Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 31, 1979, p. 39

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4 VI HERALD Wednesday I Childhood struggles should be considered LEGION CAR WINNER Carman Copland was the winner a brand new car from Andrew Murray Motors in Che Georgetown Legion a car draw Friday evening Since Mr Copland had already porch a ted a new car about three weeks ago however be decided to hand over to his son Ron Mr Copland is shown here receiving the keys to he car from Doris Chamberlain chairman of the car club On Mr Copland labia ion Ron lnlheback row lelt to right are Legion president Harold Joe cochairman of the car club and Andrew Murray owner or Andrew Murray Motors Herald pholo Wall to wall people for Legions draw By Gerry Herald columnist The International Year of the Child if ever a weary v needed lo stop pause and reflect for a moment on child hood and the struggles of adolescence II is ours The differences geography brings childhood arc stark and compelling Though our children certainly have tages in health and education and in the wealth of knowledge that Is available to ihem they are handicapped In other areas Wc give with one hand and take back twice as much with the other Our society is torn moment with social upheave children ore ping pong balls of divorce they ore victims of systems undergoing fun change they be came the discard of a The intellectual couple no onger look upon child rearing as a necessary or even desire- able funlion Children are against iheir demands Unwanted pregnancies hold no Last Friday evening in our auditorium there were wall wall people nil enjoying the night activities talking to fnends getting caught up in Ihc as there were Fewer and fewer names left to be called out for the car Refreshments and a buffet were part of the car club package and It was a success evening Many who will agree are winners of prizes ranging from o the beautiful 1973 Oldsmobilc tlass a comfortable V8 automatic and paw equipped purchased from Andy Murray Motors of Georgetown Our grand win was Carmen Copland and wc congratulate you on your good luck Carmen Winner of the WOO was Fred Dickenson MOO M MOO was Ted Patrick Mid 174 EnglcbydK Walson4l9 Rami chan 377 Doris Chamberlain seller of winn winners are 211 Ron Apple- yard Julie Harlow Kirk Hcmngton Norm Long Albert Clarke Ed 327 Don Sargent J Louth 147 Doris Clarke An exceptionally good night all round Doris wishes to again thank all who have helped her over the post seve ral years and particularly Joe who has been a big help Dave Bell was In charge of the games Friday evening and thanks all fellows who helped him With their help and cooperation evening was a great success We must not forget the kitchen crew who on an excellent meal for all club members Thanks to all of you who also helped on Ihc door selling tickets on bar etc Over space of time that Dons has been look car club she has raised many thousands of doll for Branch 120 and wc arc Legion Lines By Roma very grateful her for her limeandcffort To answer the question do we do with money ALL profile go back into the community Bob Burns is now our new Cor Club chairman and It Is hoped that he will get the co operation and help that he needs for this undertaking as it is a very big job Doris will be round help Bob unlit he gets organized ROBBIE BURNS A week ago in Alton Robbie Burns night was celebrated by a good crowd at Alton Branch and 2 of our pipers were asked to participate They did and were well received by head table and other guests Pipers doing honours Piping in the were Burns Doug Weir and we thank them for their participation in I his special evening Last Saturday In Erin the same gentleman was being honoured by guests in attendance at Erin Legion and piping In the haggis for thai occasion were George Grelg Charlie Thompson and drum Don A couple of weeks ago Auxiliary girls bowling in and our was on first shift Unfortunate ly I never heard who the winning teams were until this past Saturday Port Credit Auxilary were first ladies from Cooksville were 2nd and our A team from George town with Jean Flo Audrey Weir Jan Bradley and Jean Foster were Ihird Nice going girls This is for and it is wins out three q determine a winner I here will be another bowling date plus an her It necessary Last Thursday evening was our first meeting of the new year and was very poorly attended Jusl members saw fit support their take an active interest in branch That either means you have great faith in your executive or you don I care one way or the other Which is There were just a handful of chairmen out read their reports so other than one topic that was rather lengthy II was a short Our branch Is big business and it lakes ALL of to it remains the great organisation it is Get your information first hand not through Ihe grapevine Another discussion of intcrcsl will be on agenda In February and like see a good number of out as it you and yours We welcome as members following names Hazel Dumper LA Pres Graeme Nell Walsh Neil Music Mayor Pete Don Pipe Band Varian Contract OTTAWA Varian les Lid of Halloa Hills has signed a 725 federal to provide defence department with electron tub es and focus coils the depart of supply and services has announced It was among led contracts worth or more were awarded by the department o Canadians during the week ended Dec value or the of life they become merely to be aborted and discarded In a green plastic bag as any other waste He rationalize he of children and wc tradeoff and the tradeoff becomes whal In II for against ma I en a 1 