Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 14, 1979, p. 9

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Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Glen Williams meeting page 14 Parking problems pondered page 13 SECOND SECTION PEOPLEh Steamer was towns reluctant mayor It wound upas Georgetown for Ihc in spin of himself because he I he job I intend lo run fur nmors Job hi I l ill I iu Oil firsl in in I in insli if Hi hi- rani I ll id Inc Mr Ik didn his num i i lull it ll mini id ilu I l Mi Mm I Mr I il in lllllll tilth tbit mi in like irtviu Id hid Ml 1 iliudedU Till id i ml M Ml 1 mnurs n s ltd nil irf r is I t In I idvict thai be should qui l iht i was lhal his I iniih i is urn is i is hi if Ii in iiulvt lisusf rmi hi Mis III l I llflklW I I ink I hi sin kniw li is 1 it I I been If din s si iblish tm p iddnit inn Mil Si arid Sandra prat tier washing the floor In the practical life jrea of the School In Nor si The designed give the ihunce practice activities they In life airraid photo I Taylor Norval school gets new owners ioritwior Herald staff writer The lesson School In has changed ownership new owners Clirc and Alma Rtepma preparing now for upcoming semester in Sep I ember Mr and Mrs pure Ihe school from Alan and Audrey Shine who have opera led the Monlessori School in Georgetown area since 1974 The school was located in the Road Baptist Church but or ihe past three years has been In its present location in ihe former Public School Mr said he and his wife have been inleres Icdineducatwn and his wife is in fad former teacher They have been Interested in the Monlessori leaching method for some lime two daughters attend Monies school Mrs is currently studying at the lessor Institute and will be graduating with an A I a certificate which qualifies her to leach at a school for students aged to BRAMPTON SCHOOL The Monlessori school in is open students aged to and if parents want their children to continue past level in a Monlessori school Mr and Mrs Shine own a school In Brampton which is equivalent to grade six level in a conventional school There are schools in existence which will to the equivalent of a high school level but then are none located in this area The Shines decided sell the school because they thought the school would bene fit fn being operated by someone who lived in Ihe Mr Riepma said Mi his wife are preparing now fur fall registration and their lenuro is owners of school will begin with lhal The concept of urn was originated by Dr Mr ma said Shi was a docior of medicine had nothing to do until she developed her ihcorus of from her observations of children Monlessori observed needs and patiims in children cert things hey In late Mr She developed her approach from her and I In make the children fit her theories is some educators done hi said The Jim of the school is to help ihe children do it Ives Mrs said Children be dent arccunnus and motivated to find out lilt Children art mnilvatcd and school to direct and stimulate ion she added We help the children learn for themselves and interaction with The learning environment at school is made up of a integral anas Mr said includes the lift whtre the ihild works with items found in praclicil life situations sensorial where the child senses an refined I aria the child language skills are en and the culiuril which includes music art drama history geography science and he naiurnl environment school is centred on development of child his own pace not based on knowledge being Mien to the child from leach Mr liupmi said ll is on child s own disco vines mil the job of icachir known in schools is to stimulate the child desin in learn and direct his ifforis Thi materials in school in used to the children ilizc abstract concepts manipulation of the materials Concepts such a ljrjt and small an leir nil with pieces of wood in a of sues and matching h piece of wood By matching up the pieces of wood with the proper sued hole thi child learns cone of sue and dimension Mrs said The school has children registered now Mr said and Ihey are taking regis I rations for next semester ntw Levels from to will Ik offered children and iht level of instruction will be on tht child ability mil what live hi she his it bed intend to work closely with the Slants Mr Ritpma snd If a child is ready for the day school his parents may want to send him the school in Brampton We believe in quilily ion materials and quality kids Mrs said The environment of the school ha In be a quality environment and maler have to be quality miter for the child to use them well Parents who would like to register their child in the School or who have questions can call Mr and Mrs at 8776751 in during his vc is m in r bin tin Moore Park mil ilu sub il had released the land IJ65 rot nine to git land to sun hi pi id liii but run ibii In inuns population i IS per cent per his mim is lit pulls a couple prove his point about nol taking Ihe position too i r 17 i mi I is Iht sirtH md Ibis older ii up ind sotkid mi in the nose be Thin hi stirled in nine nit fir the of rind Id known ill my lift but I I know ihout bis ro id Whin I found when Inert I mi rod Ik w is in tin it is Hill bt should Inn iht se not mi Steamer I 1 in M spent I is rowuik up in rjii and here in iduh but I until