Town likely to reopen walkway to resolve neighbourhood dispute THE HERALD WetincwUr February 14 IRI Page Herald writer A neighborhood property dispute in the Summit Lane- Mountainvlew Road area of Georgetown baa resulted In a recommendation to town that would see a ten foot wide casement reopened for public use as a walkway Members of the town gen oral committee conceded Mon day night that a previous council inadvertently made a mistake by leasing a 10- loot by 200foot easement between Summit Lane and Mountain view Road to Summit Lane homeowner Klaus Hentschel and thus cutting off a much used access walkway from several a but tins neighbors The committee recommend as a result that council should revoke the lease so that the easement again becomes public walkway Halt on Hills three fence viewers will be summoned to the site if the recommendation is accepted nexl week to determine the best location for a new fence that will define the limits of the walkway REVOKE LEAS Mr told the com that his lease on the casement acquired soon after he settled on Summit Lane in 1975 has brought constant problems in Ihe form of tres passers and vandals Traffic across his properly both cstrian and vehicular in Builder may drop region HQ suit The threat of legal action being taken against regional council over Its ion to withhold payment on the construction of the new headquarters until arc corrected appears to have been titled Chief admin is Ira live officer Ernie Re id told The Herald following last Wednesday council meeting that the who supervised the construction of million headquarters on Highway in Newtown Construct seems to be agreeable toward council intention to withhold 000 of Its bill for project Council voted Wednesday to concur with the ion of its administration and finance committee and with hold with respect to work held up due to late delivery of glazed for the council chamber and cover some minor Busy guards may get increase The town general commit lee has recommended that school crossing guards who arc stationed at busier local ions In town should receive an extra a month effective next September If the recommendation Is accepted next by council crossing guards at stations where more than one school is being serviced and those whose work requires addition hours on the job will receive remuneration amounting to per month Guards whose stations req less than standard service however would be paid less lowering their wages to a month COMMITTEE REPORT lna report to the committee clerk Ken Rich explained that stand service Is considered to be two and a half hours a day for which guards receive a month He noted though that four stations in two serve more than one school so that the guards stationed there must extra half hour a day In addition as the result of the extra schools served a minimum of professional development days require vice over the normal station Mr Richardson said There is also one station which received the same ion however no service is required during the noon per In making its ion to council the committee agreed that guards currently employed by the town should receive no reduction in pay Any guards to be newly hired for work next September at the lower service stations how ever would be paid only a month Coun Mike Armstrong exp ressed concern action that might make council ap pear to be acting as union representatives for the cross ing guards IISEF They serve a very useful purpose he acknowledged I belieic they re paid loo much but I think It adequate Sure it matter of protecting our children but I don t think we should be getting into the business of organizing them Coun Marilyn Scrjeantson agreed that the guard duties do not represent a full time job but pointed out that they are a full time commitment that leaves little time in the day for other activities Mr Richardson noted that there has never been an dance of applicants for the crossing guards posts and recalled that recently the town was forced to hire Halton regional policemen to act as crossing guards at some local Ions because three were no stand by gourds available Structural deficiencies remai from work Having already been paid approximately New town be paid the balance upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of council and project architectural firm Shore Til be and Pet The various deficiencies some of which have caused temperature and plumbing problems that recently hamp ered daily business of the regional headquarters were Identified during an inspection lour of Ihe building by council members Mr of the deficiencies will be corrected during the next few weeks but noted that several problems outside he building must wail for warmer temper this spring work can be undertaken Newtown had to the region previously threatening legal unless for the project was released company contended thai the cost of rectifying the deflc iencles was not reflected by the 5 figure suggested for withholding by the architects or figure set by the creased last year when Focal Properties Ltd around its nearby land promp ting even more local residents to seek alternative routes through the neighborhood he Despite the erection and re pairing of fences along his property line Mr Hentschel complained pedestrians and continued to use the easement and damage pro perty After an lotion with one neighbor whose children he believed to be among Ihe tresspassers Mr said he found out ihe hard way that grass Isn I always greener on the other side of the fence The ho tuner explained that his family simply wants privacy and appealed to the to fence the case ment off If it is really intended lo be a public walkway REGULAR Marly Hughes of Crescent informed com mittee that the casement has been regularly used by res dents of the neighborhood as an access route to the Silver Creek ravine and Mountain view Road even since the homes were built in Summit Lane he recall was a popular ski slope prior its development in recent years Mr Hughes explained that one side of the walkway was delineated several ago when several Cres cent neighbors erected fences behind homes His own home he said featured a garden gale that connected he walkway a foot by 10- fool strip of land which he purchased specifically so his family could have access to walkway I suggest you that ell should revoke Mr Hen Is lease so we can all return to being friendly neighborhood we once were Mr Hughes said Mr Hughes words were echoed by Cres neighbor Lynn Gillies who told committee that her own properly is fenced off Pedestrians cross her pro frequently she but have yel create any El- STRONGLY I think council has made a mil lake but not through any fault of Its own Coun Harry Levy commented Bather than penalize one party or the other for we made though I think this council should stand up and promise lo provide a public access to both Mount a in view and Ihe Marilyn agreed adding a request that the town report Investigate the need for and feasibility of installing posts at each end of the walkway to block access to snowmobiles and raotocycles Walter suggest that the town may not be obliged to finance the fencing of the walkway and that the of towns fence viewers who are called upon to arbitrate occasional boundary and fencing pules may be a needless plication There no question about Mayor Pete said Council made a mUtak because of Insufficient information but this lakes care of all the concerns including those of Mr who said he just looking for privacy BUSINESS CARD USED FOR HOME ACCESS A man gained access to a home In Georgetown by showing business card to of the who were at home atone February II The man presented a business card to the who let nun enter the house He walked around the house asking questions and took measurements at the rear of house then left In a blue mouth duster The man was a negro about 5 10 In height aged approximately and had a thin build with black wavy length hair He was wearing a green top coat brown pant and a brown suede shoes Police are continuing their Inveitigalion MENS WEAR Serving the people of this area far yean SHOP IN THE HOME For your custom draperies duality fabrics Window shades carpets Residential Commercial Professional Installations LIQUIDATION OF DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES living room suites odd chain occasional tables lamps pictures minors kitchen dinettes box springs and mattresses wall units love seats cedar chests dining room suites sofa beds recliner chairs many more items too numerous to mention This is a forge selection of all discontinued and must he sold to make room for new stock THESE ITEMS REDUCED MORE FROM OUR PREVIOUS SALE NO PHONE ORDERS All SA1ES FINAL FREE DELIVERY Gougeon Household Furnishing Main St S DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN Sweaters Orig to 3000 799 1499 Dress Shirts Orig to 2300 1499 Sports Shirts Orig to Pants Orig to 3200 1799 Socks DRESS OR SPORT 99 Outerwear 1 A Price