1st ic values Each year around Christ mastime the horror of bare ribs and gaunt staring faces flash into our unwelcome intruders These multitudes of starving children reach out to us touching a depth within our souls thai adult humans never tried The Irony becomes the plea for starving bodies against the starving emotions of children in a society that does not want Here in Canada in a land that believes hat a bicycle Is the right of every child that a home without a television is deprived that a needs and wants ore one and same our children loo are starving However we see no flashes of lonely children who seemingly have everything yel emotionally have nothing Holy Cross honors pastor On Sunday Jan the parishioners of Holy Cross Church honored their Pastor Father Rev on his forielh anniversary of the priesthood The afternoon started a Mass of the Angels sung in Latin by Senior Choir concelebrated this Mass with Father Justin Father Mosscau and The various societies of the parish directed by Jim Lang on skits of This is Your Life with commentary by Gene Adams skits there was a slide presentation of various aspects of Fathers life from boyhood until the present His Excellency Bishop Paul Redding Falher Louis Superior capuchins Mystery visitor Father Mc Carrall Rev Barrow and Mrs Borrow Mr Mrs Shcrk and Mr and Mrs Dominichelll honoured Devenl with presence congratulations The parishioners gave Devenl a new organ for the Church which will bring many generations of Georgetown families musical pleasure The CWL The K of a camera the Prayer Group a beautiful ban ntr depleting his 40 ytars of priesthood Holy Cross Par Assoc a gift certificate SI Francis of school children a beautiful scrolled spiritual bouquet printed by Grade two teacher Miss Vcrmier and the Red Cross a pen and pencil sel plus a thermometer It fresh ills nth he highlight being 1 ike decorated wiih bells a big red and various doves rose baked by Mrs Hill roads Provincial and regional thorities will change Iheir mind about rearranging Nor road layout and direct additional traffic through the village once Hills council explains Ihe proposal a shortcomings and offers alter natives according to Mayor Pete Pomeroy With the mayor on hand as their guest speaker mem of the Norval Community Association expressed con at a meeting Thursday night over plans unveiled last year for the upgrading of Regional Road Winston Churchill Boulevard and the possible construction of a new highway through the village Both proposals ore aimed at accommodating additional traffic emanating from a new access overleaf to be built on NO SENSE It makes no sense directing the extra traffic through Nor val Mayor assured his neighbors The Winston Churchill is really intended for Mlssissauga fie I don t think it s really justified as far as Hal ion Hills is concerned The mayor suggested that Phillips Planning and Engl necring Ltd the Burlington consulting firm which come up with the proposals including one for a possible new bridge over the Credit river have vested interests in the plans and may thus be too about the projects impact upon the village Wc gave our children an abundance of material wealth yet we took away Individual responsibility We organized every aspect of their lives nursery school skating lessons ballet lessons singing music etc organized sport Yet when pamper offspring reach adolescence wc throw our hands into the air and claim we did it all what went wrong CHILDREN S RIGHTS The rights of children as pawns in a game as the emotional ping pong balls of bitter parents in divorce settle ments has been a concern for many years of Barbara Chls holm Ms Chlsholm is a child welfare consultant and past project director of the Canad lan Council on Children and Youth Wc will see significant changes In our child welfare laws wjth the introduction or Bill 114 which is expected to into effect In the begin of April said Ms Chis li will now be possible for a judge to halt a hearing to a lawyer to act on behalf of child in a proble children lire being recognised as persons with certain rights she said Along with recognition of rights will come certain responsibilities and ions Perhaps it will be that in the recognition of these rights and in responsibilities that will accompany them North American parents will be able to shed some of guilt Ihal they have accepted for their offspring In taking responsibility from we a have accepted an enormous burden of gull for inability to function in a totally productive An increase in juvenile del inquency appears logo hand in hand with economic crunch and the fact so many mothers arc forced to return full lime work force Dehquents come from alt social back grounds but they all seem to one common denominal or a feeling of worthlcssnessj and a desire to strike back GIVE KNOWLEDGE We have given our children more knowledge at any other lima in history but the knowledge comes without wi dom our children look away the important thing striving for goal Every thing was made so easy thai perhaps we have given them as a generation Ihc hardest childhood of all In the Year of Child we can look at lives of our own children those around this globe with a closer ihan ever before we can use as an We can leant from of Your children are not your children They arc sons of longing for itself They come through you but no from you And though they are with you yet they belong not to you To view our children as persons is us Ms puis it the first significant step first step in defining responsibility theirsandours

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