Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 12, 1979, p. 4

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Home Newspape of Hills Tilt I September A Division Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South 1 j Ontario 1111 1 1- ItuiM- Second Mill is not needed For decades that scenic sleepy hamlet we know fondly as Glen Williams seems to have en close proximity to the slow but sure urban of neighboring Georgetown with a minimum of friction and only an occasional newspaper In recent years the Glen headlines have been largely devoted to its highly successful Canada Day celebrations but this in particular there is news of the hamlet which many of its resident consider ominous and unwanted Accompany the public debut of town Secondary Plan for Glen Williams last week was a proposal which if approved by Council could see the hamlet population boosted by 200 new residents The of the situation must have been obvious to those in at tendance at last week planning meeting no sooner had the Secondary Plan been described as a municipal planning device aimed at preserving the Glens hamlet nature than a Spokesman for Chateau Development Ltd rose to the firm new baby a unit large lot subdivision com with town water the developer would pay to pipe in There is no question that Chateau principals local residents AI Pilutti and Phil Carney among them have come up with an enticing offer for town council For the right to sell their homes and lots at an average price of 000 each the firm is to install septic tanks so that Georgetown s sewage plant will not be further taxed and to pay for the extension of Georgetown water supply to the subdivision generating water bill revenue which on a much smaller scale could help Glen residents get the partys over So long to the cast and crew of Never Trust an Honest Thief its been fun It s been a little over a month since the film crew rolled into town and it safe to say for many Georgetown residents it a month that will be long remembered Few could complain about the way the film crew have conducted themselves during their stay in Georgetown Almost all of the inconveniences that resulted because of the movie were pleasant ones like the days Main was shutdown for the July parade or the sight of American bunting and flags hung throughout the down town core When they rolled into town someone in the film crew said he hoped their stay would create a festival in the town They did that and more so it will be with more than a little regret that as we goodbye the partys over Already Honest Thief filming locally has brought the town plenty of good publicity both on television and through newspaper coverage of the event Who knows how much more good publicity is in store for the town once the film opens Its a safe bet that at least a few people will pop through Georgetown to take a peck at the locations once the movie hits the theatres At the same as we compliment the makers of Honest Thief the people of Georgetown should give a collective pat on the back for begin the perfect hosts to the filmmakers For absolutely no capital output the town of lialton would reap a year in property taxes and extra in one shot lot levies for the development The children expected to find homes in the proposed sub division would fill out enrollment at the Glen Williams public school enabling the Board of Education to justify the con of a general purpose room for students and perhaps even keep the school open unlike itseven smaller counterpart in With proposals like this planning board its work cut out for it The question as we see it is whether or not to approve a development which would greatly alter the physical and aesthetic character of a community much loved for its small size and scenic vistas but would at the same time contribute substantially to the municipality ever emptying coffer It should be of no little concern that Chateau s proposed site is among the surrounding hilltops overlooking the Credit Valley Would be residents of the site will be thrilled Hikers and other nature lovers will not Critics may well advise us to take a hike but we llgladlyjoin the nature lovers and recommend the aesthetic over the functional in this case Planning board and council have come a long way in their efforts lo revitalize essential growth in Hills taking advantage of the current term and to some extent the new mayoralty administration to at least pry some development proposals off the drawing boards where they d been gathering dust Quick scans of the town development situation are now possible thanks to the planning department s monthly reports on the status of various proposals And lately the southern Ontario universe we call home seems to be unfolding as it should Georgetown in particular will witness substantial growth during the next few months