Tilt HERALD Wednesday March Page Tracing geneological roots among most popular hobbies SPRING MEANS MUD COOKIES Tanya and her friends Christopher and Anita halt making mud rookies as opposed mud pie Sunday The warmer we ot means the mud season will here In full force with of muddy children and muddy cats and dogs Herald photo Herald staff writer the third most popular hobby in North Amer ica surpassed only by stamp and coin collecting according to the Historical Society guest speaker Brian Gilchrist a University of Tor onto student Mr Gilchrist told the group he began researching his own family at the age of ten and is still working on it years later Besides the usual places to research material like lam liy bibles church records and cemeteries he reminded his audience to be innovative and check out related sources such as newspapers published in the area at the time in question and local histories or talk to old residents of the area He noted that mas ions from Europe saw whole communities uproot them selves and move to Canada in search of better stances Many of these settlers petitioned the King for land when they arrived and some of these petitions contain a Spring cleanup uncovers electronic bra Gem Land borough Herald columnist Spring spring glorious spring and even though It appears quite the contrary spring is truly on the way Of course spring fever is always the for my annual nook and crannte clean up I attack the bookshelves during this once a year under taking and review piles and piles of clippings booklets that in an endless collection of miscellaneous knowledge gal 1 always manage to come across scads and scads of trivia that somehow triggered my imagination and ended up in a drawer or box or file for who knows what future refer From this vast supply this and that come the following I made a list from one five some are fact some are fantasy Now you be the live and sort out the fact from the fiction and at the end of the column 1 give he answ As wonderful as Canada is 1 Canadians their arc many people who know little or her existence a land or ice snow and Are the following Quotes fact or fiction Canada I it would be in the mountains Or Canada I don known what street Can you believe that as laleas the seventeenth century Shakespeare s time that sophisticated and Intellectual people philosophers royalty ate bits of preserved hum an flesh believing it to be very powerful medicine and curt air From my collection of gravestones Here lies my wife please let her life She it peaceand so am I Mouth Almighty and Teeth cording Stranger Ircd lightly over this wonder For if he opens his moulh jour a by thunder Remember Friends as You Pass By As you are now once so was I As I am now so you shall be Prepare in tire to follow me chalked underneath was To follow you I be If I only knew which way you ELECTRONIC BRA A new electronic bra is available that lights up to tell the weirer the safest time to avoid green for go and red for danger This ordinary looking frilly bra has a built in mini computer and heat sensors that computes body heat and then flashes the appropriate information Scientists predict that a deadly earthquake will lake before the end of this century that will destroy San rancisco and Los Angeles possibly dump the whole of California into the ocean Now for the answers The quotes art correct The first was from Manly Monroe and the second from none other than Capone The human flesh that was gobbled up at an rate was from Egyptian mum mics In fact the demand or was so great that led grotesque frauds Mummy factories sprang up all over Egypt where dishonest men used any dead body they could gel their greedy little hands on They filled the body up with a type of asphalt material and then the bodies wire bound and placed in the sun The heat of the sun and the arid Egyptian atmosphere produced a close enough replica these poor souls would turn up as mumm In apothecary jars of Europe All true each and every Fact again the bra was developed by Mr John Burke director of Tenovus Institute in Cardiff Wales It is described as the most natural method of birth control ever developed 5 Trueagain show that San Francisco is in a constant state of minor shakes in and 1906 earth quakes destroyed the city Geo have traced maj or quakes about every fifty years Statistics indicate that a major earthquake should have in the area by at the latest Because it did not scientists fear that even great tensions and pressures are now up and the result will be a quake of never before Yet no one leaves the danger zone so much for mans faith in science or till week believe it wcalh of Information They are available in Toronto or Ottawa He warned researchers not to accept one source as since all births baptisms marriages and deaths were recorded by human beings and are therefore subject to human errors Take whatever informal ion is available as accurate until it is proven otherwise but don stop took ing for more information he He also warned those looking for family information to be aware of the phonetic spelling used by assessors in former times and sited Kennedys as an example often misspelled by English assessors Most of them were Irish Roman Cath otic school supporters but the English assessors in the name as Canada because of their accent he said Another example of a source of different spelling of names occurs in the Secord family from Niagara peninsula who have relatives in another part of province who bear the name Secor The different spelling apparently stemmed from a disagreement over father will and one portion of the family moved away in anger and changed the spelling or name to end their identification with the first portion of the family How widespread this sort of prac Use was no one knows but it can be overlooked in an attempt to track down tors who should be in a certain area at a certain time but Just don appear to be Mr Gilchrist said that checking government files on when various portions of the country were opened for ment can also pinpoint when ancestors arrived in certain If a county I surveyed until the 1B40S and roads didn go Into it until the its unlikely the ancestor who was supposed lo have settled there in the really was there then unless he was an Indian or was taking a break from his wife and kids for a while he joked He said that large families