Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 6, 1979, p. 1

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5 I tS8 J Home Newspaper of Halton Hills The big paper with the J big circulation raid tint Reich mom than 13650 homes in g Hitrs I Wont go to OMB Council rejects Croatian Centre appeal Herald staff Despite that the concerns of neighbors would be resolved warnings thai Hills ma find itself with reputation for opposing progress town council has reaffirmed Us month old decision preventing the development of Croatian Custody as a social and behalf of the to Croatian families residing in A plea Hills failed to change council a mind Monday night the application which would see a ICO site on Winston Churchill Boulevard just south of developed with elaborate swimming public meeting facilities IttJtCTIOWOTr Council voted 5 to reject application by Metro area Croitian Camdians after the matter was reopened for consideration at the request of the custody Reverend Guhc Rest home conversion is OK for school Although advised of his right to appeal councils decision before the Ontario Municipal Hoard Colic insured council that he his colleagues will not do so commenting that he consider it to fight ilic added lint the ipphcants will continue to hold open air social activities it the site including four ijor picnics phnned for the sum months All who wish lo itlcnd the events will I welcome he said The ipphcmts ma isk council to r their jiroposal nest ye Council s decision night came after lengthj over I istditch pro con appeals presented by four speakers The ippeals a petition irnong landowners in the ire i tilt custody i reitentmn of the concerns sh other landowners who oppose the project an imp plea by farmer Peter who urged council lo luii in open mind stop ding in the of in Us I He Councillors illr rje voled lo id mm ised Hi pi ins could Ih minis HUMID Ml Mill IIS of inemb iiiiUuliiiLtnintilliirsMiki illbv lid Km Wood tin pus irge too often w on its decisions is turned the centre rnajoril of council members igrecd with Coun lAvy tin the town must stolid its decision the rLZonmj were councillors levy Wilier George Wood Me Donald Miller mil Minljn Those in favor of the project KIDS GET HIS GOAT in be Mill ed bj I 1 i Children of Maple fast week where thr were a Including the Rent who dot Making the acquaintance of try School visited Bronte rrrk Provincial Park bte to make friends wllh many different in t seem to mind being the centre of attention the left to right Billy Mark and Greg Dobbin while Jason Is new friend Herald photo by Itnda shirid I In Inucur one of the conditions of appro council will nil i its wind Hum plmwisartul under consider fun wis hopping on Saturday is II illon Hills resident swirmed lo Summerfesl activities the lown school The Herald tokos photo look the fun Page 1 1 Lawy ers wrap up arguments as Superior Glove hearing ends AMANDA Olympic winner Georgetown s Humphreys won a gold the Centennial Pork Sunday won her gold in 100 metres swimming event It ins 1 great present for Amanda who turned 19 years old yesterday Pages Athlete finalists Kris Barber Ian Clark and Kevin Parker ore the three finalists for the Hat ton Hills Athlete of the Year Award The winner will receive the Royal Bank Trophy at a dinner to be- held St George Hall on June Page and ami Hie mm result ills i minding who i pi Hun f the Jim I Minimis present p irkt The residents spokisitnn liilph I letcher I on two strong Kncchle Only thai the the Metro Toronto ire win forced tot from their mil since themselves in is id working paving The mdividu lis who pur the in IJ77 he lined hue been hosting open picnics in volung i irictv of ind on two MIC special sh difitrcnl interpret itlons of the it ist workers it Superior Glut in is sum llieir ises before the trio li Relations last in Toronto The which employs workers is embroil in i bid by the Union of United Hour Cereal Drink and Workers Union members siys the re lawyer ham Phelps argued tint the lajoffs occurred for business reasons alone He said that none of those laid off were known by nun igement to he the they were newly lured employe only with I he company few weeks IMIHllTDItlVF According to union rcprestn lower John the company laidoff workers at the pi to inhibit the union organizing drive He said the had been aware of the economic factors they caused the for some lime He asked why id decided suddenly on layoffs one dny the company now they found out union Hie before the first I look place he slid He illeged lint either phut I rank tig had found out about the union before he says he pi in the 1 ijoffs or he planned the layoffs I heel Mr Phelps said Mr Geng wns worried tint rather thin scire them aw would pei pie mil join Dm would hiv i ir MPP Reed tells rally stop nuclear plant plnvn finished lint of work Mr said Ihcre is no question it Ihen is strong inn union feeling the part of Ihe The company hid icknowledgeel inti union preference during the The it of the I office door dis members in ihe pirn initnled by Mr Mr Phelps sild it Mr had made a point of spt iking to hi lie lined lo numbers linn in his office bee he w Ihcm louuderstindhis fin mail posilion mil keep than from geltmjt their hopes the though to work on the rest limit it miinicipi ippiov il would Iiiik is hi it 1 1 POLICE SEARCH FOR HIT AND RUN DRIVER Police are for a j 1907 or jmh Hodge which is involvtd in a hit and run on Street near Saturday Georgetown in reported th it while he is on Sire I jusl e of Sinclair i vehicle him ind cunlinued west it a high rale of speed The victim suffered bruises and to his left inn mid lei and a possible fracture to his leg By Herald editor Hilton Hills Julian Reed added his voice to the thousands raised in protest across the province this week end against the phnned nuclear power plant near Ontario Mr Reed spoke to close to protesters gathered in front of Queen s Park demons trating against the planned Darlington plant while at the same lime over 1 protesters gathered the site of the yet to be constructed plant CAUTIOUS Mr Reed delivered a ious speech in which he did not call for the wholesale of nuclear power as many or the protesters would have liked but he did coll for the end of construction at Darlington Mr Reed was one of many speakers to address the meet ing including New Democrat ic Party energy critic Evelyn Mr Reed said in his ItfrH My reasons or considering Darlington may be different than yours but as far back as year said Darlington was an and three months ago on radio after hydro brought its revised forecast I said that the ing to Hydros schedule was the end of the century HAS In a statement thai him from most of the s Mr said In the past our party has stated that while nuclear power has a role to play in the energy mosaic of Ontario it should never be allowed to become Ontario s destiny But in i comment warmly received by the crowd Mr Reed said The problem of permanent storage of irradial fuel and radioactive waste has not been resolved and the issue of the safety of nuclear engines is under review by a select committee of this legislature The issue of warm water discharge from nuclear plants into our Greit Lakes system also prompts deep concern Until these matters are resolved nuclear power will not get a clean bill of health We hove accepted it as a part of Ihe energy picture but on two I off employees since their evidence referred to employees still working plant Mr slid need only be one of the or laving off for il unfair practise So even if hid not been for union ictivities 1 one com pen situ should still be given to employees he said ruling is expected from the I in proximilclv two weeks the UNION GAS tin the drive it the pi ml it Joe left Jim and Keith Thompson In front of the Union Gas on Mnn Street In Georgetown on Monday The men are members of he Hamilton local of the Oil and Workers International and Monday was their turn loslDge a long walkout at part of a of rniallng strikes whlh the union hopes will bring back to bargaining table The has been without a contract Dec Jl See story on page three Herald

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