with the McNally apartment buildings underway downtown the River Run revived above the Glen and Marports home subdivision ready for finahzation behind the Deirex market Still the proposal are pending and perhaps our elected representatives will properly remain cautious about accepting new development several far reaching questions are answered about them If one looks closely enough for example there are tny wires of red tape con necting virtually every develop ment proposal in town to the subdivision planned by Focal Properties Ltd The fate of that development remains un decided Nevertheless we feel there is sufficient room to relax and let a couple of offers go by in the interest of preserving our lifestyle Glen Williams residents more than of whom recently signed a petition questioning the Secondary Plan s population forecasts which they see as being too high have made it clear that they live in the Glen because they want to be residents of a small community We re not suggesting that Chateau Belairs proposal will create traffic jams on Glen Main Street or overcrowd the communitys attractive shops churches and halls to the point where the older residents cant squeeze in But like Mayor Pete noted last week when the proposal was unveiled before a gallery of wide eyed Glen residents the development of 61 homes could open the door Leave the door to Glen Williams closed and let sleepy hamlets he Senate blissfully ignored but role may be changing Hit two decide Hie soealled Covne iffnr the Senate Ins plodded ilonu in relative silence rubber st imping f legistalion with only gentle rumble mil bun blissfully it by in public Then In bun itc in the last few yi irs wht Sin He bus opinted without the benefit if my spectators including members of the press Although it h is to ipprovi ill kg station from the dieted Commons it lsginer illy issiimul with good re ison that such Well may be to When the new Pirh Oct the stud old Senate will tike on lieu lustre It will once igain become spiel itor sport no a rubber inip midline for the Commons knows might even bring down the No one can remember when hire li is been such anticipation about a It could be it fun ilh the 1 iRnlelominited lint Us Upper not only led by i hi opposition but wh eh In h iven I been rte ministers in Ihe Sen for mi re 111 in ye irs some new ippoitit minis Ibesr three count ml fellow Const rv itivis to them if 1 iberUs IIESIKU HI HI MI Willi Smalt Hit nil prerogjhvc of prime ministers it thai in recent history thin I is hi unrelenting building of I iberilsiicnglhinlhi imbt r of these lis ire Mill bit bond previous sessions in whleh m t blip ition to offer silent stif port of iheir government Not more I hey now goon Ihe and them in the ihimbcr will be Minister Minister mil tht tallest Urge of ill Minister Robert lie who is shunted by Prime Minister CI the voters of More linn few thirds ire reidy to mi busy djily question ptriod in the Sen m people forget it exists will suddenly take on new lilt The three ministers will hive for their rnment without my time limits these d lily sessn ns could in Hun events The libenl tlomin ited tin reject Commons legist i lion sending it for revi ion ind I rust r pi r kgislilu i rim iN 1 No one is quite sure wh il going to Hive spokesmen prune minister they expect responsible cooper ilion from the spike men including irty If r are still thinking about I would eirtimlv to em with the Senile ind discuss this with them s in the I il le nut long if He s ml he doubled whether imp on the fuel thil the formulited by elected park but in Hie art of if tin blocked Die of then tin Sen He might be on the di imlxrof second lit it i lime to talk ir I len without rejecting bills the Senile will be to delay them mdefimlily the force of conversation Without my tune limits with weekly lb seldom fo beyond i of hi it s not difficult to in U opposition could unless the constitution Is over ind the current Senate is the prime minister won t Im i itive majori in Upper Mouse Since St ire not forced to retire until ire likely to ike leavi when they an lookinj to so much dm Ontario oil war continues as new minister joins battle Queens Park Park Tin Oil Wirs continue The ippoinlment of Robert Welch energy minister here is being it in some circles as desire by Premier Willi mi to i strongman in the over energy policy Meanwhile rink Miller to with a speech entitled Who Gels Tin imdian Pitrodollar winch is more than i little provocatm in thil eity tin premier himself a speech in the demand ne Canada not subjected to oil prices dictated by fureiLn iniiSask to continue subsidize through lew roil price the rist us is cheerfully burn up their Till re issue here is on much firmer ground is what the West dots with its new found Miller made the point we II in Calgary Cutting through the doll not