not only named later children after deceased earlier dren they often gave them the same second name such as Thomas John and William Gilchrist said that while are busy digging into their pasts they should not be overlooking future genera Record everything you can about yourself he advised because future generations won have records to draw on that we The use of numbers and computers will make census reports of no value to future and records will need be kept by families and made available to others through families if familly records are to continue as we know them he said Families an so mobile today that future generations wont have a hope of tracking their movements he said and sited an example he knows of a family who have three each born on a different He also pointed out the difficulties that will exist for future generations when it comes untangling docu signed Ms since no one will know if the lady was married single or married and retained her maiden Mr Gilchrist said that the earliest Ontario census avail able for public use If 1851 while Quebec goes back to with odd records available to the mid The first can census dates from 1790 while those in England and Scotland start in mi Irish records are only available from 1901 fire In a main record centre in the 1920s destroyed most of the earlier documents Mr Gilchrist urged the group to give serious thought to establishing some sort of archives for Hal ton cither on a local level or as part of a cooperative effort for the whole county He said that while Hal ion does have a museum a I Mi Hon records and artifacts are not being proper ly prelected in it He warned that the Ontario Archives has the power to take over a community records in order to preserve them but if resi dents want their records lo remain in the community ihey would do well to lake action REXWAY HOUSE FIRE A fire of unknown origin caused damage at a home on Rex way Boulevard Thursday The house has empty during the day fire prevention officer Larry Brassard aid and when one of the residents came home for lunch was sounding and the house was full of smoke The fire was located in an upstairs bedroom in the house and fire department has not yet established the cause of the DO YOU REALLY THINK FIRE CANT HAPPEN TO YOU THIS FRIENDLY REMINDER IS FROM YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT WINTER BREAK HOME SALE TENA Gorgeous country ran Chiron acre fantastic open view front back All brick construction car garage roc room Priced right at Open House Sat Mar Line about milts north Preston Store Glen Williams Follow the signs Call Kronen lor details ALICE CHANGE OF LIFESTYLE on your Maybe you would lor you to inspect I one at other at fOO both near Georgetown Please call lor details Just ask r Alice JOIN ME IN A Summer Can you hear the tinkle icecubes the laughter of the children thespiaihol blue water You won want lo leave course a gorgeous home goes with this pool Call Flo lor details BARB YOU THOUGHT about but found ices loo high I have tiled two The gently railing land otters several hilltop home sites and the tree lined Irontage offers privacy Best of all Is the price Call me lor ails CLARA COME MAKE A SMART START with me when you kept storey home loads space separate living and dining room Ig eat In kitchen plus bedrooms picture all this at on big treed lot asking lust Let show you the figures easy home ownership Please call Clara Brandt ALEX LET ME INTRODUCE to this Fully starter or rement home silting i over acre lot on the the Credit River at Terra Call me lor lull details Alex PEGGY extra rooms lor growing lamily me show you the homo mat could all space problems Reduced to attractive home features bedrooms baths family room with fireplace as well as a room All this and more right Here Georgetown showing call Peggy today location right 0 No highway Georgetown Owner sell lease or build to you Excellent parklng and good walk In business For more call jfronch doors to living I and Lets have a lool Call WILL BE AT OUR EW MODEL HOME I Cleave holm Or oft St every weekend or If you prefer call lor personal In anytime This home is attractive all brick maintenance free has double and will be ready for occupancy within ana month Good broad loom and cupboard selection can be yours II Call Ellen Hogg HERB VAL JUNE MARG MILLIE MURRAY IRENE DON UST LOVE the homey feeling I get when I visit home The shag and warm rosewood panelling in the living room and the separate dining room Invite visitors to sit down for a friendly chat As well the bright kitchen and newly decorated bedrooms make dream starter home love to show you Just Sue Hamilton AVE NEVER HAD A BETTER SELECTION of acreage or building lots liable than right now early spring building starts We have plans as as a builder labia who will discuss with your home Come In or ferbSpltier lor more information COME WITH ME TO SEE this brand new home you will be delighted I it Is a with a devastating view You must sac it Call Val YOU WOULD LIKE ID be closer to the big city llghls and would like a prestigious horn set among stately trees let me Introduce you a showpiece In either lor sale PREPARED FOR SUMMER FUN in the pool In your very secluded ick yard There s a tram the targe ighi kitchen J bedrooms attractive rec room A good buy Call IF YOU ARE TROUB E finding hat home why have own built this a and frees lUSt north great buy at only 900 Call Mil Adams WE ARE to oiler this bedroom homo lor salel with ideal localloi Acton Truly well kept with lovely throughout Has excellent basement and walkout open House March Mm at tl Acton Watch lor the signs Your Host Murray Smith EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS HOME is right ram the den and family oom through the living ind dining areas up to the spacious bedrooms plcaiuro to show so lei be your guide call In Palcrson CROWDS and il you like country atmosphere thirty acres with paved roads and winding trails through the It oh paved road with homo set up high on the hill Over sq of finished Swedish styletf chalet plus 7 000 semiL All only Also FRESH COUNTRY UK Take your or a drive this Sunday i to t J to the country a real family Featuring 3 large huge kitchen Mom room with lireplace and walkout te iatio and lasement workshop or Oad Call me fori Hostess Oiga SHOULDNT YOU RtALlY BE TALKING TO US JOHNSON CARNEY fe REALTOR