desert bed Mr Allen as a warm gentle caring man a practicing Christian a dedicated father and husband an Involved and a fine principal The Ha I ton educational community has greatly bene fitted from these qualities Mr Cousins said He added that Mr Allen was direct open and determined with high expectations Tor himself and for others His life has been a tcsli to the Christian com and to the educational community Mr Cousins said The Difference A Ntu York traffic I nee marked that en hale and wnm but tittle sense of riht and left coats droits and gene rally cold temperatures Region workers have lempo- installed a different kind of glass along with some plywood panelling until proper windows ordered a year ago finally arrive Wilh out permanent caulking how ever drafts persist Councillors were also peering into clutter of ventilation pipes and suspend lighting above them during last weeks council meeting pointing and commenting Ihcir colleagues water leaks descending from the ceil Mr explained a portion of ceiling has not been completed Regional employees were complaining earlier in the week when effect of outside cold air settling on the build special heat sensor shut down interior ventilation fans The inside rose EM degrees Fahrenheit ing one staff member reading A cor device Is be led to control the ventilation apertures at a cost of NO SOONER had employees begun to gel used to the heal however than temperatures dropped to a reported prompting a public heal nurse in building warn thai the loss or another two degrees would necessitate a day off for alt workers in the building according to law Cold temperatures outside meanwhile ruptured a fire sprinkler fixlure in the build basement and partial flooding was the resull While boilers were switched off until the problem could be resolved a custodian m adjus ltd the wrong valve and the build was without running water ToilUs could not be flushed DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN PRICE GROUP OF LADIES DRESSES SWEATERS HOUSE COATS LOUNGEVIEAR BETTY MONCHAMP Discount Prices on Food Household Goods at Food Clearance Acton Mews Acton Home Furnishing Store a SALE PRICES YOU HAVE TO SEE TO BEUEVE 3998 suites SEALY Box Spring Mattress Sets only Discontinued covers NOW AT GREAT SAVING LIBERTY S PC DINETTES Reg 3M to Now to 399 SEALY SOFA BEDS Now 9 One only MAHOGANY DINING SUITE Mfg Sag Ret Sale 3300 Price SEALY TWIN BEDS headboard Complete with Now box spring- mattress 49 FREE DELIVERY Househol 95 Main St S DOWNTOWN ALL SALES FINAL GEORGETOWN Ladies Pants 12 Ladies Orig to 50 Ski Jackets 29 Mens Orig to 45 Parkas Mens Orig to 30 Dress Pants Mens Sweaters 7 Mens Socks 99 Boys GWG Jeans Kiddies to Snowsuits 14 Young Mens Department Wrangler GWG CORDUROY SILVERS