constitution liwyers ire re writing our fetlir tl svstem These money flows ire quickly destroying the lulhority of our fetleril to pursue its historic responsibilities These were to use its powers to services across Cinadi and lo pursue economic goals MUCH Vet ivery doll mere in the price of a barrel of oil removes from the in economy As i result the oils of shirt economic nition idcquitt employment growth without rapid mil or the Hist win tin r world price or the Iiltirismiicheifjeri1edby ink before the reinvestment question And it is solving lint Ontario should is hi not futile opposition lo solum 1 lint Hut it We ir altar to world price for our oil iur more close lo Chicago gate price thai wont reach world levels until have no choice We import per cent of our oil now ind tint I likely reich per cent within six years Until we achieve oil self sufficiency and iven with luck won I happen than IMS we are subject world forces including price it is to new method of re investing the weillhi be put in under strong feeltnl leidership Miller noted Ihal when made the first massive price boost in doubled to 10 and These may not be Hie ratios for the future but they ire a good incisure of whit is likely to happen without wise remielmcnl he Too true The money has to come back into economy not remain deadended in in Alberta f hank account All the disaj reenicnts ithe HERALD MICHAEL Hoetc Phone s History I rom our files MIS Willi ird full sponsored by i Si held It II w s l rm i get for the n Pipe Hand afternoon ns ill ell kipt the tits wire displayed In ladies by i lid it n lair even snui 1 mils hip hired tnt is with Inf St pi yal in tagion Ihe town is lot or in World War lliil rms would ivf n priority my v ii ill The 1 Ihit em f Hi posit Hie uilion wi s in fact thorny meeting i it ige lurm in on Si I made In front page of Herald W MOM Ml MIS Council finally to mov minion lis Main Street taeitun to a siti m i new to be developed at the corner of irles and Streets move had been discussed rmittenlly for cars since tht mere is in on Highway Seven mule il difficult functions like services it Ihe present mun site St s United Inkling as well is School isses i port building constructed by Construction on their Hold South ind Avenue loc The building is bulled together so i i rived I e pern Tin and Glen the wtik il lion jointly by the Georgetown of ihe exhibits were up in I store in tin Centre mil opened tit public noon o J dally tours were ible to classes during the morning hours exhibition is lo involve ihe loeol school children too Developments m in Harry innounccd north of youngsters entering an on Hie Induslnes Provide Workand We in Georgetown I- IK lIlSTIUnsWMU MIS destroyed tht ind attached lies office the I umber Company on iter Street iy mnriunj including in worth of stock The is discovered it e i r control for ne four hours iltrictmt crowd to witch the firefighters Windows ir liked with the hi it it both the idjacml in Tin siore tin Georgetown mmission the street 1 lining debris lit on the roof an liri building i new blaze Veteran firefighter ill llydi hid to hi t ikm lo Georgetown Inn i deep cut ovir his eye stitched up iftir he is trapped between ifilmgiibinil ind iw ill which collapsed in Ihe office The Online Fire Marsh ill office poked Ihrough the rubble Monday and Tuesday looking for Ihe cause of Hie blaze Montreal all star centre Jem Eh live in w is the m lin itlractionnt dinner Mouthy night to the Hoy I an legion sfmnsored 1 I Elockev Hill if lle Other special giiesis il the d nner in the Branch hall wen Dob Goldh im in Itev link founder rdon mayor son MP Hud Whiliug Jim Snow Hill of director Armstrong and liion president EJusttr Council the building msfiector issue building permit for an and W drive m on Street even though wiren hippy with pi ins councillors noted it they wire disippomtcd sec i string of car lols f signs and drive in rants is Ihey entered town but since the lot is properly zoned for such i business Ihey I the permit licences beiime mandatory on Seplimbir 15 for the first time Mr and Mrs of It 1 corf down wedding on Sept Harriet cckbrilct her J with a family parly at the hornet flier ion Hit 1 AH AGO Council asked Ontario Supreme Court to mike a ruling on whether the Ontario Municipal Board J in ongoing dispute with Ontario Hydro concerning construe of a corridor Hills pin of the to Bradley In Mike Doughs and movie crew were Georf clown Main shoot scenes from Running last Monday This the second movie filmed in the town In a nip and luck decision last week regional council decided give Acton and Mtlton flouridated water Catholic Separate School Board approved first twoyear teachers contract last week giving Its an per cent Increase in each year negotiations had been going on for three months

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