II ih il hi decided in get his iitiinsiup pipers Mis his ihildhood is of his own invention When f until lived on e if ill rs from Alutls hi used visn them rtgularlv nt morning he went over before left for high thiol will with bill tils turd him hi w is mil wlni his name is Mr Did him Mi s w Mr tlioughi it is for a kid 1 fin hi illtd him mth it linn in I lain Tug But How laughs In rittuilv sunt fellow I was lalkmj to on the phone I remtmber so snd so one Ii smI I si mi me outside my own i ills me don it s mi ihii Mr was one of Hit riginal numbers of 1 1 1 1 It Mil i or d his great idmiration fur io vnuncsiers was lis friend from lutrvtirs lOrdnnAlcmi his rrnie Mr mirs n win tin men behind The earlier mptiiinrs The Mirror Mirror w is established in iht end of tht in hi of Mr rn n and ran less thin sis m nibs r in it off a Mrs s back kitchen id he mathint broke down hi chuckles Then none of id moncv to fix il so to Rive up si- must ii- when decided papers motto was Sec in Hie mirror and i tit irmitnusi as many local in inch issue is was the editor did cartoons Mi lmmersiin did any Hunt thai ntedtd doing the darndest things he chuckles and we didn think suits Acini IK one fellow did threat en sue us one lime because wt used him in so we done for a few weeks Tht thing we knew he wanted lo know why we were ignoring him It Just shows how serious he was Mr Fmmcrsonhisa music was responsible for org miring towns ship supers many ago He sine vvilh them until he stiriid inio politics and no I They soon trouble for their meet mjs practise the rent it tdirvale loo ex the group moved in Bnmpton Its the didn t used to mind when I was voung be jokes I didn I know what a danger playing Then I started gelling nervous and it got worse and worse so I gave up Mr was also the first president of the Historical Society I hough again he says he won be default v liwm He jokes about how good he was at spoil inj talent know all the things Ralph can do musically Well I had him in a minstrel show soon after he You know the fellow the emcee ibrnws siones out to and supply the straight parts in the joke Now can I spot Mr leaches music at Georgetown and District High School and provides music for ihi Georgetown Little Theatre Mr I fi numerous turns and hid i reputation lhal kept iht calls coming in for his intMHHSGMIS When the group was forming he itiended the meeting and was isked to chair it I didn I want to but when I looked around it was obvious that 1 figured if tiny had all the wirk of started thev needed someone to say yts so could go on So I agreed When it came elect a president went all the way around the table and everyone declined in turn By it got to me there was no one else If I said no then d have had to start all over II seemed a pretty little thing to do when the rest of them had done all work Mr is also on member of Rotary Club and nt of its charter members Mr is known in the sports community because of his hockey career as a He also played tndust rial hockey and baseball in later even wrote a bit a sports column In The Now that politics is behind him how does a man find a Job equal that of I got the job as deputy shernl as joke he laughs When I was quitting some fellows pointed out to me thai ihcshcmf Andy Prank was quilting and there was going to be room for a new deputy I ignored it first when they suggested 1 should apply for It Then eventually I did apply and I got It He has been at it now for vein Lot levy bylaw being revised Clare and Alma Riepma are tee new owners of Mont School In and Mrs will brcome the director of Ike tenon la September Herald photo One of the things we want to emphasize is that the child rcn when they re in the room feel lot of joy Mrs said They enjoy what they re doing They look forward to in and they hate to leave MAPLE SYRUP TIME Jim of Region Conner vation staff tap from the bucket on a maple tree I no a collecting bucket so that youngsters from Hornby CoOp Nursery School can see what sap looks like how tastes before It ll boiled down In an Into maple syrup saw the various methods of collecting sap and making svrup from pioneer limes modern methods when last I Herald photo by Maggie Hannah A bylaw has been forwarded to town council by the general committee implementing revisions in the town schedule of lot levies payable by developers and builders in accordance with increases registered during by the Construction Index According to town treasurer Ray King the Index as it pertains to Ontario rose nearly per cent between Jan 1978 and Jan 15 1979 The municipal bylaw approved by council In 1B7G to control lot levies requires an annual review of the lot levy schedule to reflect Index increases As a result of the revisions lot levies lor single family semi detached and duplex dwellings containing one or two units will be in creased to 512 per unit Triplex double duplex and dwellings as well townhouscs will require lot levies per unit A lot levy will be charged for apartment buildings of three stories or less on a per unit basis while senior citizens housing of the same height will require in lot levies per unit The own will charge per unit or apartment buildings of more than three stories and for senior residences of more than three stories

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